Chapter 27

Third Person Point of View



After the readjustment, viola went to Octavia's mother, she met her doing makeup, and she was surprised how fitted the makeup looked on her, she was indeed beautiful.

She concluded that Octavia got her handsomeness from his mother, and his father is handsome likewise.

"Are you through? have been waiting for you" she said, looking at the back, and viola chuckled.

"Waiting for me, and you still sit down doing makeup" Viola muttered silently.

"Why did you smile?" Octavia's mother said.

"You looked beautiful ma" Viola said and she interlocked her two hands, she don't feel comfortable lying.

Octavia's mother looked at her hand, she smiled knowing she lied about the answer.

"You know that is not the reason you smile, but don't worry I accept your answers.

"Hmmm" Viola hummed, she was sacred a bit, thinking how the woman knew.

Octavia sprang up from the sit and makes Viola to sit opposite the mirror.

"Do your make-up, the woman we're going to meet is a fashionista of the France, we must look our best, I'm meeting her for the first time.

Viola didn't know what to do, she didn't know how to use facial powder not to mention makeup, she sat looking at the mirror.

Octavia's mother was busy perfecting her dress, and the moment she change her direction she met Viola gazed.

Her mouth formed (O)

"Ma'am", Viola called stupidity, smiling like a


"Don't you want to do makeup on your face, though you looked beautiful but I will want you to look your best" Octavia's mother said"

"I'm not sure, I want to d....", Octavia's mother didn't allow her to finish when she walked to her, she touched her face and examined it.

" Don't worry, I know the type of makeup that will fit your face" She said, and start making her face up.

*After some minutes*

Octavia's Mother finished Viola's makeup, and they both set to go out, on their way out, they met Octavia in the parlor watching Tv, he shifted his direction from the film he was watching and her gaze landed on Viola's face, he hiccups when he saw a different Viola.

This is the second time, he will be seeing a beautiful Viola.

"What is that?" His mother asked when he saw the mockery gaze he has.

''Nothing mom" Octavia replied and shifted his gaze away from Viola immediately.

"I except you to admire your wife and ask her who helps her with the makeup"

"Mom, my woman is always beautiful whether she makes up or not" Octavia defended himself.

"I agree but today is exceptional, can't you see how gorgeous she looked" his mother said and turned Viola around in front of Octavia.

Viola felt shy about the way Octavia's mother is asking her son to check her out, she can't hide the fact that Octavia looked attractive to her, but she hate his personality, and she is the type who considers people's personality above all.

"Thank you mom, she looks good" Octavia forced it out of his mouth.

"Good, go and tell her that she looks good," Octavia's mother said, she noticed a certain coldness in his son's face, she thought may they were not on good terms.

Octavia sprang up from the couch he sat and walked towards Viola, he hold her two shoulders and smiled at her.

"You look good," He said and hugged Viola tightly, "I'm referring to my original woman" Octavia whispered to her ears and disengaged from the hug.

Viola looked at her with a hateful glance.

"Mom, there is something I want to ask you," Viola said.

"Okay dear"

"Did you think there are many ladies outside there that can be more beautiful than me?" Viola asked the mother intentionally just to prove Octavia wrong?

"We can only see a few dears, you are one of the few, beautifully and naturally beautiful ladies in the world today" Octavia's Mother replied and hyped her.

"Darling, did you agree with mum, you know you are one of the few handsome bachelors out there, you are rich, handsome, and influential, you have met with different ladies and women, I need your opinion on this" Viola said to Octavia with a pouting mouth.

"Is that necessary, mummy has answered you" Octavia replied, he didn't want to tell Viola his opinion.

He doesn't want to say no, his mother might find it absurd, yet he didn't want to use his mouth to tell Viola she is pretty.

"Your woman needs your opinion, answer her so that we can leave to where we are going," his mother said.

"You are beautiful dear, I have met a lot of ladies too, just like your man. I can boldly say you are beautiful" Octavia's father comes in and help his son out unconsciously to him.

Octavia's lips beamed of smiles, he felt happy, hearing his father's.

"Thank dad," Octavia said and hugged his father tightly.

"What is that?" His father asked, he found his son hugged awkwardly.

"Leave my man alone, go and meet your wife," His mother said which both the father and Viola busted into laughter instantly.

The laughter made Octavia disengaged the hug and moved back to sit down.

"We are going out, my two darlings, we won't stay for dinn....."Octavia's's mother said.

"To where mum" Octavia interrupted his mother, Viola felt relives instantly, she won't have to follow Octavia's mother out anymore.

"I told you I met the most fashionista woman in the plane on our way here, and she promised me a dinner which is happening today, I don't want to go alone so I want to take your wife along, she will use the opportunity to get to know the woman. I love meeting new people of high class and I want you woman to start doing it"

You being born into a high-class family is not alone until you mingle with people that are higher than you, it gives you more fame and authority, also more riches." His mother explained which make Viola understand the intent of today's outings.

"Okay mom, but I don't think Viola loves that, she prefers not to be known mom," Octavia said

"Don't worry son, she will love this, isn't Viola?", She asked facing Viola.

Octavia signaled Viola to say no with his face, but she couldn't, she thought saying to Octavia's mother will be disrespectful, she was hired to please them.

"Okay ma'am, I will follow you but on one condition," Viola said

"O-k-a-y" she stuttered.

"You won't discuss my parents or status or background there," Viola said.

"Why now?, you come from a rich family, she should know, so that you can be respected and honored by her. You know many rich people respect people of their caliber" His mother said.

"M--o--m" Octavia interrupted her mother.

"Okay, I accept your Condition" Octavia's mother said.

''Wife, don't go there and do otherwise", Octavia's father said, knowing the kind of person his wife is, she loves getting attention, especially from the affluent like her.

She accepted and Octavia decides to drive them to the restaurant where they are meeting, since he knows his mother doesn't like driving and she will want Viola to drive, Viola has not driven in her life since his parents didn't have a car and he won't want her to know.

On their way to the restaurant, Viola keeps praying silently for the woman, not to be interested in her, she wish for the contract to successful, she was to receive her full payment, she wish to start a business with the remaining funds she will acquire after Jayden's hospital bills.

"Son why don't you join us in the restaurant," the mother asked Octavia as he drives to the Restaurants.

"Like this mom, you know you can't possibly introduce me as your son looking this way, my mother that I know wouldn't," Octavia said and Viola sneered instantly.

"What is wrong with his dressing" Viola said.

Octavia fired Viola a disdained glanced , he hates the fact that Viola thinks the way the poor reason, just as she is.

" Everything my dear, your man knows that I won't introduce her with the clothes he had on, though the clothes are not bad, since he is well known but I won't go out, on an outing with him, looking this way. The affluent must wear clothes that speak who they are, that way they command respect and honor"


"Yea mom, you are right" Octavia interrupted Viola before she say something's else, he didn't want his mother to reckon, she is poor.

They drove into the beautiful and glaring restaurant, it screamed wealth and honor, Viola was lost alancing at the restaurant as she hopped out of the car, she has not seen this place before, they entered the restaurant with a Vip card.

"This is beautiful" Viola said mistakenly, and she closed her mouth as she realized she is with Octavia's mother.

"Yes my dear, is beautiful. Son we will come here tomorrow as a family to eat dinner, I want your dad to see this place before we go back" Octavia's mother said and he nodded.

"Should I wait for you?" He asked his mother.

"No, order a cab for us, we are coming home late, I want to have fun till late with the woman coming, I want to know her more " Octavia mother said before Octavia hopped in and kicked off.

She walked elegantly with Viola into the restaurant, eyes were on Viola as she walked, she felt nervous and hoped things go smoothly, she hasn't been to a place like this all her life.

They were directed to a reserved seat, they have not sit when a beautiful woman walked in, eyes were on the woman as she walked into the restaurant, Viola was the last person to look at the woman.

She couldn't believe her eyes when the woman walked towards their seat, she looked startled seeing the woman, she tried hiding her face.

"Why is she here?" She asked herself.

To Be Continued.

Who is this woman?

And why did Viola get shocked seeing her?

Let's find out