chapter 11

Are you still there, waiting for me to come to you before you dish my food? he said angrily to Ronnie as he walks into the kitchen.

I glanced up and realized he was waiting for some kind of response from Ronnie.

"Am on my way to set the table" Ronnie answered hurriedly after I gave her a shoulder nudge.

" viola should do the table settings, I sent her to you for training," he sounded in a rude tone.

I raise my hand, to slap his head as he turned to the exit door, Ronnie burst into laughter seeing my hand raised, he looked back and I withdraw my hand in a blink, but I speculate he saw my hand.

"Is there a problem?" he asked which Ronnie and I replied "no sir" simultaneously.

"If you don't have any problem then I expect my food on the table in the next ten minutes and you must not help viola to set the table, Ronnie if I get to know you help her, you won't find me funny," he said, and gives me a warning gaze before he leaves the kitchen.

"This your Boss is something else," I said to Ronnie.

"Yeah, you can say that again, sometimes he is nice, while sometimes he behaves nasty, but he is nice and caring," Ronnie said genuinely.

"Caring my foot" I murmured.

"You will teach me about his daily nourishment, I don't want to have any issue with his food when you are not here to help me"

Ronnie looked at me with a confused stare, it bounce on me that she is not aware of her going to hospital to stay with Jayden "My chatty mouth" I murmured and closed my mouth with my hand in a funny way.

Ronnie smiles slightly.

"Tell me, what you are hiding," Ronnie asked, that is my friend for you, the only one that understands me and knows me better than my parents, she has decrypted, am hiding something.

"Nothing Ronnie, let go and set the table before your rude boss will come here with his dark eyes"

"You know he has dark eyes, I thought am the only one that see it, he has these scaring dark eyes, when I was employed by him then I almost resigned until I get to know him better, he is a nice man just that he has something eating him up"

"And have you been able to penetrate him, to know what is eating him up inside"

"What!! viola are you been serious now, we might be close but there is a limit" Ronnie said with a pout mouth.

"Okay oooo" I said to her.

Within me I will penetrate him, and know what makes him have a wicked nature, am someone that whenever I want to know something, I will surely get to the root of the matter, even my daddy knows this attitude of mine,I will penetrate him with the few days i will spending here to know him better.

Together Ronnie and i dished the food into small coolers in the kitchen after,we went to the dinning and dropped the food on the table, Ronnie want to set the table but I restrained her from doing so.

"Can you do it?" She asked me looking at me.

"Trust me I can, I don't want you to get into trouble because of me, unknowingly he might be peeping on us "

"Okay" she replied and she leaves to called him

I began putting the food in serving bowls, the way I used to do when I was still working in a restaurant, my dad illness makes me stopped the work then so that I can take care of him.

After I have finished dishing the plates,I placed the plate in front of each seat and I sit down waiting for Ronnie boss.

He walked gracefully into the dinning,I stood up soon I sight him. And I bow to welcome him.

"Is this how you will be bowing to your man, like you are his slave or servant " he said.

This man will be very hard to please, how is bowing to greet relate to slave or servant, though am not surprised, this is the reason why rich kids are arrogant, they find it hard to respect people, they see people as their servant.

"Are you going to stand there like a living corpse" he let out which get me out of reverie.

Instead of me cursing him inwardly like I used go do but I smile at him slightly though he shook his head ,and he sit down.

Silently I stood beside him, and opened the serving bowl in his front," This is Cassoulet, made by beans and chicken, is a powerful delicacy and is one of the best food here in French" I said to him as I was taught in restaurant to always introduce your food to your customer.

He frowned his eyes as if I did something bad,I stood there looking at him without uttering any word.

When I notice he is not ready to speak,I opened the fruit juices and gulped into a cup and placed beside the food with the thought that he got angry because I didn't serve him juice.

Still, he didn't touch the food nor speak out, he sat there with his fearful gaze.

"Did the food smell bad,?"I begin to ponder on it, it can't be Ronnie has been his cook for five years.

" Water" the word replayed in my head as my daddy's used to tell me"always serve water and food together, water is important just as food is important when Hungry" my dad word whenever I serve him food without eater.

Immediately I smile luminously,"i have decoded your problem " I gave him the look.

I stretched my hand and pick bottle of water and dropped it beside him yet he didn't speak nor touch the food.

"Are you trying my patience " I grumbled under my breath.

"Is there anything else you need?" I asked him rudely not minding what the outcome will be,

Every insult from him I can endure because of Jayden'ssake but treating me non exists is what I can't take.

My body was burning with anger as I stood beside him until my stomach growled, I guess my body needs food and the rude boss won't allow me to eat because of his nature and he is not replying neither.

When my stomach growled, I expect him to speak because my stomach growled loudly, staring at the food is enough for my stomach to growl, I look at his eyes stylishly but his gaze was on the food.

It bounced on me that he is hungry, but decide to punish me by denying himself food on time.

I decide to sit down and eat, let's see if he will rebuke me for eating.

To be continued