Chapter 16

Viola's Point of view.





"Sorry, you can't refund the clothes, to take the lesser," The accountant told me.

How I wish I was able to change the clothes to a lesser one's, I could have been happy. The cost of these clothes is expensive.

I rushed outside before the arrogant Octavia will start looking for me, I'm beginning to lose interest in provoking him, it was stressing me out.



Staying inside the car without any signals from him, wanting to drive made me murmur, whether he replied or not, I was mumbling, yet he didn't make any attempt to start his car- it might be his new inklings of punishment, my conscious pumped out. As I sat inside his car outside the boutique.

Having been inside the car with him, and none of us speak with each other, his focus was on the phone call he was making.

He's smiling on the phone, The person he is communicating with must be someone he loves with the way he smiles cheerfully- Haven't seen him smiling this way before, he always looked serious, he could have made the military his career, and it would have fit him better than the estate management he's into.

Customers need a lovely atmosphere and lovely welcoming, though he might not be the one attending to customers in his company, eventually he is the one, they won't have customers. I can boldly say with the way he talks and treat people as if they are lower than him.

I noticed him staring in a direction, I reposition my eyes to where his gaze was directed, I traced his stare and my eyes fell on a chubby lady coming towards where Octavia's car is parked, she wore a short gown that opened her cleavage, she has a robust breast which made the gown looked seductive on her, she took each of her footsteps, like finding it hard to step on the ground. She must be one of those spot brats I concluded in my head.

Surprisingly she knocked on the car door, and Octavia rolled down the windscreen.

"Good afternoon boss," she said and lowered her head.

"What took you so long?, I thought I told you to leave whatever you are doing in the office and come down here asap," he said rudely.

His tone of the response was so rude, I don't know why he talked to people rudely, at least I expect him to acknowledge the greetings of the lady whether she is his staff or not.

"I want you to take this lady to the saloon you are using, let her do a nice hair and make sure it looked beautiful on her," He said to her.

After Octavia's conversation with her, she directed her gaze to me and she give me a killing glare, she looked at me as if we are enemies, Though I don't know why but I think she might be angry, been her boss sending her an errand.

"Okay Boss" she stuttered and gave me a killing stare repeatedly.

Octavia handed over his card to the lady, I was about to get down from his car when my phone buzzed- Tucking out the phone from the cross back on my shoulder, Ronnie came out as the caller ID- I quickly hide the phone, I don't want Octavia to see it.

"Is that the only phone you have??" he said, but his tone looked like he is mocking me which I don't care about.

"Yes," I replied with a frowned face.

"You can't use this kind of phone in my mother's presence, she would never believe you are my girlfriend"

"Lucy get her a good phone after she's done with her hair, Then bring her back home"

"I don't need a new phone, moreover I won't show my phone to your mother", I hate being indebted to people and I don't like how he has been condemning my material things.

" I'm not buying it freely for you, I'm buying because of your responsibility towards me, please I won't like explaining myself another time," he said

"Moreover I would remove the bills of all the things I bought for you in your remaining balance," He said and I opened my mouth widely hearing him.

It sounds like a joke, who would do such a thing without asking me first?.

Why can't he ask me before he bought things, I could have bought cheap things, or gone to cheap places, why would he do something like that without notifying me.

"Can you allow me to buy things I can afford henceforth, I don't need an expensive phone, nor expensive clothes, I can buy already used clothes which are beautiful, and I have a friend who can help me do my hair nicely" I haven't finished talking when the lady she called lucy busted into laughter.

Tracing back to my spoken words, I noticed I didn't speak something I should not have said, but I don't know why she is laughing.

"Did I say something bad?" I said angrily and gave her a frown look, what she was using to laugh- hurting me yet she is laughing.

"Because you speak gibberish" Octavia replied.

"How did I speak gibberish? I need my money for important things, yet you are wasting it on things I don't need. Regardless you expected me to be calm about it" I flared up.

" Did you expect me to allow you to wear those fake and poor things you are using? You are meeting my parents for God's sake, you can't possibly look cheap since you are portraying as my woman", he roared.

Sometimes I wonder if the rich people has two head while we the poor had one head, but I can't possibly redress him, I need his money so I will possibly manage him for the few days I will be spending with his parents

Nevertheless, I let out, telling him to stop using my money to buy expensive materials, all because you want me to use expensive things, and I get out of his car.

He didn't reply instead he kicked off his car, leaving me and his staff.

"I thought you are one of the slut flocking around him," Lucy asked as soon as he boss kicked off

"Did I look like you?" I asked her.

"What did you mean?" She cried out with red bloodshot eyes.

"Just joking," I said to her and smiled, though I meant what I said, the way she looked at me angrily make me think, she might be obsessed with her boss, and the way she looked at her boss seductively.

"Let go," Lucy said and walked away, I followed her as she walked swaying her butt like she has someone she want to seduce- Towards her car.

Ladies won't stop making me smile with the ways they walked nowadays, anyway Ronnie used to say I'm an ancient people which I accepted.

I hope I can talk her into- stopping at the hospital, to check on my brother, I hope he wakes up soon.

To be continued

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