Chapter 18

  It's another day today, as usual, there's a recitation later so I drank all night and reviewed last night. Fortunately, I still had beer in cans and junk foods left when I went to the grocery store because that's what really concentrates me.

  My head hurts a bit when I wake up so I drank coffee and recalled what I have read last night. I stopped on purpose when Loren's face suddenly entered my mind.

  While I was in his car last night I couldn’ t help but smile because I knew it's gonna be the last. After that, he won't bother me anymore. I said in my mind.

  He glanced at me several times and sighed while driving. " You're really that happy to get rid of me?" There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

  I nodded quickly and just looked out the window. " Why won't you even let me kiss you at least? A farewell kiss, maybe?" He bargained with me so I quickly turned to him and glared at him.