Chapter 28

What is she doing here? I said under my Breathe as she walked towards our seat, and what shocked me most happened, instantly Octavia's mother moved closer to her and hugged her tightly.

I scoffed as they both hugged themselves, this woman here whom Octavia's mother portrayed as the Queen of America, was a poor woman from her background.

With a chuckled on my lips, I sat down to wathe the show in front of me, my biological woman is the person, Octavia's mother is hugging like an affluent, anyway, she had bought it but she can't be one in my presence, even though she abandoned us for riches.

She looked at me and pretended like she didn't know me.

"You looked beautiful, your skin glows more each day, I guess your family is born wealthy from their foundation, having that kind of skin means wealth" Octavia's mother hyped her and I almost spit the juice in my mouth, the way Octavia honored her was absurd.

"Yes, you can say that again, and who is this damsel beside you?" She asked Octavia's mother.

The woman here, my biological mother, is more horrible than I thought, how can she pretend like she didn't know her first fruit.

Octavia's mother stretched her hands on my shoulder and smiled at me.

"She is my Son fiance, you must have heard about my son since you are well known, he is the Ceo of Avatar Estate," She said smiling, I felt happy knowing the woman Is my mother, she won't dare ask me unnecessary questions, except she wants to dig her own grave.

"Yeah, I know your son and is the most handsome bachelor in France, you must be happy to have been noticed by that kind of man he said referring to me, I almost lost it, why would she think this way, am I that ugly, saying he notices me or she thinks am like her, finding my way to the bed of the affluent.

"Yes, but she is from an affluent family just like my son, they found themselves and notice each other I guess," Octavia's mother said cheerfully and I felt happy she took my side.

"Oh, My bad. Your family must be rich for you to have Avatar estate Ceo as your husband-to-be" she said, looking at me like she wants to spit the truth out.

"Did you have a son..... Or a child too "Octavia's mother let out the most entertaining questions of the century to me.

A beamed on my lips as she asked the questions, waiting impatiently for my mother's answers.

"Y..e..a..h" she stuttered.

"Is she a boy or a girl? They must be beautiful just like you if they are girls"

"Yes, I'm handsome like my mum" his proud stepson Andre showed up unannounced, he moved to his mother sit and pecked her cheeks, I know my mother find it uncomfortable seeing the look on her face, she must have seen him as a jerk just the way I see him, I guess.

"What are you doing here son?" she asked cheerful, caressing his hand on her cheek, pretending like she is happy to see him.

"I saw a damsel on your table and I want to say hi before I go," he said and looked my way, I removed my eyes from his gaze.

"And who is this?", Octavia's mother asked her.

"Pretty, nice to meet you," he said and stretched his hands towards me which I rejected, I don't care If Octavia's mother didn't like it, still I won't have a handshake with this jerk here.

"Don't be rude" Octavia's mother whispered to my ears alone which I pretended like I don't hear.

"He's my only son, pardon his manners, is Andre by name''Mrs Smith announced.

Her only son, at that moment, my mind traveled to my little brother Jayden who was in the hospital, does it mean she never acknowledge Jayden too.

"Nice to meet you, you look awesome just like your mother", Octavia's mother said, did he think he is more handsome than Octavia, the way she looked at him is absurd.

" that true, I didn't know" Andre replied to her.

"If you don't mind can I sit with you, so that I won't be lonely eating alone"?

"Sure" Octavia's mother replied, she didn't allow his mother to decide on that.

"So can I know the name of this damsel," he said, giving me a seductive looked I find uncomfortable.

"She is Viola by name, my only son's fiance, they would be getting married soon " Octavia's mother replied to him.

"Andre " his mother called him, I guess she signaled to him that he is crossing the line with the absurd questions he is asking.

"And what is the name of your son, if is not too much of me to ask," Andre asked, staring at me uncomfortably, I guess he wants to unveil me if am not too insensitive"

"My son..i."

"Ceo of Avatar Estate" Mrs smith interrupted her.

"How come, the Ceo of Avatar Estate," he said and gulped the wine in front of him at a shot.

He placed his hand on the remaining wine in the bottle on the table and poured it inside the cup, he gulped and released a grinned smile.

"Are you sure? He said staring at my face intently, you resemble someone that I knew, but I can't say, the person can't dress this way, she is from a poor background and she is poor likewise, I'm not sure she can be the fiance of the CEO of Avatar Estate" he said in a teasing tone.

"Noooo, this is Viola and she is from a rich family just like my son, you must have mistaken her for somebody else, everything about her screamed of noble, she is one of us" Octavia's mother defended me as always, I would have loved her, if not that she hates us the poor, she can never relate to me this way if she knows I'm poor.

"Really...but.....she's just like the" Andre was saying, but Mrs smith her stepmother interrupted him, I saw how she pitched his hands.

"That is enough Son, she is noble like us," Mrs. Smith said.

"Okay mom, I'm sorry pretty if I am too forward," he said with a pretended apology gaze.

"I'm cool, people resemble others in life, there is no big deal in it," I said gently, just to maintain my calmness if not I could have spit on the face of this rude Andre.

"Really. You mean you are not angry, but your face says otherwise" he said, teasing me.

"Andre," his stepmom said in an angry tone

"No, there is no problem, my son's fiance is a gentle lady, so I can tell you Mr Andre that my daughter is not angry, just that I don't want it to happen again, I hate it when people mistook things relating to me, comparing with the poor" Octavia said, but I can notice some anger in her tone of speech.

"Okay ma'am, I'm sorry if I anger you or your daughter, mom I have to leave you so that you can have fun, it looked like I might not allow you to have fun''Andre said, afterward he sprang up from his seat, he didn't touch his food, he only drank the wine, smiled at his mother and Octavia mother while he gave me one funny gaze that I can't comprehend.

I watched him as he walked out of the restaurant, with his hands tucked inside his trousers, and he had his sunglasses on.

''Forgive him for his manners" Mrs smith said to Octavia's mother, staring at me occasionally, afterward she started chattering with Octavia's mother, but everything centered on the nobles.

When I got tired of their chattering, I got offensive and found it boring, I stood up and excuse myself to the convenience, I must tell you, pretending to be someone you are not, is like been in a cage.

When I'm about to return to the restaurant after I rested in the convenience for a while and calm my temper, the door opened revealing Mrs smith coming in.

She walked elegantly just the way Octavia taught me.

"What are you doing here and how did you know that woman?" She said in a concerned tone which I know is fake.

With no response from me, I tried to walk passed her, but she hold me and gave me her irresistible look.

"What did you think you are doing? I'm Nobel just like you and I think I deserve some accolade" I replied in an angry tone, I just hate her, every fiber in me hates her also.

"The rich are dirty and cunning than you think, don't get involves with them, you will regret it", she said like she regretted her decision.

"Did you regret your decision?" I asked her, waiting patiently for her to say no, maybe I can try to forgive her but instead, she walked away.

"Sorry, I suppose not to have crossed the line, we aren't related", she said and tears seeped out of my eyes, but I cleaned them away instantly.

I have vowed not to cry because of her again, I will make sure Jayden and I get rich and make her regret her action.

I picked up the tissue and cleaned up my face, walked back to the restaurant, and sat opposite Mrs smith pretending as nothing happened.

"You must love your son so much," I said to her which take her off-guard before she waited for minutes looking at me before she replied with a smile, that is not from inside, a fake smile.

"Why asking that kind of question, every mother loves their children, they would do everything just to see them happy just the way I care for you man"Octavia's mother replied, which Mrs smith nodded to it.

" I don't think so, there are mothers who don't deserve the title, "I said from a boiling heart, I don't care if Mrs smith gets hurt or not.

"No viola, every mother loves their children, or what is your response, Mrs Smith?" Octavia's mother said to her.

"Hmmmmm, you are right. Every mother loves their children except if the children fail to notice the love" She said, I chuckled and drank the cup of water in my presence.

Like always she is selfish and greedy, she shifted the blame to the children, I can't tolerate her presence any more, it sink. Moreover it's getting late so I whispered to Octavia's mother to let us go home.

To Be Continued.

Please readers let me know hear your thought about this chapters.

Love you all