Chapter 5

  Anna first opened the message from Jackson because he was the first person she added by herself and also because she thought that he was also the same person as Jacob.

  Jackson So Anna right, or is this like an online name?* that was the message she read when she opened the chat, she couldn't help but chuckle lightly to herself.

  Anna No it's not, that's my name. Is your own an online name?* she replied as she chatted back.

  Jackson Definitely not. So Anna, why aren't you replying to my brother’s message? In case you don't know we came in pairs. If you don't want to chat with him, we will have to stop chatting too.*

  Brother? Came in pairs? Wait! Are they twins?


  Anna shivered slightly in excitement, she had always wanted to chat with twins and talk to them at the same time. She quickly went to check Jacob’s profile and she found out that they were really twins but apart from that, she wasn't able to find out much about them.

  Anna You guys are twins? I had no idea, I literally thought it was you chatting me up with another account. Yes, I'd love to know you guys, * Anna quickly replied to Jackson’s chat as she went to open Jacob’s message.

  Jacob Hello pretty lady, don’t tell me you are already wooed by my brother.* that was the message Anna was when she opened Jacob’s chat and couldn't help laughing out loud.

  Okay, so they are really twins and Jacob definitely got to be the playful one because he ended his chat with a smirk emoji. Chatting with them differently was so hard but because she needed the company, Anna put up with it until Jacob suggested a group chat between them.

  Anna Can I really chat with you guys here together?*Anna texted immediately she was added to the group chat.

  She didn't know there was something like that, a group chat. Since the platform was the first online platform she ever joined.

  (Found out that it was actually tasking to write in a way to show that they were typing, so I'm just gonna write it like a normal conversation. But please bear it in mind that they are chatting online and not in real life. If it's confusing, let me know in the comment section so I can change it because the trio will still chat online so many times in the book. Thank you.)

  “Of course, you can chat with us here together, that's why I suggested that,” Jacob typed immediately on his phone when he saw her strange question.

  Is she new to Tumblr?

  How did Jackson find a newbie?

  “Are you sure she would be up for it, ” Jacob quickly texted his brother privately?

  “Well, I stated that I don't want a Saint though. I checked her profile before accepting, she's 18 and she's married.” Jackson replied to his twin brother's chat.

  “18? And already married? Is that not like the high school age range?”

  “Yeah, but she stated that she's married and not single.” Jackson replied, “let’s not keep her waiting, we should know if she's up for it or not.”

  “Sure, ” Jacob replied and called Anna on a video call suddenly to verify that it wasn't a catfish account because he had never met a married 18 years old girl before. Most 18 years old girls he knew are probably in high school about to write their college exams or in the club shaking their asses off to make money.

  When Anna saw the video call, she became skeptical.

  Should she accept the video call or not? She thought.

  But later decided to accept the video call since she had to verify that they were real people too. Immediately she accepted, she was stunned to see two gorgeous identical dark-skinned guys on her phone screen.

  She was so amazed that she didn't realize that they were also checking her out. “She’s breathtaking, ” Jacob quickly chatted his brother up with a smirk emoji.

  “I can see that, I also find her so attractive but let's not get our hopes up. What if she's not into that?” Jackson replied.

  “Are you guys still here?” Anna asked when after looking at the twins to her satisfaction.

  “Sure dear, we are still here. Nice hair and eyes you got there. It's very beautiful, ” Jacob commented while they were on a video call, and Anna couldn't help but smile.

  “Look bro, she also have an enchanting smile, ” Jacob announced as he was already attracted to the young girl his brother found online.

  He couldn't wait to pull her brown gorgeous curly hair and watch her look at him with those soulful brown eyes.

  “I can see that, ”Jackson replied as he looked at the girl on his iPhone screen. She was really beautiful.

  “Are you really married, or is that like an online something, ?” Jackson asked cautiously, he had met so many females that love roleplaying as a married woman because of the fantasy of infidelity.

  But he never found it amusing a bit, it was even because of her marital status that he delayed accepting her request.

  He wanted a single woman that's ready to sign the contract after their former sex slave contract ended.

  Yes, he and his brother are DOMs that keep a willing sex slave.

  “Yes, I'm married,” Anna replied after a few minutes, she was totally baffled. Do people lie about that too?

  She would never lie about her status though. She's married but she's only looking for online friends maybe perhaps not just friends but online sex partners that she can sex chat or phone

  sex with.

  After a few weeks of getting to know the twins, Anna found out about their weird fetish of saying harsh words and commanding her to bend to their will. They even called themselves her masters and told her that she is their sex slave.

  Anna couldn't help but get excited and horny anytime she remembered how they'd tell her to slap herself on video call and moan out their names like a sex slave.

  At first, she didn't find it amusing because year's if maltreatment and abuse from her father had given her congenital insensitivity to pain and she couldn't feel any pain. But she later got used to slapping herself and spanking her own ass anytime they asked her to do it on video call.

  They tried all different types of sessions online except the ones that can't be done online and the twins had repeatedly invited her over to their house but she kept on declining because she didn't want to be unfaithful to her husband.

  Because if he finds out and sends her back home, her father will make sure that her life becomes a living hell!

  “Are you still going to refuse our invitations? Don't you want our dicks to fill your holes as you've always imagined?” Jackson texted, he was now very comfortable chatting with Anna and he couldn't wait to have her looking at him as she wraps her mouth in his dick while his brother fucks her from behind.

  “Come on, Anna. Didn't you say that your husband is away? We can send you back home before he arrives from whatever shithole he crawled into leaving a beautiful woman like you unattended to.” Jacob flirted, adding to his brother's remark.

  When they first met Anna online, he was away on a business trip to France while his brother was in London so he wasn't really hungry to see her. But now that they were both in London, they couldn't wait to possess her and made her accept that she likes me when they talk dirty to her.

  “Fine, I will come around. But it's only for a day because my husband didn't say when he will be back and it can be anytime, ” Anna finally agreed to see the twins.

  It's just for a day. What could possibly happen?

  She just had to come back home and act like she never met them.

  “Don’t worry, little girl. You are safe with daddies, ” Jacob texted excitedly when he saw her confirmation text.

  Finally, they will meet their little slave.

  “Can you drive? If not, can you text your address so we can order someone to pick you up, ” Jackson typed? He was always the calm and sane one out of the twins.

  “No, I can't drive. But don't worry about picking me up. Just send your address and I will come, ” Anna quickly replied.

  “Okay, no problem, ” Jackson texted their mansion address to Anna after she convinced them that she had really come and she wasn't leading them on.





  When Anna woke up the next day, she decided to input the address on Google Maps to see how far it is from her residence. Anna had refused to allow the twins to pay for her ride because she didn't have a bank account and the only card she's using belongs to her husband and he would be notified of every transaction.

  What would he think when an unexpected sum of money entered his account? Wouldn't he be suspicious of her?

  After she was done with the necessary things in the house, Anna booked a ride and input the address of her new masters or daddies as they like to be called.

  On getting to the address, she was escorted inside the enormous mansion which was thrice her husband's mansion by a man who introduces himself as the housekeeper but she couldn't remember his name.

  The housekeeper said his master was already waiting for her and he directed her into the mansion.

  Immediately they got into the mansion, the housekeeper left her on her own and gave her some directions to follow.

  No matter how horny and excited she was about meeting her newfound masters, Anna was still a little scared because she has always been shy and an introvert.

  I will just blame this on loneliness and depression. Anna said to herself as she opened the door to the room the housekeeper directed her into.

  Immediately she opened the door, Anna's eyes widened in shock when she finally saw the twins.