Chapter 19

  I closed my eyes and clenched my fist as he put my yellow index card back. Francis stood calmly, and like me, his hands were in front of either side of him.

  " W ho's the doctor she was saying?"

  " It was Dr. Lorenzo who performed the examinations and found the lacerations in the child's vagina."

  I sighed and averted my gaze. When Jessie and I met eyes, she was pale and had beads of sweat on her temples.

  " And the ruling?" Atty asked.

  Francis immediately answered and sat down after that. Our class continued with her and Mien and Jessie almost fainted when they were called. Unable to answer correctly, the three of us remained standing until the recitation was over. My guess was four or five were given to me. Urgh. I really hate bad recits.

  When the three hour class was over, the next one was free cut so I decided to study at The Lib first and read. I was too stressed to stand up earlier so I needed a quiet place.