Chapter 21

  Franco had me tied back into the chair, completely bare. The cold breeze of the empty room hitting my skin, making me shiver.

  Tears are streaming down my eyes the whole time. I am in a state of self-pity and I am ashamed of it. I am so tired of this life but at least I still have someone to live for. I will keep on fighting for my baby.

  When I thought I was at the point of escaping my husband, I was caught by another devil, someone who might be even worse. Does God hate me that much? What did I do to deserve all this? I have not done anything to harm anybody before. What did I do so wrong? Do my parents not love me at all to put me through this situation? When I told them how my life is, they did not do anything.

  A parent will do anything so that their child will be safe and yet, they sold me to a family of monsters so that they will be rich.