Chapter 34

When we make it back. My dad was gonna pick us up, he forgot so we waited for an hour at the airport to be picked up.

When we get in the car though I notice a ring on Kailani and my Dad's finger...

"Wait did y'all get married?! Without your son being there? I thought you loved me!" I say absolutely pissed.

"That's how I felt when you missed the Superbowl with me! It was on a whim anyway, we didn't have a party or anything." He replied.

"Okay fine, but you're making wings for the NBA finals next week." I reply.

"Only if you buy the Diet Joke. Also why do y'all smell like alcohol?"

"We had whiskey on the plane. It's an Australian airline so it was perfectly legal."

"Lemme guess y'all drank the whole time."

"Once a day, and it was mostly just wine."

"That's fair I guess."

"How was Australia?" Kailani asked.

"It was great! I think I wanna move there some day. Maybe retire in Australia." Freedom replied to her.

"What did y'all do?"

"Drank alcohol, visited the beach, visited the koalas, went on a safari, fought an emu, I wrestled 3 crocodiles, went to a concert, avoided getting shot 3 times within 5 minutes, visited the beach again, watched movies, sat in the jacuzzi, and ate a ton of rabbit."

"Wait y'all almost got shot!?" My dad said concerned.

"We witnessed two bank robberies, and all 3 triplets pointed a gun at our heads at some point within those 5 minutes." I reply.

"Hey you owe me alligator fries and scar makeup." Freedom reminded me.

"How about next Monday, not this upcoming one."

"That's fair."

We did more chatting on the way home. This was a very eventful week. Next week Freedom has to go to college.

My dad drops her off and then we go home.

To Kailani's.

"WAIT! You moved us here?" I ask my dad.

"Kailani's house is already paid for and she has 3 bedrooms, do you wanna keep paying 1000 a month on rent or what?" He replied.

"Do I have to unpack?"

"And put together your bed."


I forgot that Kailani owned her house...

Oh well I guess it won't be that bad.

I text Freedom.

"My dad moved us into Kailani's house." I send her. I still didn't go inside yet.

It's farther from work by one whole minute. It's whatever, it's closer to Freedom's school I guess.

I go in and DANG it's boujee.

"What? Did you work at a big company for the money to get a house like this?" I ask Kailani. She doesn't talk much and I never asked, all I knew is that she doesn't work and owns her house and that she's 45 and from Hawaii.

"My parents owned a couple restaurants and were rolling in 7k a month, y'know Hawaii is expensive so we needed about 3.5k a month to live. One day around 2000, a few years before I was born, my parents invested in Amazeon 3k, they had full faith that they would make bank like this. 17 years later, they became multimillionaires. Swimming in 2 million (cuz taxes), and then they sold their businesses, and invested 3k into Space Z, when they landed on Mars, they gained another 2 million after taxes. Then, when I was 12 in middle school, we moved to Tokyo. They bought their Million dollar 3-bedroom, 2 Bath house in Tokyo right here (my dad's actually a Japanese citizen, his grandpa was Japanese so he was able to buy land before it became part of the U.S.) My mom was knocking on 52, and my dad was already 62. They asked me to become their caregiver when I graduated highschool since they were both either near or in their 60s. I was their caregiver til I was 40. Now I'm sitting on 2 million dollars, I never had any family, never dated before your dad. I never told him that I had the money til we got married either, sorry that was long but I felt it was kinda bad to not tell you, I never made it a secret that I was rich, I just don't like to talk much and I was swept up in the romance of it all. Life is short! Also, yeah you can live here, but you gotta work, and don't ask for money, kay Denshi? You can stay for as long as you want but you gotta do those two things. If you don't work, at least make your own money." Kailani definitely spilt the tea.

"That's very interesting, you didn't get paid for caregiving, but after you got rewarded. Also that's fine! The fact that I get to bathe in a jacuzzi everyday and play pool and watch movies in a home theatre is enough for me XD." I say.

"Alright, so why don't we eat!" I didn't notice my dad cooking during that story, he made grilled cheeses. Hell yeah!

After that I had to fix my room. I didn't go to sleep til like 12 am...