Chapter 5

  “What happened? You look like you’ ve seen a ghost.” I blinked when Yana clicked her fingers in front of me.

  “O- oh.. nothing. Where are we again?” I asked when I finally came back to my right mind. I was dumbfounded thinking about that rude pervert earlier. I just can’ t believe I embarrassed myself twice in front of him. Damn it.

  “Hmp, é abbastanza. I’ m tired!” She said as she closed her book.

  I creased my forehead. “ Huh? No way, you can’ t be lazy like that every time.” I grabbed the book from her hand to open it again. She still wasn’ t familiar with the basics so she have a long way to go. And I’ m her tutor so it also affects my image if she messed up.

  “We can continue this tomorrow, I have a party to attend!” She said. “ Party?”

  “Sí. Par- ty.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Where?” Is that the party that Kate’ s talking about?

  She stopped arranging her things. “ Hm.. I think it’ s in RB? Not sure." I knew it. " Should I drop you off?”

  I just shrugged and yawned. “ I’ m good. Take care.” She smiled and winked at me. “ Addio!”

  “One japanese cake and iced americano for Raegan.” I spoke on the mic to call the guy who’ s been staring at me for a while already.

  “Thank you, Celine.” He got his order. I smiled and quickly left the counter to pull- off.

  I went to the locker room again to change back with my clothes. It’ s a white polo shirt, black skinny jeans, and white sneakers that I always wear.

  I was about to leave the room when my phone rang. It was Yana.


  “Sheline! Hi!” Her voice is different and the background says it all. She’ s in a party with loud people and lots of drinks. The things I hate the most. “ Can you pick me up here? I don’ t think I can shtill drive.. hahaha!"

  I heard the loud cheering of the people on the other line. I just hope she’ s not doing any shits there. I glanced at my watch. It's 12:14 already.

  “Okay. Wait for me there.” I said and ended the call. I walked out of the locker room and told our manager that I'm done before running out of the café.

  When I reached the club, lots of people welcomed me.

  “Celine! Oh my gosh! I though you’ re not coming? And wait, why are you wearing that?” Kate appeared in front of me wearing a white tube top and black skirt paired with large hoop earrings.

  It’ s loud inside, and has a lot of students I barely know. Only a few of them are I think from UP, the rest, I don’ t know. The lights were just red, and the

  interior is all black. If you’ re not used to it, you’ ll think you’ re in hell for some disco.

  “I’ m fetching someone. Have you seen Tatiana?"

  “Oh, that gorgeous?!” she exclaimed, “ Yes! I’ ve seen her dancing earlier but I don’ t know where she is no- - Hey wait!” I didn’ t wait for her to finish her words. I walked pass her and scanned the place to find that brat.

  I dialed her number again but she wasn’ t picking it up. Where the fuck is she? “ Hi,” A stranger blocked my way “ I’ m Nate- - ”

  “Excuse me.” I cut him off and nudge his shoulder to walk again. I have no time for those fuckers.

  When I reached the VIP couches, I finally saw Yana laying on a group of couches with the hem of her tight dress slightly raised. There were four more girls on her couch and four guys on the other. I was creasing my forehead, but my eyes widen in shock when I saw a familiar face again.

  Why do I always see him?!

  Even if I don’ t want to go near him, I need to get Yana. So I had no choice but to walk towards their table and stop in front of Yana. I immediately pulled down her dress because that man was enjoying the view.

  “Yana.” I called then scanned their table with my serious eyes. I pierced my eyes on each of the guys looking at me. W hen my eyes found him, wearing his usual white dress shirt and black slacks, holding a glass of liquor with a luxury watch, I clenched my fists.