Chapter 54


  I can't go home yet, there's an emergency here. How are you?

  I waited for his reply. I was supposed to be back early in the morning, but since Gino is sick, I chose to miss class first. Today is Tuesday, November 3. He is for sure busy so I wasn't surprised when a few hours later, there was still no reply.

  He wasn't able to text or call last night and yesterday. I'm not angry, in fact I'm worried because when I last saw him he wasn't really well.

  He seems to be neglecting himself and he is too focused on studying that he never did before.

  I sighed and just left my cellphone at home. I just came home here to get Gino and mama's clothes. Gino was admitted to a public hospital, but when chest x- rays and blood tests were performed and the doctor confirmed that Gino did have

  Pneumonia, we decided to transfer him to a private hospital today. I will use the rest of my money from my last salary that I should pay for the apartment for this month.