Chapter 6

  I looked at Yana again, she’ s still half sleeping. I shrugged her shoulders to wake her up. “ Yana I’ m here, let’ s go.”

  Her brows only moved and she grunted. I exhaled harshly before looking for her purse. When I found it, I searched for her car key.

  “Hi, Celine Galvez, right?” I heard a man behind me as I felt their eyes watching us.

  “Yana, get up.” I said firmly, ignoring the man behind me.

  “She seems out of it, let me help- - ” I turned around to stare at him. He looks the same as my age but got intimidated easily with my dagger eyes. W hen his eyes went down to my clenched fists, he immediately backed off.

  I saw the man again, calmly sipping on his glass while staring at me. Oh fuck those eyes. This is already embarrassing as it is, I can’ t stay here for to long!

  I turned to Yana again with no more patience.

  “Tatiana Marchessa!” I yelled her name and she instantly opened her eyes.

  She rubbed her eyes while yawning. “ Oh, Sheline!”

  I hanged her key on my finger and tossed her purse on the couch. I held her hand to help her stand, but she almost stumble back on the couch because my support wasn’ t enough.

  “Pull your shits together, Yana, I’ m fucking tired!” I exclaimed.

  She pouted and looked at me stupidly. “ M- my head’ sh throbbing sho bad..” she complained like a child. The hell? Is that my fault?!

  I placed one of my hands on my waist and the other on my forehead. She’ s such a nuisance. I was just staring at her, thinking of ways on how can I get her out of here without my head hurting, when a familiar scent enveloped my nose.

  He walked pass by me and went to Yana without any words. I opened my mouth to speak when he held Yana’ s back and the back of her thigh to carry her. Bridal style. He walked out of the couch and advanced to the exit.

  When I got a grip of myself. I hurriedly grabbed Yana’ s purse and ran out of the table to follow them. Where does he think he’ s taking her?!

  “You!” I can’ t keep up with his wide steps. When he finally went out of the club, I ran faster and pushed everyone on my way. I saw them in front of the exit.

  “Where’ s the car?” He asked without looking at me.

  “I don’ t know.” I replied. How would I know were did this brat parked it, damn it.

  He turned to me without any expression. “ Use the fucking remote key.”

  I blinked several times before I realized what he just said. I looked at the key on my fingers and opened my mouth to speak but ought not to. I pressed the only button in the middle and we heard Yana’ s BMW.

  He didn’ t say a word. He walked towards the parking and opened the front seat himself before putting Yana inside. When he closed the door, I went to him with clenched jaw.

  “Don’ t give me that look.” He said. I creased my forehead. “ The hell?”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “ I told you that your eyes are beautiful, but it’ s accusing me of raping that girl.” he said seriously. Huh, why is he so defensive?

  “You- - ”

  “Loren.” He cut me off. “ It’ s Loren.”

  Loren, huh? “ W hatever. I hope you’ re aware that eye- raping a woman is considered sexual harassment. Particularly ogling! And you just touched her- - ”

  “Woah, are you a law student?”

  “Do I have to be a lawyer to remind you that ogling is rude?!”

  He just shrugged and licked his lower lip. “ I haven’ t tasted a law student before.” He said out of nowhere.

  “What did you just say?” I want to sound calm and serious but I am mad furious! How can he be so vulgar with a female stranger?!

  “I wasn’ t eye- raping her. If it wasn’ t obvious, I was just looking after her. There were guys around the club, did you see them got to near her? She’ s out of her sense and she could’ ve been bedded with some guy if I wasn’ t there. I know her and I don’ t see her as a potential bed warmer so calm down.” He uncrossed her arms and put his hands inside his pockets.

  He slowly walked towards me but I remain on my place. I inhaled deeply to contain my nervousness. I can’ t show him I’ m intimidated by his presence and distance.

  “And I hope you know that I can’ t carry her without touching her. Was she supposed to float?” She said before he coldly turned around and walked away.