Chapter 37

Sorry watchers for the cringe filler yesterday. I don't know if y'all mind at all or not. I only know y'all are there. Eh whatever, y'all are gonna watch anyway. Man I'm nuts, whatever.

Today is the first day of the NBA finals. Our team didn't make it so we're going for Phoenix over Detroit.

"Man we get to watch the series in the big screen!" Freedom is very giddy about this, I dunno why, she's an OKC fan and they've been just okay ever since a certain guy that's name starts with JAMES and has a HARD ENd left them.

My dad made wings which was pretty sick. Curry just like last time.

"I missed your curry wings dad!" I told him.

"You missed em during the Superbowl HA!" My dad's still salty about me watching it elsewhere and not with him even though it wasn't under my control.

The first game ended 120-118 Phoenix win...

(Author's Note for this chapter this skips to the day after in FREEDOM'S perspective for once. Y'all know how Denshi's life is kinda stale right now, so I wanted to make at least one episode that is in her perspective.)

The next day...

"Man that game was good! Aww heck I gotta go to school todayyyyyy!" I (Freedom) said.

I make it to school. College is suuuuuuper different. I have 3 classes today:



and I already took AP Physics so I start with Genetics.

My first class is with Prof. Faustino, weird lady...

After my lecture I go to Physiology. It's a fascinating class, It's just kind of y'know trippy. It's with Prof. Shingo. He looks at me funny. The man makes me feel uncomfortable...

"Okay class, we are gonna be taking a scanned test on bones hehehe, bones." Prof. Shingo very weird. When he said bones he stared at me and winked. Eesh I'm definitely telling Denshi about this old creep ugh.

This is only my first week and he wanted us to memorize all the bones. I wish I had a photographic memory, that would be very useful right now.

I memorized only the ossicles, the humerus, ulna, radius, tibia, fibula, the skull, the spine pelvis, rib bones, and that's kind of it. This will be a nice DELICIOUS F.

I take my test and got it scanned. It's high end so it scanned it in 1 second instead of a minute. I got 140 out of 200 whatever bones in the body there are so I got a C! Most of the class got a B, but hey, a C is a C. Still passing and it's only the beginning of the year.

After that I go to genetics and what we're studying is how race (aka the *ncest of your ancestors) can be determined through bone structure. That makes sense though, *ncest makes deformities, so different races of people having slightly difference bone structures doesn't surprise me. It's both a fascinating and gross lecture. But nothing my stomach can't handle. I'm so happy I didn't decide to want to be a doctor or something, I can deal with cracking bones and tending to joint therapy and all that stuff but seeing people guts flying out is gross.

When classes are over I go to my dorm. My scholarship had the dorms included and they threatened to take it away if I didn't live in the dorms (not many people like Tokyo U's dorms so I guess it kinda makes sense).

I don't get a roommate thankfully. And I mean, it's closer to Denshi now that him and his dad moved into Kailani's place. It's not too bad. My dad's rig is kinda having it a bit rough. My mom is also slowly getting even closer to deafness.

I want to go to Denshi's, but he works 40 hours a week and he's not home yet. I kinda just play on my phone.

Today a game is playing so I'll go over later though.

Detroit wins this game, it was 100-103. It was alright. I go back home and chill. I wish I could be with Denshi all the time. I love him. We've only been dating about 5 months but I've already fallen. I know he loves me too, but I don't know if it's as much as me. He gets into these random bursts of being stern and hardheaded even though I was that before. He said that it's because I still act like a kid sometimes, which he says is good, but makes him worried. I get where he's coming from though, he grew up fast. He had to start working at 15 and now he's a manager at a job, he had to become an adult faster than I am. That's one thing that I both hate and love about him. He's already mentally an adult. He thinks like he's both 18 and 80 at the same time. Which can be a fun sponge, but he keeps me in line, and I keep him on his toes. I livened up his world and he took me back from going into wonderland if you can put it that way. We have enough in common to enjoy our time together, but we are different enough to keep it interesting y'know? I want to take our relationship really fast, but I think he wants me to graduate college before we go past dating. I think it's because he's scared of my dad, and respects him, which is fair. My dad wasn't lying when he said he'd kill him if he caused us to become parents. He really WOULD. Don't know how he would cover it up but he most definitely would.

I don't know, I want to get a good job first, but I already know I want to be with Denshi. Man what's with the touchy conversation with myself today? It was necessary though. I fall asleep...

The NBA finals continue as usual, Phoenix won though, which I'm happy about for them, last time they won was 28 years ago with CP and D*v*n B**k*r.

After the game I go back to the dorms.

School's been rough and I know work's been rough for Denshi, he's investing the money he made for rent in stocks. A grand a month in stocks is a lot but he's trying to get out of being a manager so I understand completely. He even got the whole Crypto Wallet too. We read together a lot too. It's fun. But as of late, we mostly are watching movies, talking, working out, eating food, and enjoying silence together, just being with each other. It's very romantic. I think he's become a bit more possessive now with me too now that I think about it. Which I kinda do like. I think it's because all his close friends are far out there in Yokohama in college and haven't visited yet. His friends quit their jobs too. He wants to go on a road trip one day over there. That's enough thinking for me today, I'm gonna go to sleep...