chapter 6


With trembling legs, I walked to the hospital as I hopped out of the Cab, there is no hope of saving my brother, my only hope has been shattered by Ronnie's boss, am going to the hospital to await my brother's death announcement.

I don't know why life is cruel to the poor people, my father has been one of the good humans that has passed through the earth yet he died of an illness due to lack of money.

I whimpered in fear, as I step my foot in the hospital, I don't know what to do? I passed through the elevator to the ward where my brother was laid, I tried to avoid the nurses in the reception, am not sure I can maintain calmness if they tried to look at me with their disgusting glance this time.

I met my brother absence on the bed, what happened here? hope my brother has not given up? I begin to ask myself different questions that I didn't have answers to.

Immediately I brought out my phone to check the five hours the doctor gave me, "it remains one hour" I said under my breathe.

Where is my brother? I asked myself

"Please where is the patient on this bed?''I asked the patient on the bed beside my brother's bed.

"Am sorry miss, I heard he gave up " the patient answered me.

Nothing could explain the sadness I felt at the discovery of my brother's death, my world collapsed and shattered into millions of pieces as the patient mouth let out gave up.

The word gave up kept revolving in my head and my eyes keep watering as I sat on the bed my brother gave up on.

My mind couldn't believe my brother gave up, why would he leave me in this world alone?

Dad makes me promise to take care of my brother two years ago when he gave up, I promise my dad but I couldn't fulfill it, I hate myself right now.

Death is the better option for me, I don't see any reason why I should continue to leave in a world where I don't have a father nor a mother, and the only brother I have has left likewise.

To remain upright on my tingling weak legs in front of the patient that was soothing with relieving words, I stood up and I want to impress the patient by sounding better in my words "goodbye" to her but the sadness in my voice couldn't allow me to deceive the patient.

Waking out of the hospital is the only thing I can do presently, I can't bear to see my brother's dead body, by tomorrow I will come for his body and I will make sure, I make my mother pay for choosing her new family over us.

The rain started as I stepped outside, it begins to wet the earth, people were running from the rainfall, and hiding from the rain downfall.

I didn't bother to hide from the rainfall, though am allergic to rainfall, I get sick whenever rainfall hit me but the pain and sadness in my heart suppressed the sensation of the rain emitting on me, I walked aimlessly under the rainfall, several gazes were on me, as I walked under the rain, I was not bothered even my clothes were soaked yet I didn't care, I don't know where am going but I will sleep in any undisturbed spot I come across.

There was an empty cottage along the route I took, I walked inside the cottage, it was so dirty with no one inside, I clean a place and sat on it, I screamed out and the tears that I have held in poured out relentlessly, I can't seem to believe my brother has died.

The memory of my brother replayed in my head as I cried profusely, I Remember how I promise him of sending him to college, "As everything ends, no one to send to college again" I muttered and I screamed.

There is no one to blame for my brother death other than my mother and viola Boss, my heart is full of hatred for both of them, I was shivering inside the cottage, because of the downfall of the rain on me, I might collapse anytime soon but I don't care, if I died so be it, but if I survive I will have my revenge on my mother and I will make sure I become rich, but I want to survive so I can have my revenge on my mother.

I stand up because of the cold coming out inside of me, I have twenty dollars with me, I peeped out of the cottage to see if I can see any bar around this place, I Want to find something that will heat me inside, I might collapse soon and I want to have my revenge before I died.

I sighted a bar at the opposite of the cottage, I walked out of the cottage with my shivering legs into the bar, irritating gazes were on me as I went up to the reception, "give me a hard drink" I order the bartender as I sat on the barstool in her front.

She brought out alcohol for me, this is not the first time I will be drinking a hard drink, have been taking it since I lost my father, it has been my solace whenever my father's memory popped out of my head.

The bartender gulped it inside a cup for me as she unhooked the bottle, "I didn't remember asking you to pour in a cup for me" I told her sarcastically which she hissed back at me, I took the whole bottle and gulped once, I rubbed my mouth with my hand to clean the little content on my lips, I smile faintly to the bartender but she shook her head, "I must be a mess in the presence of this bartender for her to shake her head, "I thought inwardly.

"Give me another bottle before you kill me with your disdained glance," I said to the bartender.

"You need to go home miss, you are shivering, you have cold and alcohol is not good for cold, if you get drunk you won't be able to find your way out, you will collapse," she said.

I smile widely at her and stroked her cheeks with my two hands

"I don't get drunk easily," I said and my eyes watered instantly, I removed my hand from her cheeks and clean my eyes, I don't want to cry here.

Her eyes widened when I touch her cheeks"Are you a lesbianism" I whispered to her ears, immediately she moves away from me.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me" I said and wave my finger at hand.

"You are sick" I heard the bartender mumble.

There is a fixed gaze on me since I come inside the bar but whenever I looked back to see the gaze, the person hides his/her face.

The bartender brought me another hard drink, it was different from the one I have drunk before, I took the alcohol and with dizziness on my face, I scanned through the bottle to check the percentage of the alcohol, my eyes widened as I see 80percent, "did this bartender wants to kill me" I asked myself.

I dropped and looked at the bartender "did you want to kill me?" I asked her

"Did I hold a knife,?" The bartender asked me.

"Must you hold a knife before you kill someone?" I asked her

"You gave me a hard drink that contained 80percent alcohol" I added

"Yes, since you don't get drunk easily, let's see if you will get drunk or not," she said,

it looked like she is a bitch, she want to kill me because of my words to her, but I need to drink this to prove to her that I don't get drunk easily.

"Okay, if I don't get drunk what will be my gifts?" I asked her.

"You are lonely, I can see it in you but I promise to become your friends if you drink this and yet you are not drunk," she said

Just as I predicted, the girl is a bitch, she just reminisces me of being alone in this cruel world, I opened the bottle and gulped from the bottle directly, the taste of the drink is sour and bitter, indeed it contains alcohol but what can I do? I have professed to this bitch, within me I know I can't stand up after the drink, am drunk already and my eyes are closing gradually.

The cold has gone, been replaced with intensive heat, I looked back to see the person looking at me since but the person has gone, I gulped the remained content, afterward, I paid money for my drink, the bartender was just smiling widely at me, she has won I guess because she has decode am drunk, I tried to stand up but I couldn't, I just wish I will be able to go back to that cottage since is opposite.

I rested my head on the bar slab, when I couldn't take it anymore, I asked the bitch for water which she gave me instantly, I poured it on my head because I know if I drink it I will end up messing this place up with vomit.

A few minutes after I used the water, I was able to stand up though I will collapse soon, I can feel it with the heat coming out of me, I sluggishly walked out of the bar with my eyes going dim with every step I took, but as soon I reached outside, my eyes go blank, I couldn't see anything again and I see my myself going down "who will help me now?" I asked in my head because I know I have collapsed outside.

Is there help for viola?

let's find out in the next chapter.

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I love you all

I promise to update daily henceforth.