Chapter 22

  WARNING:- Suicide

  Jean's P. O. V

  "I have been nothing but locked inside this room, forbidding anyone coming beyond my door. The maids try to serve me food but they all end up sitting on my bedside table, getting cold over time. I have no appetite. I can't swallow any piece of food. I could hardly even let water pass through my throat.

  What's the point?

  I killed my child. I was careless. I failed to do my responsibility as a mother. Why should I live? Dying would end my misery anyway. I should just die.

  My eyes are already dry. They got tired of crying all night last night. I feel an emptiness in my chest. I feel like I am just a floating bubble flying into a void of space. I caressed my womb, my womb that now feels so empty. My lips muttering a thousand "sorry's" to my unborn child.