"Kevin, would you stop that? You are eating like a pig." I said to Kevin as we sat eating our lunch in the cafeteria.
It was a week since the boys had took me to the gym and I found out Carson's extracurricular activity. Since then all I could think about was how dangerous it is and that he could get seriously injured. At least now I know why he has always come to school with cuts and bruises.
"No, I'm not." Kevin defended, his mouth stuffed with food.
"Eww," I wrinkled up my face. "Stop talking with the food in your mouth."
Kevin swallowed the food that was in his mouth and stuck his tongue out at me.
"Yeah, that's real mature." I replied sarcastically. He continued to do it, so I stuck out mine at him as well. Now both of us were having a game and it was hilarious. The both of us were acting like children.