Chapter 8

  Aleia's POV

  I got to my house a little late after stopping by the Chinese place to get dinner. I was really hungry and dealing with Diane only fueled my appetite.

  I locked my door and headed upstairs to my room. I loved living alone. I could always walk around naked and it wouldn't bother anyone. I removed my clothes before I got to the bedroom and danced around naked a little. I felt free.

  I wore my bathrobe and headed down to eat my dinner, heating it up quickly in the microwave. I sat down in front of the TV to eat it when it was done. It was quite good.

  I washed my plates and took out the trash. I loved how clean and spotless my kitchen was, my whole house was clean and white just the way I liked it.

  I headed back upstairs to take a shower. On second thought, maybe a bath would be better. I have had a long day and a good soak in water could be all I need.

  I went into the bathroom to prepare my bath, I lit the scented candles and the scented bath salts. I prepared myself an awesome bath with hot water but not too hot it burns my skin. I played soothing music to relax.

  I removed my bathrobe and stepped into the bath, I sank down and I released a heavy sigh at how good and relaxing it felt. I always had a glass of wine and a nice book to keep me company but tonight I would be drinking the whole bottle. Courtesy of Diane.

  I relaxes and opened the latest book I was reading, it was very erotic and it gets me going. If I don't have time for romance in my life, I might as well get it from books. I read page by page as the water soothed my muscles. The bottle I was having was almost half. I was feeling excited and I don't know why.

  Maybe because the book I was currently reading was filled with dirty words that made my thoughts unclean. It was times like this I wish I had a man who would take care of my needs right away.

  It wouldn't hurt if I do it myself.

  I dropped my book, quickly finishing off the glass of wine I was polishing. I followed the music I was listening to. It was somewhat sexual and I trailed my hands up the upper part of my body. I was naked and my hands against my skin felt wonderful. I took both breasts in one hand and massaged then gently pinching my nipples. I let out a moan at how good it felt.

  I reached down into the water and found what I was looking for. I touched my clit jumping a little because it was too sensitive. All the stress I went through today went straight to them, making it a bundle of nerves.

  I rubbed my finger all over it loving the way I felt, it encouraged me and I added a little pressure moving my hips along with it. It was so smooth and erotic that I moaned out loud at the thought of someone doing this to me.

  I would melt into a puddle of orgasms, I rubbed harder as I imagined a scene of the book I was reading.

  Italics...he pounded into her from behind as she screamed his name over and over again, he wanted more. He wanted to be one with her. Till made her his until she couldn't think straight without him by her side till she could feel what he was feeling.

  He angled her leg on top of his shoulder and drove deeper till he reached the hilt, he heard the gasp that escaped her lips and he placed his lips over hers. He wanted to make her feel everything and anything he was feeling.

  She was so good, so hot and so tight. It was like her pussy was on fire and he was the ice that cooled it down except he was getting hot too...

  The thought of a man pounding into me from behind made me rub my clit faster and longer. I could feel the tension in my lower abdomen and I knew that I was very close.

  I twisted my nipples with my other hand and kept rubbing my clit with the other, I could feel my legs tingling, and they shook as I brought myself to the brink of orgasm.

  I quivered from the feeling, it was like I was coming down from a high. I smiled at my achievement. I didn't feel so stressed out anymore. I stayed in the tub for some time before getting out. I didn’t want to prune.

  I walked to my bedroom to change into my night dress. I had a very nice bath...

  I drifted off to sleep immediately and my head hit the pillow.

  The next morning...

  I woke up to my cell phone ringing.

  I groaned getting out of bed, who was the unfortunate person calling me by this time. They knew I was not a morning person.

  I grabbed my phone without checking the caller and placed it on my ear.

  "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" The voice bellowed right into my ear.

  I winced checking my phone and it was my step mother.

  "Keep your voice down" I scolded her.

  "Are you raising your voice, young lady?" She asked me.

  Did she think I was Diane? Still living under her roof and taking instructions from her?

  I hung up on her.

  I got up and headed straight for coffee. That was the only way I could get through this phone call with her highness this morning.

  I ignored the calls but they kept coming, it wasn't until I took my coffee that I finally called back.

  "Took you long enough" that was the first word out of her mouth.

  "Well hello to you too" I told her

  "Don't take that tone with me Aleia" she said sternly.

  I scoffed loudly.

  "Do you need something?" I asked rather rudely.

  "Diane told me what happened, why would you kick your own sister out of our office. You humiliated her and I think you should apologize” she stated arrogantly.

  I laughed so loud I think I heard dogs bark.

  “Why in the world would I apologize?" I asked her.

  "Did you not hear me? You humiliated your sister" she stated.

  "Do you think I have time for this? I run a company for Christ sake. I don't have the time to entertain your madness" I told her plainly.

  She gasped and I was sure someone from the next building heard her. You would think her dog just died or she just lost her properties but no it was just something I said.

  "How dare you talk to me like that?" She asked, clearly offended.

  "Like what Kira? Like a selfish jobless person? I would say bitch but I still respect my father" I told her.

  She gasped again, making me roll my eyes for the fiftieth time during this call.

  "How dare you?!"

  "How dare I? You woke me up by to tell me about something I obviously don't give a fuck about. So what if your daughter was humiliated? Is she above humiliation?" I asked her.

  "No but..." She started to say but I cut in,

  "But nothing, you clearly called me to waste my time and for our sake I will forgive this but I really hope you don't make this a habit of calling me for nonsense that does not concern me or my business" I told her before hanging up.

  That would show those bitches that I am not one to be toyed with. Well, now that I am awake I might as well prepare for work.

  My phone rang again and I sighed while picking it up.

  "What is it this time?" I asked Kira. I actually stopped calling her mother since the first time she hit me.

  "I wanted to remind you that you haven't accepted the invitation for your sister's wedding..."

  "I will be there" I cut in

  "You haven't even heard the details yet" she insisted.

  "Email them to me" I told her.

  "Would you listen to me?!" She snapped.


  "I know we have been through terrible crossroads but it would mean a lot to Diane if you could attend her wedding, she may not admit it but she looks up to you" she said.

  I almost laughed, if she thinks she can deceive me with this then she has another thing coming. Flattery was a form they used to get what they want and I wasn't such a fool to fall for it.

  "You are right, she looks up to me because if she had a good model then she should have been running her own company by now...” I heard her gas but I wasn't done.

  "I would be at the wedding but out of respect for the name family and nothing else. Email me the rest of the information. Goodbye" I hung up.

  I was already running late, I groaned out loud before entering the bathroom to get ready for work. I was a little bit tired today so I dressed up in the most casual wear. I wore a turtleneck sweater and jeans with my favorite boots to match.

  It was Friday and I was tired of being in suits all the time and decided to switch it up a little. Plus after the kind of mind blowing orgasm I had last night. It is safe to say that I am a changed person and I think I should start doing that more often.

  Melissa would be shocked at what I did, I couldn't wait to tell her.

  I got to the office late because of the traffic but I wasn't bothered, so what if clients waited for me. It wasn't a big deal.

  I took the elevator without saying a word to the employees who were shaking because they were late. I was simply in a happy mood and nothing could spoil that.

  "Good morning miss halls" Trina greeted me as soon as I stepped into the office. Melissa was there with her.

  "Morning Trina, I would like my usual please" I told her. They both turned to look at me, making me return their curious look.

  "Are you alright?" Melissa asked me.

  "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

  "You returned Trina's greeting and you put please in your request. That is strange because you never do that. Ever" she explained.

  "So what if I did, it’s not a crime" I assured her.

  Trina gave me a suspicious look before leaving to get my coffee.

  "You got laid," Melissa said.

  "Are you asking or telling me?" I asked.

  "I am telling you, it is the only logical explanation as to why you are in a good mood" she told me.

  Apparently, I am the most difficult boss that people think I need to get laid to be in a good mood.

  "I didn't have sex with anyone" I assured her.

  She seemed to digest that before her eyes snapped open.

  "Wait, you didn't have sex with anyone but you didn't deny the getting laid part" she made a show of placing her fingers under her chin in an attempt to look serious.

  "Yes to whatever you were thinking" I told her.

  "Oh my God!!! You touched yourself?" She shouted.

  "Shhh!!! Someone could hear" I hushed her.

  "You touched yourself? I thought you didn't Know how to?" She said quieter this time.

  "I don't know how to but I just went with the flow yesterday" I said.


  "Well I went home early because I was really tired. I picked up Chinese on my way home. I got home and ate my food before taking a hot bath. The whole bathroom was smelling nice because of the scented candles and the music was going well with my mood. I started reading the book I got from the bookshop that day and the next thing I knew, I was having an orgasm in my bathtub." I told her.

  "You got all that from a book? How erotic is this book?" She asked.

  I raised a brow at her waiting for her to get the hint "Ahhh nice!" She said.

  "Now you know why I am in a good mood, I am in a good place right now" I told her.

  "Trina tells me your sister came to visit?" She asks me.

  "Yeah she came winning yesterday about lunch, who drops by unannounced?" I ask Melissa.

  "Don't ask me, she I your family"

  I gave her my dirtiest look "thank you, I feel so much better" I said sarcastically.

  She nodded, feeling proud of herself for that one.

  "Have I received any calls this morning?" I asked her.

  "Do I look like your assistant?" She asked with a little attitude.

  I rolled my eyes at her.

  "You can go now, I need to evaluate this and send them back to New York." I told her.

  "Alright then, see you during lunch?" She asks

  "Yeah, call me" she left my office and I was back to my office job.

  "Where is Trina and my coffee?" I ask myself.

  I Hope she wasn't there playing with those guys from accounting while I sit here and wait for her to bring me coffee?

  I glanced at the results I got and started reading them. They were for the new company in New York. They were falling behind with the annual budget and they needed to meet up so we were plotting a way to get back on track and make a huge profit. Either that or I fire the current CEO because he really wasn't making my job easier for me. I have tried to tell him but every time he insists on doing things his own way and each time he fails.

  He really was skating on thin ice right now, I was going to go up there and see for myself the reason why my company wasn't in the first place at all.

  Trina came in with my coffee after long minutes of waiting for her.

  "What took you so long?" I asked her.


  "When I ask for coffee please bring it before engaging in the new gossip in the company" I told her.

  I wasn't mean enough to tell her not to associate with her colleagues but not while I needed coffee like I needed air. It was the only thing that kept me from ripping people to shreds each time they mess up my plan.

  When I say I want my company to always be ranking first, I don't mean just once. I mean every single time. I don't know why this guy is hell bent on pushing me too far to the wall. Looking at the results, there was nothing much left and if care was not taken. I would be falling low on stocks too.

  Is he trying to run my company to the ground?