The next day I went to school. I didn't have another altercation with Allan when I got home yesterday as he had already left for work.
When I got to school, my friends bombarded me with questions of concern. I had to convince them that I was okay. Thankfully, the pain in my stomach that I had yesterday was gone.
The day went by quickly and Lucas, Kevin, Jasmine and I left school together. Jasmine had asked us to come to her house after school to watch movies. I didn't decline, because I did not want to miss another time of hanging out with my friends.
After watching two movies and enjoying my friends company, it was time for us to leave. Lucas, Kevin and I bid Jasmine goodbye and left. We walked for a while, before we split directions.
I was almost home when my phone started ringing. I took it from my pocket and saw that it was Miranda. I answered it. "Hello Miranda." I greeted her.