Chapter 38

(Author's note, this chapter is back to Denshi and will be for the rest of the book.)


9 and a half months later...


It's been 10 months since the Australia trip in August. My friends haven't visited once. Is this where we go out separate ways? Are they broke? We text still and I dont ask why they don't come over. I want to visit them. Or find a reason for them to visit me. Maybe both to be honest.

My relationship with Freedom is both rockier and stronger than it's ever been. It's June now and it's her summer break. People say we fight like a married couple. That's definitely true XD. I want to do something nice, our anniversary was meh. We just ate steaks and watched football ALONE, that's what she wanted to do don't ask why. We've been kind of doing the same thing. Our lives kind of get boring for a LONG while, stale even, and then it gets good, and then back to stale.

I decide to text her, "Hey babe want to go eat alligator fries at that ugly old shack you love so much?"

"YOOOOOOOOOOO, that sounds good right now. When?" she replies.

"How about in at 6? I'll meet you there."

"Done deal!"

I know I'm normally not that serious of a guy, but you Watchers are going see something so cringy, and so romantic, you wish it was edgy just for the trifecta.


My phone notified me to check stocks today.

Remember way back when, when I invested in Zhaelonistahn Electric and Glass? I scored. Big time. I overall invested about $5000 for about 500 shares (250 each).

Well you see, in the news, Africa has been developing even FASTER than it was. They say that because of Zhaelonistahn Electric (Glass isn't super important but the solar panels they make allow a bit of cash flow), they say at this rate, every country in Africa will be added as industrialized societies by 2060 due to all the exports of energy from the largest solar farm in history. Note this, only half of Asia is completely industrialized.

And guess how much the shares rose today...

They raised from $1000 a share to $10,000. They were $10 dollars a share only 10 months ago.

This is insanely rapid growth.

Like even more rapid than Amazeon. The power of modern technology is terrifying. Glass is only worth like $100 a share. But that's still a 1000% increase from what I out in. I could cash out right now and quit my job.

I decided that I'll keep 50 of my Zhaelonistahn Electric shares and sell the rest.

And I got buyers.

I now have 2 million dollars in my bank account. Thanks to modern technology, they realized and scanned that my transaction was legit. So I got my money IMMEDIATELY. Thank you 2051 technology.

Okay this sounds rushed but there's something that I can't get out of mind. Y'all might know what it is, today will probably be the most romantic and cringiest day of my life.


We meet at the alligator place. It's been a while since we've been.

"Hi babe, how are you?" Freedom asks.

"I'm doing amazing!"

"Okay, did you get to play on your phone all day during work?"

"No, I'm a millionaire."

"What the hell?"

"Dvonte's suggestion payed off. Stonks are great."

"Isn't this a little excessive and boring? But hey money is money."

"With how crap it is working while going to school I'm gonna be cringe and say that I earned it."

"How's college?" I ask her.

"Man my classes are SO FRICKIN HARD! Thanks for helping me with math recently."

"No problem."

We talk about a bunch of other stuff, you know useless chatting that isn't that important.

After a while though...

"Hey Denshi, wanna go to the bridge we went to on our first date?" Freedom suggests.

"Why not?"

We go to the bridge.

"Woah! The sights are just as beautiful as I remember it!" Freedom says.

"Not as beautiful as you." I reply.

"That was very cringy."

"You know you said the first time we came here, that you like my cringiness."

"I did didn't I."

I'm about to pull a cringelord chad sigma move.

"Y'know Freedom, I had no idea when I should have brought this up. How I would have brought this up. How I should have done this. But you know what? I can't take it anymore. Will you marry my ADHD, cringy potentially psychotic behind?" I say pulling out the ring. Ever since diamonds were outlawed, we had to get creative. So I got her a damascus steel ring around a topaz gem, her birthstone.

"I've been wondering if I should have gone head first and proposed. I had a ring ready too. Here. And yes I'll marry you babe."

She had a damascus steel ring with amethyst, my birthstone and my favorite color all in one gem.

"Wanna announce it today or just announce it the week before and freak everyone out?"

"Freaking everyone out would be amazing, proves who truly loves us if they come."

"That would be funny."

We go home and that's the day...