chapter 4





My heart left me when I heard his voice.

"Hope he will accept me," I said in my head as I turned my face in his direction to acknowledge his greetings.

My jaw dropped! no way the guy I bumped into earlier today.

What will I do? I am doomed. What if he recognizes me?, my mind drifted back to how I cursed him earlier, I doubt if he will recognize me, I looked terrible earlier but with the makeup on my face, he might not recognize me, I console myself inwardly.

"Good evening sir," I said with a lighted expression, I stood up trying to pretend like we have not met before.

He clapped his two hands suddenly

"Bravo", he said as his eyes fell on me.

As soon as I heard bravo, I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, Then I re-opened my eyes

"Viola you can't miss this great opportunity of saving your brother's life," I said to myself in my head.

I flashed him a smile, he moved closer to me, staring at me, he snapped his finger on his face.

"Have we met? have you seen me before?" he said coldly.

"No sir, have not seen you before sir. This is my first thing of seeing you, sir"? I replied hastily.

Though within me, I feel like he recognizes but I need to pretend so that I can save my brother's life. if I let him know, I was the one that cursed him earlier today, he won't hesitate to throw me into jail just like rich people used to do in films. I guess the billionaires are sicko.

He grinned, Then.

"You are disqualified", he said harshly and slumped on a sofa afterward.

As soon as I heard his voice, my ankle found the ground.

"Please sir, I need this to save my brother's life "I pleaded with tears on my eyelids.

"I will give you another trial base on a condition," he said coldly, I don't know why but this guy here seems different from the lovely boss that Ronnie used to sweet talk about, there is this dark aura around him that is making me get scared of him.

"Okay sir," I said still on my knees, my knees are aching me but I need to prove to him that I need this job.

"Have you met me before or not?" he asked again with his cold gaze fixed on me.

I don't know what to say, if I say yes he might throw me in Jail, if I say no, I might lose the only opportunity of saving my brother's life.

"Yes sir" I stuttered

He busted into laughter, Then he stood up from the sofa

"No matter how a pig cleanses up, he remains a pig, with the makeup on your face you are still the stink and dirty girl that bumped unto me earlier"

"I could have hired you because of Ronnie but I hate dishonesty, which is why you are disqualified," he said harshly and went back inside.

I don't know what to say, should I curse him for relegating me to a pig or should I curse him for leaving my brother to death?

if I leave here without money, I have nowhere to run to moreover the five hours are ticking hurriedly

I am still on my knee yet I couldn't feel the pain on my knees anymore, the pain in my heart has swallowed up my knees pain.

Then I heard footsteps approaching my direction,

"Oh!! Ronnie", I said with tears flowing down my cheeks.

She rushed to me and lifted me from the ground

"What happens viola? my boss said he didn't want you"

"I bumped into him earlier today in the hospital and I cursed him instead of apologizing, it was because am not in the right frame of mind, It was during that period, I received the report of Jayden's test", I said to Ronnie crying bitterly.

"Jayden must not die Ronnie", I said, holding her tightly and stretching the clothes Ronnie wore.

She holds me tightly and allows me to sob on her chest.

"Viola, go back to the hospital, I promise to convince my boss and bring the money to you before the five hours will end," she said and gave me fifty dollars.

"Thank you, Ronnie, please beg him on my behalf, you said he is a good guy, I believe in his goodness," I said to her and walked out of the parlor to the gate, the gateman was greeting me but I could not respond to his greetings.







I leaned my head on a hair in my room with a lighted cigarette in my hand to cool down my temper, I could have made that girl regret stepping her foot in my house.

She has the guts to lie in my presence, she is too dumb for believing I will hire a dirty girl like her to pretend as my girlfriend to my parents.

I was about to pick up my phone when my phone buzzed, I picked it up

"Hello," I said to my secretary over the phone.

"Sir, some customers demand your presence only and they have been here for a while," she said

" Why are you, my secretary? if you can't attend to them on my behalf ?" I said coldly and harshly on the phone to my secretary.

Many of my staff are afraid of me, I have tried taking things calmly with them but they won't learn until they bring out the dark side of me.

" Sir have tried showing them different estates where they can stay comfortably, yet they said is not up to their taste and they requested for your audience sir, they said only you knows their taste", my Secretary said

"Thank your star, you are uttering that gibberish out not in my presence, if not I would have given you a hot slap," I said to her harshly over the phone.

"Attend to them and you must not lose them because if you do, you would lose your job likewise, and you must not call me for things relating to customers apart from the first-class company customer," I said and hung up before she will utter another gibberish out.

After dropping the call, I heard a bang on my door, and Ronnie my housemaid let out.

Ronnie has been the only one that knows my do and do's, she has been working for me for a while now, she is a very hardworking lady.

"Come in" I replied and off my cigarette light

She entered my room closing her nose with his palm."

"Let go into the parlor," I said, am aware of how she hated the scent of cigarettes though she is unaware of it.

She started by narrating the history behind her friend's terrible altitude, I felt sorry for her after I heard about her brother's condition.

"Still Ronnie, your friend is not up to my standards, I can't present a girl like her to my parents, you know my mum. At least you have seen her like two times now," I said to her.

"You can polish her to your standard sir," she replied.

"I want to help her, but can I cope with her for three days," I asked myself.

"Please use her sir, she needs the money to save her brother's life," Ronnie said and she went on her knees to beg me.

" I can't use her, she is below my standard and I don't want my mom to find out, she is hired. if they do they would believe I didn't have a girlfriend ".

"if not for my girlfriend who loves her modeling career more than me, I won't have any reason to hire a girlfriend," I said in my head.

To be continued

Will Viola's brother survive, five hours is ticking

Let's!!!! find out in the next chapter?