Chapter 6

  “Oh, so this is our beautiful and shy little sex slave, ” Anna heard who she thought should be Jacob because of the sexy remark and how his eyes were twinkling,

  “She’s not our slave yet, ” Jackson countered and threw a piece of the document on the table before Jacob got to Anna.

  “But she's still our sex slave, aren't you darling?” Jacob said as he moved closer to Anna and gently whispered in her ears, loudly enough for Jackson to hear, low enough to send shivers down Anna’s spine.

  “I...i am, ” Anna managed to breath out, as she trembled slightly. This time not for fear that they were going to hurt her but for excitement and desire.

  “See, she already said she is, ” Jacob countered as he stepped his hand around Anna’s waist and led her to one of the chairs in the sitting room.

  Immediately Anna sat down, Jackson allow his eyes to freely roam around the body of the woman they had been having phone sex and BDSM session with and he couldn't but suddenly feel excited.

  “Are you really 18?” Jackson asked as his eyes settled on her breasts, he couldn't stop his eyes from staring more at the beautiful folds that were secretly hidden behind her blouse.

  “Yeah, I'm eighteen. March 20,” Anna answered defensively.

  “Well, then. I'd like you to go through the form and sign if you are in, ” Jackson said to Anna and pushed the papers in front of her.

  Consensual form was written boldly on the document when Anna picked up the papers.

  Did they want to sign that she agreed? Is that what the papers is for?

  Anna thought as she read the pages of the form, slowing and agreeing in her mind until she reach a part where it says she will only belong to them.

  She's married, why will she belong to another man?

  She will just ignored that, she definitely can't refuse to sign the form because she's married.

  Isn't she going to be gone by tomorrow? She will just forget about them. Anna told herself as she gently put down her signature on the piece of paper.

  “Well looks like you really wants to be treated like a s@x object aren't you?” Jackson asked as he moved closer to the seat Anna was sitting on and gently rub her thighs.

  With the contact of his firm hands on her thighs, Anna almost groaned out loud in pleasure.

  Why is she so attracted to these brothers?

  “When he asks you a question you should try to answer immediately because he gets angry he might punish you, ” Jacob whispered into Anna’s ears as he used his tongue to slowly trace her earlobe.

  Anna choked out the moan in her throat as quickly answered, “Yes, I want to be treated like a sex object,”

  Moving his hand gently slowly from her thighs down to the V of her leg, Jackson flashed a half-smirk at Anna, “You are so slutty, how many months have you seen married to your husband? How many times have he touched you,?” Jackson asked in a cold and dangerous voice but Anna found it so sexy she couldn’t help but tremble again.

  Will they continue if she told them that she’s a virgin?

  And the only sexual experience she had ever had was when her husband made her put her head around his dick and make her suck it?

  “He .. he hasn't touched me before?” Anna said slowly when Jackson’s hand suddenly brushed her panties.

  “Oh, really? Then who has?”

  “No. No one has, except me.” Anna answered innocently.

  She’s a virgin.

  “Jackson, I don’t you she’s still a virgin,” Jacob said excitedly to his brother.

  “Are you a virgin? Considering how slutty you were on phone, I didn’t believe him,” Jackson asked, rubbing her clit through her panties. Her brown eyes turned deep brown from pleasure.

  Yes, she wanted this.

  She really wants to be trapped between them and let them take her innocence away. Until she suddenly remembered that her husband knew that she was a virgin, and that was also why he hadn’t touched her that night. Saying that they had all their lifetimes , and he will wait till she’s willing.

  No, she can’t allow them to f*ck her p*ssy. Her husband would know about her infidelity and send her back to her father. She asked her head violently at the thought that Jackson almost thought she was denying been a virgin until she spoke, “Yes I am a virgin,”

  “You see, tell you.''Jacob said again. But by time, Jackson had already slipped a finger inside Anna’s dripping core. It was Anna’s groans and sexual moans that made Jacob realize that his brother was already half way inside their little slave’s pussy.

  Impatience now, ain’t we?

  Immediately Jackson put his middle finger inside Anna’s core and found how tight and wet she was, he felt his member tighten in aspiration.

  She really was a virgin.

  This was the first time they would be having sex with a virgin. Most of the times, it’s usually girls that love sex and wants to be used like a slut that they always found.

  But Anna was even more slutty than those girls, she always does everything they asked her to do on the phone. He could remember when they had asked her to blindfold herself and spank herself while she muttered their name. She had done it so well that they both couldn’t help but wank to her slutty actions.

  “Then, how come you are so slutty,” Jackson asked as he removed his middle finger from her wet p*ssy and gently pinch her clit while Anna moaned out slowly from pleasure.

  Jacob was smirking at Anna’s back, he was looking at how gorgeous and sexy she was as she moaned out loud.

  He could feel his d*ck tightened in excitement and expectation.

  “You can’t wait to have us inside you, right?” Jacob whispered again in Anna’s ear and made her shivered at his deep baritone voice. Anna looked and him and gently begged him with her eyes.

  She really can’t wait, she can’t wait for them to fill her holes. She just want to feel like a sex slave and nothing more.

  Looking at her gorgeous eyes and how they were staring at him, Jacob was so hard that he couldn’t help but slap her cheeks gently.

  Instantly her pale white cheek instantly redden, Anna who was expecting to feel fear because of how scared she always when someone raises their hand to strike or when they yelled at her was instantly confused.

  Why did she find this painful and pleasurable at the same time,? She thought she was already immune to slaps and she doesn’t feel pain anymore.

  But when her cheeks where slapped by Jacob, she could feel her cheek tinge in pain and then it slowly turn to pleasure.

  Suddenly she wanted to be slapped more by him. No, she couldn’t wait to be slapped more by him.

  What is this? Why is she feeling like this?? This is not her!!

  “Why did you accept our invite? Tell us again,” Jacob asked Anna, as he slapped her already swollen and red cheeks.

  “Because I want you guys to treat me like a s@x slave,” Anna gulped and said the first thing that was on her mind.

  They were so much turning her on. She didn’t expect that she would have been so wet and horny immediately when she got here.

  “I know you are definitely expecting this, that was why you came right? To be used and treated like a wh*re right?” Jacob asked and slapped her cheeks again.

  Yes, that was why she came but… this was more than she expected….. because they were so explicit with her and she was loving every bit of it.