Chapter 83

  No, did I say that? I don’t think I did. God why did I get so drunk?

  Everything is spinning wildly, and my mind is a mess.

  “No, Emma. Do you think I would look at you any differently?”

  That’s what he meant. Well, now he mentions it. Yes, I did actually. Why wouldn’t he?

  I must let men think I that want them to touch me; I somehow attract it. I must do something to deserve it for it to happen over and over. Even coming to New York, men at Carrero House still targeted me.

  “Why wouldn’t you?” I reply flatly, staring out of the window absently, back in control of my sobs and tired from the exertion.

  “Emma, you did nothing wrong,” he says, breathy and tense; I think he’s having trouble believing I would feel that way. He has no idea; he’s never been in a situation anything like my past.