Chapter 15

Viola's Point of View




There is no need for me to ask him the reason he parked in the restaurant when we are going to the boutique, but the way his stomach growled is enough for me to know he was hungry.

I hopped out of his car, sparing him no gaze, I marched towards a fine tree I sighted, the breeze there would be entertaining than following the rude Octavia inside.

"Where are you going to?" I heard him asking me as I walked towards the tree.

"To wait for you " I replied sarcastically.

"Okay" He replied rudely and walked to the entrance, he looked at me before he went in.

What is his problem?, must he dictate everything because he paid me? I reasoned in my mind as I stayed under the tree.

The flowers on the tree look captivating, how I wish I know how to plant them, I would love to have them in my house- when I build my own house.

Staring is an understatement, I was lost peering at the flowers and the way the breeze moved them beautifully.

"What did you come here for" A familiar voice bought me out of the attractions toward the tree flowers.

Looking back to check the owner of that familiar voice, indeed I know the owner but it happened the owner was someone I hate his gut, my mother's stepson

"Are you stalking me??" I said furiously, as I stared at him with a frowned face

"Why would I stalk you, when I know you will be the one to come and beg me to date you later," he said arrogantly.

Though what he said might have happened to other ladies, but not me Viola.

Instead of giving him a response, I remain muted and focused my sight on the flower, but it seems is not enough for him, he touched me and I turned my back and face him with a killing stare.

"Don't you dare touch me with your filthy hands ?" I roared at him.

"Is your body more costly than the other ladies, begging me with their body?".

"I'm not the type of slut that flocked around you, and I would never be," I said angrily to him.

He never stopped, even when I moved away from him and walked towards the car parked, he followed me.

His hand mistakenly landed on my buttocks, but the next thing that happened was the sound of my hand on his cheeks angrily.

"I'm not the kind of slut you touch anywhere dumb" I yelled at him angrily.

He raised his hand to retaliate but was withheld by Octavia's hand.

"Why are you disturbing her?''Octavia said with a red bloodshot have never seen before.

His eyes are enough to bring chills to people's spines, I love this side of him even though he is a jerk like him.

"How dare you hold my hand ?" My mother's stepson said to him, I guess he thought he was like me, the poor.

There is nothing bad watching two wealthy people fighting, after all they are two jerks. If they eventually wound themselves I will be happy about it, though I want Octavia to treat the rude Andre fuck up, yet I want to wait them fight.

My mother's stepson is the kind of a person you should pray not to meet in life, he makes people's life demoralized.

I want to leave the scenery, but my conscious warned me not to be an ingrate. Anyway, I didn't agree with my conscience, I want to laugh at both of them if they displayed funny scenes.

Though I never comply with my conscience, I walked away from them and gaped at them afar.

My eyes fell on Andre, my mother's rude stepson holding Octavia's shirt, but I saw Octavia removing his hand from his shirt.

He moved away from him and entered his car, I have to run to the car parked, the jerk is about to kick off.

He looked at me and removed his eyes away as I entered his car, he kicked off angrily even when I have not settled in.

I wished to ask him if he is going back home or to the boutique, but I halted seeing the looked on his face.

He drove recklessly on the road like someone, thieves are trailing, I have to hold the car door handle so that I won't fall.

When I couldn't take it, I voiced out Angrily.

"Did you want to kill me?" I said to him angrily.

Instead of reducing the speed, he increased the speed the more and halted after a while, I hopped out of the car immediately and release the breath have been holding, tears has filled my eyes. I almost busted into tears but manage to hold it in.

Looking back, I thought he would have kicked off, but he was still inside the car waiting.



Octavia's Point of view



Viola is among the poor who are rude, she must haven't experienced how the rich behave whenever the poor misbehave to them rudely.

Treating her nicely is not in my dictionary, the way she speaks rudely and behaves- makes me want to show her the difference between the rich and the poor.

She made me the reason why my mummy hates associating with the poor, I have always not agreed with that side of my mummy but Viola's rudeness and bluntness have made me realize how the poor reasoned and it made me understand my mummy better.

I hate men bullying women, that is why I tried to step in and help her even though the guy told me she is a slut, yet she has the audacity of walking away and putting on a mockery smile on her face.

The anger in me has been low down for a while yet this lady activated it.

After waiting for her to catch her breath I saw her marching towards the car, I might have waited for her, but I did it, not because I cared but because I want to buy clothes for her since my mother is on her way here.

She hopped in and used her seat belt, she hiccups relentlessly as I drove towards the boutique. Normally if is yesterday I could have felt pity for her, but I care not a bit for her now

The designated car parked, I target as I arrived at the boutique, I parked the car and sprang down from the car, Viola remained seated, waiting for my order to get down I guessed.

"Madam get down, come and pick the clothes you will be wearing during the time my parents would be around," I said, sparing her no gaze.

Afterward, she hopped down, and I marched towards the boutique which she followed.

"Welcome to Teetee boutique," the receptionist at the entrance said smiling with a lowered head.

Reciprocating his greetings is an issue right now because I'm not in the mood for silly greetings.

"Direct her to pick up clothes," I said in a commanding tone I used to tell my staff in the office.

"Okay sir" she replied and she walked Viola to the female clothes section.

I waited in the reception to pay the bills, though I want Viola to go and do a new hair I don't think I have that time, I might call my secretary to come and pick her up for her hair.

Sending her alone might not give me the results of the kind of hair I want her to do, sending my secretary will give me the kind of results I want, she is a sophisticated lady just like my fiancee.

I brought out my phone and dialed my secretary's number immediately

"Hello sir," Lucy said over the phone.

"I need you in teeter boutique in the next ten minutes," I said in a commanding tone.

"Sir, I'm attending to some custo...."

"Find your way here" I interrupted her, giving her no way for an excuse, and hung up.

After a while in the reception, I saw Viola coming out with a few clothes in her hands, I could have asked her why she picked these before but I didn't have time for her petty talk.

She walked towards me, and I saw a change of mood in her expression, she has a slight smile on her face, I guess she likes the clothes

she hand over the clothes in her hand to the accountant, she checked the clothes and calculate the bills, before she tucked them inside a bag.

"Two hundred dollars," the accountant said to Viola, I expect her to come and tell me, but she didn't, she stood waiting for me to hand over the bills to the accountant.

"That's is too costly", I heard her mutter under her breathe

I refused to stand up and paid the bills since she is rude and arrogant to come and collect the clothes money, I'm not the one buying the clothes, though she proved she is not after money, I expect her to come out with many clothes since I gave her the go-ahead but she didn't buy much.

Anyway, she might be pretending since my mother said the poor are the most pretentious people on earth.

I was not surprised when she walked to me and said

"Should I go and drop the clothes? " she said

My expectancy over her just come to the realization- Expecting that kind of speech from her, a rude girl like her would never ask me for money, she would rather go naked than beg for clothes. She is too dumb.

I sprang up and walked towards the accountants, I paid the money and exited the boutique, walking outside I looked back and expect to see Viola at my back but I didn't see Viola coming.

"where is she?" I asked myself.