chapter 14

Third-person point of the view



"Why is he not picking up my calls? I guess he knew his accountant suppose to have transferred the amount of money I need to buy goods to my account for me to exchange the money for dollars today" Mrs smith's soliloquy ( Viola birthed Mother)

After a few minutes of pacing around in her office, thinking her husband will call back, but when he didn't see his calls.

She bend down and picked up his handbag and marched angrily to the reception, she met her secretary calling secretly.

" Who are you talking to secretly during working hours?", She let out angrily, she poured the anger on her secretary.

In a jiffy the secretary looked back, she didn't expect to see Mrs smith, she thought she should be in the office taking her nap, this is the hour she rests in the office.

She hung up the phone and sprang up shivering, she knew how terrible she can be whenever Mrs smith is furious.

"Is there a clog in your ear"A harsh and cold voice comes out of her mouth to her secretary.

"I'm sorry ma" the secretary stuttered.

"Sorry for yourself- What is the No rule 3, in the rules given to you when you resumed work here".

" No secret calls, you talk in a manner people can hear your discussion" the secretary stammered.

"Good. And if you fail, what is the punishment?"

"My calling allowance for three months will be removed from my monthly take-home"

"Good, I'm going out and I want a perfect receptive welcoming to the customers, if I heard negative reports from any customers, you will pay for all the staff's offense, since you are the secretary that oversees whenever I'm not around".

"Okay ma" she replied but Mrs smith has reached outside the office by the time she finished her sentences.

She walked towards the designated place, where her car was parked, she unlocked the car by pressing her car remote and hopped into the car.

The security opened the gate for her, and she drove out of the office and strode towards her husband's office.

Her being boiling inside is an understatement, she wants to change the money she wants to use to purchase goods to dollars- the husband was the one that supposes to transfer the money but he isn't, and he is not picking up his calls.

She drove recklessly on the road to her husband's office, some of the drivers on the road hissed and abused her with the way she drove, but she is less concerned a bit, she wanted to reach his office quickly so that she can change the money before tomorrow.

She arrived at his husband's office and parked her car, she was about to hop out of the car when she saw one lady coming out of her husband's company, she stared at the lady, she resemble someone she had met before.

She racked her brain hoping to remember where she has met her before, but when she couldn't remember, she let go of it and hopped out and walked towards the company entrance majestically.

The angry and frowned gaze she had on was alternated with a smile gazed as soon as she passed the entrance, she greeted her husband's receptionist cheerfully, her name is Ruby.

"Hello ma" the secretary greeted her cheerfully and lowered her head.

"How are you doing dear?"Mrs. Smith said with a pretentious broad smile and examined her dress stylishly.

"Did I meet my husband?" she asked

" Yes ma, he is in the office" Ruby answered hastily.

"Okay, please put a call across to him that I'm here to see him," she said

"There is no need ma, you can go inside, he has no visitor in his office".

"No I can't do that. Every organization has a protocol and we must follow it, whether I'm the wife or not". She said

"But ma, you are the wife and you are free to enter his office, whether he has visitors or not," she said

"No, I can't do that, help me to put a call across to him," she said

"Okay ma" she answered reluctantly, she picked up the phone and pressed a digit, the call goes through and it ranged, but no receiver.

She re- detailed yet there is no receiver, after a while, she dropped the phone, with a slight smile on her phone she turned her direction to Mrs Smith

"He's not picking up his calls ma'am," she said looking at Mrs Smith's face intently.

"Okay, please go and tell him of my presence," Mrs Smith said.

"But ma, I don't think there is need for that, I will only be delaying you by doing that"

"No you are not, go and inform him of my presence" she let out smiling.

Reluctantly, she exited and walked towards the boss's office, she will look back and he shared a gaze with Mrs smiths cheerful face.

She hasn't seen a woman who is adamant like Mrs Smith, as much as she hated her, she wants her to go into her boss's office.

Without knocking, she walled into her office boss, and her eyes fell on her boss who was busy caressing a light lady's cheeks, she sat on the lap of the boss, jerking his rod under her buttocks.

"Are you dumb?" Comes out of the lady's mouth.

Ruby looked at the lady with a disdained gaze.

"Your wife is in the reception, waiting for your approval to come into your office boss, Ruby said rudely and grinned, she want the wife to catch him red-handed.

"Don't you know, what to say to her or do? Must I tell you everything?" he ranted angrily.

"I have told her to come in but she said she wants to follow protocol"

"And you will be sacked immediately without mercy, had it been she entered"

"This your staff is dumb" Escaped from the mouth of the Lady on Mr Smith lap, she hopped down from Mr. Smith's lap.

"What did you think you are doing?" Mr. Smith said to the secretary.

She stared around hoping to see another person, she didn't expect his boss to abuse her because of the slim girl on his lap.

"She's too rude, can't you see the way she's looking at me. Are you fucking her?, because I don't understand why she is rude to her boss girlfriend that could get her sack" she muttered.

"I can't date my staff, you know me. Moreover, she is low to my standards, why would I have you and still date a girl like her", Mr Smith said, looking at Ruby's furious gaze stylishly.

"I will go and Inform your wife that you said she should come in," Ruby said arrogantly and lowered her head slightly before exiting the office.

The lady peeked at Mr Smith and kissed his forehead, Mr Smith hand over a cheque to her and she swayed her buttocks to Mr smith before she huffed the door.

"Hope this babe won't kill me one day, she's too sweet to be left alone" Bump out of Mr Smith head"



Te light lady met Mrs smith as she walked towards the office, she refused to greet her, she almost brushed her as they parted ways.

Mrs Smith didn't bother to talk, she walked in and her gaze shifted to a frowned one.

"Why won't you transfer the money I need to buy goods?" she said angrily without bothering to greet his husband.

"Is my money and I can do as I want"

"You shouldn't have married me then"

"I know you married me because of money, I only did what I did because you go against my order, I said I don't want any of my money in your children's hands but you went ahead and gave that brat daughter of yours my money" He roared.

"I'm sorry if that is why you refused to send the money, but I did what I did because his brother is sick and he needs money for his treatment" She explained.

"I don't care, since they have refused to become my children, I banned you from spending a damn on them out of my money, if it repeat again, I will close down your business forever and you will only have access to material things," He said arrogantly.

"it won't, I promise you. But I saw a new Jeep inside the mansion this morning, I forget to ask you the owner"

"I bought it for you since you said you have a meeting with the Elites wife this weekend, I don't want you to go with the old car you tolkk off to the the last meeting"

A wide smile escaped Mrs smith mouth immediately, she moved forward and hugged her husband and kissed him intensively.

"Thank you love" she muttered.

"Anything for you, as much as you comply with my rules," He said.

To Be continued

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