Chapter 7

  Aleia's POV

  I concentrated on the rest of my work, smiling to myself slightly for making Trina happy. It was the one thing I wished for when I started out.

  But that didn't happen but I still made it and hearing what Trina said made me realize that I was a role model to some of these young ones and I didn't even know it. I think my next project after the real estate thing is to venture into a female empowerment program for young girls who are interested in making it out there in the business world.

  It was hard for me when I started, I met some terrible people and if I wasn't cynical, I would have gotten into some serious trouble. But it was all over and I was right where I wanted to be.

  Happy and successful, just the way it is meant to be.

  It was nice to see the smile on her face today that made me realize that I have been taking my position for granted. I was so focused on being successful that I forgot about others that needed assistance too.

  I was going to start up a program that would be of help to those naive girls so they wouldn’t be taken advantage of when they finally decide to venture into the business world.

  I had just finished writing my report when I got the email of the wire transfer from Mr. Thompson. I emailed him back for confirmation.

  I called Trina in, immediately.

  "Miss Halls, you called me?" She asked, peering from the door.

  "Yes I did" I gestured for her to come in.

  She strolled in and she stood waiting for my instructions.

  "Tell Mr. Hank that his money is with me and I would be expecting the papers." I instructed.

  "Yes ma'am" she said curtly.

  "Then I would need your details or I could just send them to the one I have already"

  "The one you have already would do"

  "Okay, that would be all"

  She left shortly after that but I swear I saw her skip happily on her way out.

  I was suddenly tired of sitting around in the office. I have been cooped up for a very long time, I wanted to stretch my legs and walk around a bit. I could ask Melissa out for lunch but that would be asking for too much.

  I took my jacket and grabbed my purse, heading out of my office.

  "Trina, cancel my calls. I am going for lunch" I told her. I didn't wait for her answer before going straight for the elevator...

  I was going to walk around a bit to clear my head, sitting in an office all day is not enjoyable like people think. They usually assume that it was easy running a company. They always talk like it is all about sitting down all day and barking orders at people but it was more than that.

  You were responsible for thousands of people working for you and with you. You have to read reports from each department about their activities.

  It was stressful, you don't get a day off SBD even if you were sick, and your work is with you. We never take a break. It was part of the reason I wasn't in a committed relationship, I didn't have time to put up with so much from a man more than I put up with my work.

  I walked to the cafe just down the block from my building to get some coffee and maybe a scone or some type of snack. I felt hungry all of a sudden and I remembered that I haven't eaten anything since morning and it slipped my mind because of how packed today was.

  I got to the coffee house and went straight to the Barista to order for coffee.

  "I would have coffee, black please." I told him as he wrote my name down.

  "Anything else?" He asked

  "Do you guys have any baked goods?"

  "Scones, croissants, and muffins" he listed them.

  "I would take the croissants, please" he nodded

  "That would be $15.6" he said.

  "Here, keep the change" I handed him a hundred dollar bill.

  He smiled in appreciation.

  I looked for the perfect table overlooking the view from outside to keep me company. It was a beautiful day outside and I never seem to notice because I am always locked up like Rapunzel inside the miserable tower.

  Except in this case, my miserable tower is generating tons of money for me and that made me happy so you would say that I was miserably happy.

  My order came and he delivered it to my table. I ate slowly you would think I didn't have somewhere to be but I wanted to have a chance to be normal for at least thirty minutes before I got called in.

  I think the fresh air was doing me good because I was thinking straight all over again. Has California been this beautiful or was I just not used to seeing outside?

  I watched people walk and go about their daily life and it made me wonder what my life would have been like if I wasn't a multi billionaire.

  Would I still be broke and looking for jobs?

  Would I have escaped my step mother's wicked hands?

  It wasn't easy living with her especially after she took everything my dad left for me just to take care of my schooling for the meantime, leaving me on the streets. It was a miracle that I turned out the way I am now because at some point, suicide was the only option left for me.

  It was so bad that I nearly took my life, but something stopped me.

  It wasn't the life my father had envisioned for me but it sure wasn't death that he wanted for me. I knew he wanted me to be happy but he also wanted me to be the best version of myself. That alone made me work twice as hard as I have ever worked in my life and gave it my all and now I have results to prove my hard work.

  I had houses all over the country, properties, investments and companies. I was successful and I was female. This was my greatest accomplishment and that was why I didn't take shit from anyone just because they think I am weak.

  Being a woman is not weak, it is one of the reasons I worked as hard as I did because I didn't want to be a woman and be broke too. It just didn't suit me.

  My phone pulled me back from my thoughts...

  "Hello," I answered.

  "Miss Halls, the contracts have been sent over," Trina said.

  "Oh too, leave them on my table and I will be right there with you."

  "One more thing" she said quickly as I wanted to hang up.

  “What now?!" I said

  "Your sister is here" she said quickly before hanging up.

  I groaned at how unfortunate I was right now, I could already feel a headache building up so I massaged my temple to ease it but it didn't look like it was going away till I sent the source away.

  My sister Diane was a pain in my ass and anytime she came around, it was just to cause trouble and remind me of how much she has accomplished which in no case can be compared to mine but since I am single, my accomplishments mean nothing to her and her selfish bitch of a mother.

  When my dad married her, I knew she was in trouble the moment she smiled at me. I tried telling my dad that and it was like he was charmed into this different version of her that for the life of me, I could never see.

  It was one of the reasons I didn't speak to my dad now, he was one of the reasons I suffered out here while he lived in his little bubble with his perfect wife and perfect daughter while I was thrown out. He has tried calling me but I wasn't too forgiving especially after going through what I go through.

  I had a father but it felt like I was on my own, I didn't care right now. When I needed him, he wasn't there. The feud between me and my family is what Diane fed from. She didn't miss any opportunity to tell me things my dad did for her or things they did together thinking she is making me jealous.

  Those days were long gone and when I would have felt jealous was in the past now all I felt was contempt for all of them.

  Her being here is just going to be a reminder that she is getting married and maybe to show off her engagement ring and brag about it like she always does with everything.

  I was tempted to go back home and rest but I needed those contracts signed. I could ask Trina to bring it home for me but knowing Diane, she would simply know that I am avoiding her and tease me about it till I want to bash her head in.

  I don't know what it was about her that made me feel violent towards her, she didn't know any of my houses and I liked it that way. I liked to keep my life private and especially from my so-called family. I don't want them anywhere near me or anything that belongs to me.

  I ate even more slowly because I wanted to keep her waiting. It’s been an hour since Trina called me and I wasn't making any move to go back just yet. If she couldn't bear it then she should go back to wherever she is coming from. I didn't want to deal with her today.

  I finished up and headed back to the office to sign the contract. Diane is nothing but a pain and I didn't have the energy to deal with her just yet.

  I got to the office and walked straight to my office where Trina was waiting with an anxious look on her face. I knew Diane must have said something to upset her like she normally does.

  I just wish she would talk back to her but that would only fuel her more, trust me I have tried.

  "Trina, get the contract ready for my signature. I should be out by fifteen.

  “It is already on your table waiting for signature," she said before running off

  "Are you going to pretend that you didn't see me here?" A familiar nasal voice questioned.

  "No, you are just not important for me to look at" I told her without looking at her. It was to let her know that I didn't want her here but she never took the hint. She came whenever she felt like and left after getting whatever she came for but I became into her game when I realized it. She would always check my files and go through my things whenever I trust her enough to leave the room for one minute. I always wondered why information often got out and was convinced that I had a mole in my company.

  It wasn't till I caught her snooping one day that I realized that she had been the one all along and I hadn't noticed because I was too busy thinking she wanted a relationship with me.

  "Hmph! Rude" she snapped.

  "No, rude is dropping by my office without so much as a call, what the hell were you thinking?" I asked her.

  She pouted "I was thinking I would treat my sister to a quick lunch" she said sniffing.

  I sent her an act, she was looking for gossip and I wasn't going to give her any ammunition to take back to her mother. Both were like packs of wolves who would take anything at their disposal to get back at me or tarnish my image. I understand from the bitch's point of view but I was nothing but good to Diane. I was surprised when she started following her mother to taunt me and treat me like I was nothing, my dad as usual didn't see anything wrong with it SBD thought it was the normal squabble between siblings but it was so much more than that. It was torture and I didn't like it.

  "I just came back from lunch," I told her.

  She sniffed again looking like a wounded puppy but I knew it was all an act and right inside that expression is a devil waiting to get any piece of information they can use to their advantage.

  "Well, that hurts"

  "I don't care" I signed the contract and sent an email to Melissa asking her to do the transactions so both parties could get their money and the deal would be sealed. I faxed the papers to Mr. Thompson so I could settle everyone.

  I arranged my table and packed my bag in preparation to leave the office.

  "Are you just going to leave me here?" She whined.

  "Yes, you are a grown woman. Aren't you?" I asked her.

  "Well yeah, but..."

  "No buts. I have a meeting to go to" I told her, giving Trina strict instructions to lock up as soon as she leaves the office. I didn't want to look for anything in my office. I wouldn't put it past Diane to steal from me.

  "Keep an eye on her and make sure you lock my office as soon as she goes" I told her sternly.

  "Yes ma'am" she said.

  I nodded in satisfaction as I headed home, I was tired, hungry and wound up. I needed a bath and a good environment.