Chapter 35

Working is kinda cringe.

Dvonte before work came up to me and said, "Yo man, invest into this one company that is gonna blow up! It's called Zhaelonistahn Electric. They are making some of the highest quality solar panels in existence and are working on powering all of Africa, soon they're gonna be huge."

"How much per share?" I ask.

"Like 10 per share, they're a new company but they're expanding like crazy, invest like 300 into them and we could get a nice return in a few years. They're the daughter company to Zhaelonistahn Glass." Dvonte does a TON of research before he invests and he's made a fair chunk of change. I don't have to pay rent anymore, so why the hell not?

I invest into that company he told me about.

Then, my franchisee came in, this is maybe the third time I've ever seen him.

"Hey guys guess what? I won the lottery, so I'm giving yall all my shares to the company and crap, and I'm selling my franchise to the manager if he wants it because I'm rich as HELL now WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I won the mega millions, even with the taxes I have now 20X the money that I had with my 50 franchises WOOOOOOOH!" The franchisee was hella drunk, this guy owned like 50 franchises, he was already really rich, but I guess the mega millions made him filthy rich.

"How much for the franchise?" I ask him.

"800 K." He says.

"Bro I'm broke."

"Well I'm selling to the highest bidder I guess."


I'm already planning on getting rich off of stocks anyway.

Just out of spite I invested an extra 700 bucks in shares.

When I get home I chill in the jacuzzi because I'm bored and I get my own bathroom.

I didn't notice this but there's a tv in this room. Living in the Tokyo outskirts is just nice. Prices tanking due to the decline of the population is sad though. I lived through that. Seeing the streets empty, it's not that bad anymore though.

This isn't even the master bath man.

It was a little hard to get used to living in this house, at least this ain't that large. The rooms are small, but man this place is boujee.

I get out the bathroom all dressed and all that and I see my Dad and Kailani all packed.

"We're going on our honeymoon. We'll be back the day of the NBA finals. You can bring your friends, don't go into our room, you know the drill. Y'all can eat whatever's in the fridge too that's fine." Kailani automatically just became leagues more casual with me. I think she's talked to me more in the past two days than in the past 5 months I've known her.

I automatically invite Freedom over.

"Hey babe, how's school? Want to come over?" I ask her.

"Sure. School's very cringe. I got queasy in physiology." She replied.

While I wait for her to drive here, I check the basement. There's a gym, I guess that's what the third room is used for. Didn't think it'd be down here though. It's very nice. She got it MADE here.

Then Freedom gets here...