Chapter 7

  Days passed and my path never crossed again with Loren’ s. My performance in both work and law school went well, except from the multiple attempt of guys in getting my number.

  The landlady also had visited me twice already. I just can’ t budget my salary for my daily expenses and school. I’ m thankful that she somehow understands, though.

  I I am now here at The Lib again, and as usual, I am doing digests and lots of readings and ghost writing for extra income. Law school is probably the most consuming time of my life. So I ought to make sure that it’ s gonna be worth it in the end.

  I was moving on to the next case when Kate suddenly sat in front of me. “ You okay?” I asked. She looked pale and her nose is reddish.

  “It’ s so cold outside.” She muttered after sipping on my coffee.I just looked at the transparent glass wall beside me and nodded before resuming my digests.I was handwriting them because it was ordered in our memo.

  During my first year, my penmanship really sucks so I though I wouldn’ t make it to law school, but eventually, after a pile of things to write every day and night, it improved.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. “ Digests.”

  She frowned at me. “ You still have classes after?”

  I shook my head while writing. I know we’ re both law students in the same batch, but I always wonder how she could chill like this knowing that every day is recit day for us.

  “Wanna drink? RB?”

  I looked at her accusingly. “ Shut up, I still have work later.” And I can alwaysdrink at home. She rolled her eyes and suddenly sneezed in front of me. “ Hachiw!”

  I glared at her. “ Just go home and rest already.” I said and went back to writing.

  “Okay!" She said and acted like she's going to kiss me so I slammed her face with my codal. " Fuck! take care, bitch!” She smiled while wiping her nose. Gross.

  When I finished half of my cases, I stretched my back and yawned. Right, I only got to sleep for four hours last night. I’ m just glad I didn’ t got a hang over when I drank almost six cans of beer.

  I was arranging my things when Yana called.

  Ciao, Celine! What are you doing?” She asked.

  “Resting.” I closed my laptop and put the phone in between my cheeck and shoulder.

  “Veramente? That’ s good! Can you come here? I’ m cooking panzanella, I’ m sure you haven’ t eaten yet. You should try this!” She said enthusiastically. My lips formed a beam as I put my things inside my bag.

  “You’ re cooking what?”

  “Panzanella! It’ s an Italian food and this is one of my favorites! It’ s my first time cooking my own, though.” I could already imagine her creasing her forehead while looking at her dish.

  “Alright.”I said ang hanged up.

  “So how was it?” She asked while looking at my reaction upon tasting the food.

  I frowned and shook my head. “ You call this an Italian food? This is basically just bread and tomato with lots of onion.” I said as a matter of fact.

  Her shoulders sank and she glared at me. “ I added spices!” She grabbed the plate from me and walked towards her fridge. She came back with a glass of water and placed in on the table.

  We went to the living room and sat down on her feminine sofa. There’ s fashion magazines such as Vogue, Harper’ s Bazaar, Elle, and the likes on her coffee table. She really wants to pursue modeling internationally.

  “Why don’ t you just become a model here?” I asked. She can eat those local models and climb up to the top at once with that exquisite face and body. Seriously, she’ s the prettiest in UP.