chapter 10



He tugged his hand, and I followed him out of the Ronnie room through his sparkling lounge and large dining to the library, and he opened the library door and entered which I followed likewise.

It was a spacious library with different shelves, different books were arranged on these shelves, the library gleam, he used code to display the shelves, the library complements his wealth.

He stretched his hand after he pressed a code and a shelf opened, he picked a book and give it to me, it was a book written by WORTHWHILE NOVELS, titled "HANDLE YOUR EMOTIONS" Go and read the book and let me know what you gain in it before your contract elapse.

I am not a reader, I don't like reading but I guess I would ask him if the book is needed for my job.

"Please sir, did I need....'' I have not finished speaking when he shushed me shut.

" Octavia" you need to know how to call my name if you want to make my parents believe in the lie"

lie and makes it real, that people would be convinced in your lie, this is the first thing you need to learn" he said in a hoarse voice.

"But am not good at lies " I murmured and he heard but I didn't say it for him to hear.

"If you are not good at lies then you are not good for this job, I thought Ronnie explained every damn thing to you before you come down here," he said with his eyes showing annoyance.

I guess, he is angry, his dark eyes look darker, am afraid to look into his eyes now, I face down quickly.

"I will try," I said which I regretted I let out because he didn't allow me to finish my try when he fled up.

"My parents are coming in two days, I don't want someone that wants to try at lies, I want someone who wants to do it better"

I kept mute, I don't like his echoes, he makes me feel somehow, I guess I should not get him angry for the duration we are together for my peace.

"Did you understand me miss?" he said when he noticed I was only nodding my head to all his complaints.

"Yes Octavia, and I think you should get used to my name likewise instead of Miss, my name is Viola Smith," I said proudly I feel like being on top of the word for telling him something, he is faulty likewise.

I smile slightly which I guess he noticed because he scoffed when he looked at my face.

Anyway I don't care, am just happy that I have something to say instead of nodding my head.

"Take miss," he said which I know he intentionally say miss, he stretched a document which I decipher is the contract document.

"Viola" I corrected him and collect the document from him.

"Read carefully, and sign if you are ready for the job," he said in a commanding tone.

Like if I read I won't sign, I flipped the document in his presence so that he won't think I didn't read it, one thing wealthy people treasure most is their signature, they don't insert their signature on a document without knowing on what the document entails, so I pretend like one in his presence even though I didn't read a single word in the document.

"Can I get a pen??" I asked him, and he opened a drawer and give me one.

I placed the document on the table in his library and insert my document, and turned it to him.

"Go and meet Ronnie in the kitchen, so that you can start your training," he said to me without sparing me Gaze.

" I have something to say".

"Okay, you can speak out," he said and went to sit down at the table

"I want to go and greet my brother in the hospital," I said and he raise his eyebrows at me

"Did you read the document I gave you at all?" he said with his uncomfortable gaze on me.

"No," I said the truth immediately, one thing have learned about him is not to lie in his presence, he hates lies but he can offer a job based on untruth, "what an untrue world".

"If you read the document, you will know, it is stated there, you can't leave this house without me following, you will have freedom after my parents leave the country, which started a few seconds ago when you inserted your signature on the document," he said in softness tone.

I regretted I didn't read the document, how would I know other things that are stated inside, I hope sexual activities are not started in the contract.

"But I can't do without knowing how my brother is faring," I said to him in a soft tone just the way he explained.

"Going to the hospital can blow up my plans, you might not know who I am since you are not among the elites, I can't allow you to be seen by anyone till you will finish your assignment"

This man here is very rude, and he has no regard for poor people, but what can I do being at his mercy.

"But you have to help me, I can't leave my brother without checking on him," I said to him in a pleading tone.

He has the power to dictate my life for me now, he can direct my life the way he wants for the period of the contract, I guess I need to learn what can make him accept his staff pleading.

"Did you know how to cook food?" he asked me.

"Yes," I answered him quickly.

"Is good then, it will make my mom believe more in you, Ronnie won't be here, she will go and stay with your brother while you will do the house chores for the period"

"Are you okay with it?" he asked me

Like I have a say here, I don't have any say, am here to follow instructions

"Yes, Thank you so much," I said to him

"Ronnie has started preparing breakfast but you will prepare lunch, I would discharge her to the hospital after we ate breakfast while you should get ready to follow me to the boutique to get you clothes and shoes, you can't follow me around with the rags on your body," he said bluntly.

he didn't care whether his word hurt or not, I guess he has a dark heart just like his eyes, he has no feeling for humans, I wonder how he was able to have a girlfriend I pity his girlfriend, dating a heartless man like him

"HEARTLESS HANDSOME" I murmured silently because I didn't want him to hear it, but he ask me if I am speaking to him, I guess he noticed my mouth is moving.

"Nothing," I said and stormed out of his library without looking back.

His handsomeness is just a waste, handsome but heartless, I was singing it as a song till I reach the kitchen.

Ronnie was tasting the food she was cooking when I entered the kitchen, I crossed my arm around her neck "Chef" I whispered to her ears

"I guess you have come in terms with my boss because I can see you are happy now," she said to me.

"Yeah, what can I do? I just have to do as he instructed, for Jayden's sake, just that your boss is a heartless handsome man.

Ronnie looked at me with a pouting mouth.

"What?" I asked her because whenever she makes that kind of mouth, something Is fishy

"Nothing oooooh," she said with a slight smile on her face.

"Just spit it out, I hate suspense," I said to her.

"I hope is not that you are falling for my boss handsomeness " she let out, I close her mouth with my palm, she struggles to talk, but I close it tighter

"Don't put me into trouble with your boss" I said, suddenly we held his boss's voice which makes me remove my palm immediately.

To be continued