chapter 3





"Hello Ronnie," I said on the phone

"What happens, why is your voice sounding like this ? she asked me

"Jayden is admitted in the hospital, and I must deposit two hundred thousand dollars before the hospital will commence his surgery"

"What? That is a huge amount of money, where did they expect you to get that huge amount of money? did they expect you to go and steal?" she screamed over the phone.

"That is why I called, you mentioned something last week about your boss, looking for a lady that will pretend as his girlfriend for three days, you ended it with  he is ready to pay a huge amount of money," I said to her

"Yes. His parents are coming from the USA to come and meet his girlfriend and his girlfriend won't be around, he wants to find an alternative that will pretend as his girlfriend to his parents, since they are not living in the same country, he would tell them later that he has broken up with whoever he used" Ronnie explained to me.

"Please tell him you have found him a lady, he can use," I said over the phone.

"And who is the lady we are talking about?" Ronnie asked

"I of course" I replied rapidly.

Ronnie burst into laughter over the phone, and I didn't find her laughter funny.

 "Why are you laughing Ronnie?" I asked her.

"You of all people, a tomboy who wants to pretend as a girlfriend, you didn't have any charisma that will make him accept you, he is looking for a sophisticated lady who will fit her parent's standard and his standard," Ronnie said.

"I can polish myself to his standard" I replied hastily.

"You don't know how to dress elegantly neither did you know how to make up yet you want to pretend as a girlfriend of a sophisticated man, is not possible now," she said over the phone.

I guess she is right but still, I need the offer for jayden's sake.

"Ronnie since you are good in it, moreover you know your boss kind of a lady, why don't you polish me to his kind of a lady?".

"You think is easy as that- did you know what it takes to teach you or before you master...."

I shushed her up

"We are talking about Jayden's life here, you know how much I detested billionaires for their cruelty and selfishness yet I want to work with one of them because of my brother, you should know I needed the offer badly," I said angrily over the phone, Ronnie has been a good friend but she pissed me off now.

"Is it that serious?" she asked gently, and the way she said over the phone made my stomach churn in distaste and my hand clenched a fist.

"If is not, I won't be here calling you," I said angrily.

"I'm sorry bestie, I will send you my boss's house address,  firstly go home and take your bath, change to a befitting lady dress, also clean your face with wipes and pack your hair nicely, don't pack your hair in a ponytail style and don't forget to wear a nice shoe," she said in a softer tone with apology laughter over the phone.

I guess she has know, am mad at her.

"I don't have any fine shoes, and I don't have money that will convey me to your boss's house", I said to her over the phone.

"Find a way to get transportation fare here, you can ask the woman selling fruits in front of your house to give you, tell her I will give her when I come around since she doesn't borrow you money anymore, and call me when you reached my boss house, I will come and give you a nice shoe outside," she said.

"Thank you so much," I said to her over the phone before I hung up.

I went home quickly using the remained money with me to take a cab, I greeted the woman selling fruits and conveyed what Ronnie told me to tell her,  immediately she gave me the money.

" is not good to be a borrower", I said inwardly.

I have lost my respect in her presence due to the  I used to borrowed from her without paying back on time.

I went inside my room and took my bath hastily, I cleaned my body after bathing and rubbed my body with the remaining content in our body lotion container.

I opened my suitcase, where I tucked Jayden and my clothes, I couldn't find any nice clothes to wear, I have to wear the last clothes my daddy bought for me before he died. It has faded but I managed it.

I scurried out of the room, when I checked the time, had spent an hour out of the five hours I had, I stopped a cab soon I reach the road.

"Take me to Côte d'Azur Estate," I told the cabman.



After a few minutes.

I hopped down from the car, after paying the cabman, I called Ronnie that am outside the gate.

"I am coming," she said over the phone

I stood there for fifteen minutes before Ronnie showed up

" what took you so long?" I asked her with a shrugged.

"My boss just came back from work, and he instructed me to prepare him pizza, I'm preparing it when you called," she said.

"Okay," I replied.

She smiled after she examined my dress

"what?" I asked her with a pout mouth.

"You don't look bad anyway, with more polish you should be refined to his taste," she said.

had it been is a normal day for me, I could have blushed, it is rare for Ronnie to compliment people's beauty.

"Whatever!! where is the shoe?" I asked her.

She brought out the shoes for me, and helped me to repacked my hair because it is ponytail style I packed, she loosed my hair and it fell freely on my shoulder, she came along with a brush and oil, which she used on my hair.

"You look cuter and better this way," she said smiling.

"Thank you" I replied her.

"Take," she said and I looked at what she was holding, it was a mirror.

"You are naughty," I said to her

She placed the mirror in front of me where I could see my face closely,  she knew am not interested in checking out my face.

"Wahoo," I said inwardly.

I looked beautiful, this is the first time I looked this beautiful since my mother has left us.

We walked inside holding each other hands intertwined,  I tried to calm myself down because am nervous.

I greeted the security man at the entrance

"Your visitor is beautiful" the security said to Ronnie.

"Can you hear that? you are beautiful" she whispered to my ears?.


Who would believe I would look like a girl,  I have always dressed like a boy, sometimes I don't take my bath for two days.

Ronnie opened the door for me to enter but I stood outside the door tried to breathe deeply.

 "My boss is a good person" she whispered to my ear when she noticed my nervousness.

I entered the house and the house screamed wealth and beauty, this is the first time I will be seeing a beautiful house physically apart from those i seen on the  TV.

Ronnie instructed me to sit down.

 "He is aware that you are here before I came outside, he will be here shortly," Ronnie said.

I don't know why, but I felt tense, I kept thinking if he will accept me or not.


After some minutes I breathe deeply, I used the medium to look around the parlor where I sat, the exterior is so beautiful, there is a flower in a vase on top of the center table, it looked like rain is falling on the flower, it was a nice designed, I tried to carrying it, to examine it closer but it was heavier than I  imagined.

I withdraw from carrying it immediately and sit back.


"Good evening" I heard the voice at my back, it was a very cool voice that sent chills to my spine.

I turned around in the direction to see the owner of the sweet voice, to my surprise, it was the man I bumped in the hospital a while ago.


To be continued

Did you think the man will hire viola as his girlfriend.?

let's find out!! in the next chapter.

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