chapter 7





As soon as Ronnie mentioned Jayden, it replayed my best friend's memory in my head.

I remembered how my heart ached to see Jayden in such pain after the accident, he died before we could rush him to hospital, my life has not been the same since that day.

My heart still hurt for my best friend, whose road was dark and his future was cut short, my heart bled whenever I remember that I have not taken hold of the hit and run driver of my best friend death, rumor has it then, it was an intentional accident caused by the driver.

"I will make sure I brought the person to justice if it remains one last drip of blood in me" I muttered and poured the remaining content of the hard drink in the bottle in a cup, I swallowed the drink down, and it throbbed my heart.

Afterward, I checked the time, it was 8:30 pm, I feel like going outside to have a drink in a local bar where I won't be recognized by anyone, I opened my closet and pick a black sleeve with black trousers with a car key and drive out of my compound.

For forty minutes after leaving my estate, the hugest and most glamorous estate in the whole of France, I looked around searching for a local bar until I find this bar beside the main road, I parked my car and went inside the bar.

Indeed it is a local bar when I entered, is filled with wretched people, many were smelling and reeking, I need to endure the smell and drink myself to stupor, I called for a drink which I was served asap by the bartender, I was about to gulp the first sip when I see a figure coming in, she was a lady, and it looked messed up, I was able to recognize her as the lady I want to hire as my girlfriend when she walks up to the bartender at the reception.

My mouth gasped, "what is she doing here when she suppose to be with her brother in the hospital who is passing through an operation" I asked myself

I could have thought she lied about her brother's operation, but I trust Ronnie's word so I ignored the thought.

"She might be one of the people who can't stand their family member passing through pain, it might be the reason for her action," my conscience said.

I stood there watching her drama, I looked away whenever she looked back, I guess she notice a glance staring at her absurdity.

I was shocked when she played with the cheeks of the bartender, "this girl is a joke" I said in my head.

But I can see the sadness written over her face, I don't know what is wrong with her, she looked overwhelmed with sadness, which is like the day I carried my best friends up in the pool of blood.

The time is 9:30 pm, I could have left the bar but I feel reluctant to leave because of the girl, the drink the bartender gave her last is a very hard drink which she will get drunk after taking the drink, I feel reluctant to leave her alone in the bar since Ronnie said she has no one except her brother.

Am here to get drunk to stupor, but I couldn't after seeing the girl, I tried to maintain my consciousness, after a while my phone buzzed, my baby shower on the screen as the caller, I went outside to pick up the call because of the noise in the bar.

"Hello baby," I said over the phone after I picked up the call.

"Hello love, how are you doing ? where are you?" My baby asked me, the only one apart from my kiddo(my baby sister )that was able to win my heart.

I love her so much, and she does likewise but she is an over-ambitious woman, she came from a wealthy home, she makes money herself been an international model but she's pursuing becoming the top first model in the world, which has made her jeopardize our relationship.

"Am good sweetheart, just I miss you badly"

"I miss you more and I promise to make it up with you," she said

A smile showed on my lips," yea, you always promised me, but you never fulfilled it, did you remember? you promised to meet with my parents, you instigate, now they are coming but you won't be able to meet them because you have a show that will fetch you more fame"

"Am sorry sweetheart, am to blame, give them an excuse for them to cancel their trip to France, we will go and greet them next month, I will cancel every of my show next month for us to go to them"

" Baby, don't worry, I will find something to do about them," I said to her over the phone.

"Okay baby, I have to go, love you my charming prince." She said and blow me kisses over the phone, which has been her habit whenever she wants to hang up.

I smile after I withdraw the phone from my eyes, she has been the only antidote to my dark side, she makes me feel calm whenever I heard her voice, I only wish she will make me the priority in her life instead of her career.

As I turned to go inside, I saw viola rubbing her eyes against the dimness, I watched her and my heart began to race as I caught the sight of her toppling, before I could reach there, she has collapsed on the floor.

I carried her in a short distance from the ground and dropped her in my car at the back seat.

Her sour smell lingered in my car as I drove towards my estate, since her best friend is my maid, she will take care of her.

My security opened the gate as I hoot, I drive in and I park my car in the car park, there are varieties of cars in my mansion, the latest cars like Bugatti, Alpine, Citroen, and Renault, they are the latest car in France.

My wealth can be detected easily through the cars I used, I hopped out of the car and walked to the back door,

" Je Vous en prie Monsieur" my security greet me, he is French.

"you are welcome sir"

"Je Vous remercie"

"Thank you" I replied him in French

"Viens et tiens la portière de ma Voiture pour moi Je veux sortir un visiteur over"

"Come and hold my car door for me I want to carry a drunk visitor out"

I said to him which he did as I instructed him, I carried her out and lifted her in my arms.

Suddenly I saw puke seeping down to my hands, I looked up to see where is coming from, it was the stinking girl in my arms, vomiting on my body, she blink her eyes slowly.

"Damnit, I taught she has collapsed, why sudden awake? I feel like dropping her on the ground immediately, but I manage to take her inside.

"water" she reiterate as I walked inside, the security follow me inside, I guess seeing her puke over my body made the security follow me inside.

I gently lowered her on the sofa in my parlor

"apportez de l'eau"

"Bring water," I said to the security which he brought in a blink.

She collected the water from me and gulped down her throat which causes her to vomit more in my parlor, my car reeked of alcohol now my parlor likewise.

"VA appeler Ronnie pour Moi"

"Go and call Ronnie for me," I said to the security in a harsh voice, I can't tolerate her mess anymore.

I regretted it, I helped the girl, my clothes reek of her puke and it disgust me, As I see Ronnie coming down with the security.

"Take care of this mess, make sure my house didn't reek of her puke by tomorrow morning," I said to her in a harsh voice and lefts for my room.



I walked into my bathroom as I entered my room, I remove the dress am putting on, which was reeked of alcohol, I slipped to the dustbin, I entered my bathtub and clean my body, I dry my body, after the bath and wrapped a towel on my body.

My back landed on my soft bed as I get out of the bathroom, A earlier memory of the stinking girl in my parlor popped out, tears were seeping down from her eyes earlier in her unconscious state, "what make her cry even in her unconscious state? I asked myself which only her brother name halo in my head,I quickly brought out my phone and dialed the Doctor number

"Err "Errrr " errrrrr "errrrrr" the phone rings but he didn't pick up, I called severally but he didn't pick up, I dropped my phone beside me and sleep off.

To be continued.

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