Chapter 9




He seem rude than I thought, how I wish I have the money for my brother's treatments, I won't have spent more than the minute here, Ronnie knows how to take people's garbage, but I viola didn't have the grace, but what can I do? Am poor and we poor people don't have any choice but to obey the wealthy rules.

When I heard him saying you will return my money, my heart thumbed relentlessly, where did he want me to get the huge amount of me? I have to swallow my pride and called him.

"Wait sir," I said to him calmly as much as possible in a soft tone, I was stunned, he halted, I thought he won't.

"Did you have anything to say??" he said coldly without sparing me a gaze, his posterior is the mirror we are watching, I guess he didn't want low people like me to see his face again.

"Please allow me to confirm my brother's health after I will come back to proceed with my work sir," I said to him calmly.

"I thought you don't want to be among the people I can talk to anyhow," he said, turning and facing me.

"Maybe you should confirm your brother health through a phone call, your work commenced immediately I put your brother bills on me, I won't allow you to go anywhere until you finish your assignment, once you agree with this and sign the document, you won't be able to back out" he explained frostily to me and his voice grew colder as he talks, his look was bone-chilling, I almost flinched in his presence but I have to compose myself.

"Here is my phone, call the doctor and confirmed your brother's safety, he stretched his phone to me.

With trembling hands, I stretched my hand to collect it, I felt my blood rush to my heart with a thud, I have been hearing about expensive phones, today is the first day I will come close to one, it was so beautiful.

"Please clean your hands before you take it, Miss, I don't want any stain on my phone ''he said suddenly and withheld his phone.

If I didn't need his help, I would not hesitate to choke his breath from him until he died.

How dare him, think of me, as a dirty person, I hate him with passion, no wonder he referred to me as pig, the first day we met in his house, but I will prove him wrong, his perceptions about me, I will made it happens before the contract elapse.

My lip quivered and a sob threatened to choke off my voice, as I want to speak out, I guess my voice hate him likewise.

"I will call him myself and put it on loudspeaker so that you can speak with him," he said

"Don't worry, I will call him through my phone, all I need is his phone number" I said to him

I can't stand his insult anymore, I just want to leave his presence right away.

"Okay, he said and raised his eyebrow at me with a disdained gaze.

"+33 6 86 57 90 14" he called out for me I dialed the immediately.

"Dear customer, your account balance is too low to make a call, please recharge and call back later" my phone acknowledge, and is on loudspeaker.

Have never felt such shame and self-loathing in my life, tempers abandoned me, leaving nothing but shame, and it brought tears to my eye and I quickly turned my face from him in shame, I didn't know my airtime has finished I won't have use mine, I would have use Ronnie cellphone.

"If you avoid the shame now you won't get the crown later." He said to me in a softer voice, I guess he know am ashamed,and I was surprised that he can talk to me in a soft voice, though every one of his words is a torment to my soul, I don't know my offense towards him or "is this the way wealthy people speak to poor people" I asked a personal question from myself which I have no answer to.

Ronnie collected the phone from him and dialed the number.

In his presence, I used the clothes I wore to clean my hand and swallow my pride, I believe in the proverbs that say "There's no shame in being poor" today I will swallow my pride for Jayden's sake.

He looked at me with his dark and ferocious gaze as the phone rang, but the doctor didn't pick up,

Ronnie whispered to my ears to dial the number again which I did four times yet he didn't pick up, I give up and was about to return his phone to him when the phone suddenly bell with an audio message

"To be brave you don't need to do anything extraordinary, you just need to get into the zone, You need that right amount of motivation and for that motivation, we have the perfect quotes! So, be brave with the help of these quotes on bravery and love living your life without being afraid of anything.

"You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you."

"To be a brave man, good and bad luck are like his left and right hand. He uses both."

"The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud."

"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.

I was lost in the message about bravery that I forget to pick up the phone, I raise my eyes and meet Ronnie and his gaze on me.

"Am sorry" I stuttered but I thank God the Doctor called back instantly and I picked up the call immediately.

" Hello sir" the doctor was the first person that spoke, I can notice fear in his voice, I guess he is afraid of him, there is no one that won't be afraid of his dark eyes and husky voice.

"Hello doctor, Viola is on the phone sir, am Jayden's elder sister, I want to ask you if...." I was still speaking when the doctor shushed me up, his voice tone suddenly change from his soft voice to a harsh voice.

"Miss Viola, you are not serious about your brother life, you dropped your brother here without showing up, you said you want to go and look for money yesterday but you never return, is it good enough?, he could have died if not for Mr. Octavia that paid for his operation, but you could have informed me of knowing Mr. Octavia, instead of allowing him to call me.

Anyway, your delinquency affects your brother operations, because we started his operations late since you didn't show up to sign his operations paper, I have to sign it myself though it was successful but he is still in a coma but he will soon leave the coma since Mr. Octavia has put your brother bills on me, we will give him the best treatment, he should leave the coma in a week time, be rest assured Miss viola" he said in a soft voice.

"So what did you want to ask from me" he added.

"I don't have anything to ask you from you again doctor, you have answered my questions but am sorry for not coming back, and thank you for saving my brother's life, am very grateful," I said.

Afterward, I pleaded with him to treat my brother very well since money is not a problem anymore.

"No problem miss viola, Mr. Octavia has instructed us, to treat your brother very well" he replied to me before I hung up.

I don't know if I should blame myself for causing Jayden to be coma, but I just need to believe in the doctor word's and perform my duty diligently for Jaydeen's treatment bills.

"Thank you, sir," I said to Octavia when returning the phone to him.

"Octavia, try to get used to the name if you want to discharge your duty very well," he said to me in a serious tone.

"Okay sir" I mistakenly let out but I corrected myself instantly "okay Octavia" I can't afford to get him angry again, am grateful that he paid my brother's bills, though he is harsh but I will endure it for Jayden sake.

"Better, now that you have agreed, you will follow me to my library, so that I will give you the document, which will bind the three days contract between us," Octavia said, he switched fully to his business voice I guess, you can't read him at this period, his dark eyes flicker more, there is no more sweetness or smile in his eyes at this period, it is full of darkness.

"Ronnie, go and prepare my breakfast and prepare it with her own, the training starts now"

he said as His eyes burned brighter, and he gave her a dark smile that sent chills to my bone, His voice always echoes, but he sent me chills whenever he speak.

Ronnie exited the room instantly and I trailed after him as he leaves likewise.

To be continued.

What did you think the contract document will contain?

Let's find out in the next episode!!!!!!

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Meaning "Thank you"