Chapter-38<*Decision ( slight R-18 ) >.< *>

Another two days had passed and the general situation of the group had stabilized.

Cloud was like a fish in water as he walked the chaotic streets of the city, especially since his Combat Instinct Skill was finally at level 10, giving him an impressive 20% chance to dodge attacks that come against him despite not knowing about them. It could be said that it was an automatic defense that if he was lucky, it could save his life more than once, not counting the secondary effect of reducing the amount of unnecessary movements that the practice of the Masteries empowered.

The other positive thing that had happened is that his Absolute Control Skill had risen to level 5, increasing his STR by 5%, which was already 3 times that of a normal human.

The number of survivors had risen to 300, since the children did not count in the mission.

Yuriko's situation was the same but she didn't seem to care that she had so little time left to live, although maybe she did care and she was just hiding it very well.

At this time, the group was camping because

it was night.

Every one of the members was resting, with the exception of a few unlucky ones who were chosen to stand guard.

Cloud was getting ready to go to sleep when he felt someone outside his tent- "Do you need anything?"

"Excuse me" - he was surprised that Yuriko showed up so late "Sorry for the intrusion"

"Yuriko-san? What are you doing here at this hour?" - asked the boy with surprise.

"I needed to talk to you and during the day we hadn't had the opportunity"-Yuriko said with a smile on her face "It's important..."

"Ok... give me a little time to prepare something to drink"

-Cloud said as he went to the cooler- "Anything specific?"

"Beer for both of us... I think we'll need it" - Yuriko said seriously.

Cloud raised an eyebrow when he heard this but just shrugged as he grabbed some beer cans and placed them on a small table, "What do you want to talk about?"

"It's about my situation"-Yuriko said as she bit her lip-"I only have a little more than a day to live"

"..." - Cloud was silent because this was true.

"That's why I want to ask you a very important question..." - Yuriko said seriously - "Is there any way you can recruit me?"

". . ." Cloud was silent. Honestly, if there was a way but this was practically to become his lover since he still hadn't got the method to do it in any other way. Despite everything he'd done for Kohta and Takashi, he hadn't gotten any notice of recruitment from them.

"There is... isn't there?" Yuriko asked.

"Yes..." - the blonde sighed - "But..."

"Let me guess… I have to be yours…" Yuriko said seriously as he drank some beer.

"Yes," Cloud agreed as he looked at the woman, "Honestly, I don't know what method I have to use to recruit other people but so far, I've only been able to recruit girls I've slept with..."

Saeko was the first to be recruitable, all thanks to her character and personality.

The second was Kyoko, who just needed someone to protect her and make her forget her past full of disappointments.

The third and ironically the first woman he had sex with, Shizuka. She was only recruitable now that Rika was safe, so she guessed this was because of how much those two women loved each other.

"I guessed so"-Yuriko sighed as she shook her head "I guess I'll have to"

"What are you talking about?" The blonde exclaimed in surprise.

"Cloud... I don't want to die..." Yuriko muttered as she approached the blonde - "I... I want to continue protecting my Princess"

"There's another way to do this!" Cloud exclaimed.

"No…we're running out of time…" Yuriko sighed as she shook her head, "Tell me Cloud…am I not good enough for you to recruit me?"

"It's not that!" - the blond yelled - "I promised Souichiro that I would protect them! But I never thought that this way!"

Yuriko didn't say anything else, she just started taking off her clothes.

"..."-Cloud couldn't believe what he was seeing but at the same time he couldn't look away.

"Watch me Cloud" - Yuriko murmured - "Please... don't let my efforts be in vain"

"Yuriko-san..." Cloud mumbled as he tried to look away but the beauty of the woman in front of him was too impressive. Her long legs, her big buttocks, her small waist, her huge breasts, her beautiful face, her long silky purple hair, the whole image that she had in front of him, was perfection.

"Please Cloud… please… don't let her die…" Yuriko said as she bit her lip-"Please… help me keep protecting my princess…"

"I..."-Cloud was hesitating especially when he saw how the woman was moving in the most seductive way possible in order to awaken his primitive instincts.

"I don't want to die..." Yuriko murmured as she looked at the boy in front of her- "I know Souichiro has to be cursing me from the afterlife to see me do this... I know he has to be yelling at me, insulting me"

"No!" - Cloud shouted fiercely - "You know very well that that is impossible!"

"..." - Yuriko shook her head - "I'm not so sure anymore..."

"Please Yuriko-san...don't denigrate yourself like that..."-Cloud said as he tried to control himself but it was getting more and more difficult because Yuriko's seductive scent was more and more dangerous and powerful. He understood that he couldn't resist any longer.

"Cloud... am I not good enough for you?" Yuriko asked as a growing fury spread inside her. Although she did not want this to continue, it did not mean that she would allow herself to be insulted in this way. As a woman, she was proud of her beauty but the boy seemed to be resisting as if she were an abomination.

"It's not that!" - Cloud yelled - "You're beautiful! One of the most beautiful women I've ever seen! But it's impossible that I can do this, not with everything you guys did for me!"

"So you want to see me die?! You want to see Saya-chan cry over the loss of both of her parents?!" Yuriko exclaimed furiously. She knew she was losing control but she couldn't take it anymore. She had made everything clear, she was determined to give herself completely so she could continue by her princess's side but most importantly, she was trying to give this situation a chance and who knows, maybe start a new life.

"..." - Cloud opened his mouth but couldn't say a single word to defend himself even though he was being a gentleman.

"Cloud... I ask you one more time... please... take me..." -

Yuriko muttered as she approached the blonde again.

Cloud was silent as he watched as the beautiful purple-haired woman was getting closer to her, to the point that he could feel her breathing. Her heartbeat was getting faster as she got closer, as was her breathing.

"I can see how you're suffering from all this...."-the woman whispered when she saw that he was in her reach. His soft words and delicious scent from her were making the blond couldn't contain himself for much longer- "No one will know what we're going to do...just let yourself go"

"..." - Cloud tried to open his mouth but felt as if it was dry. He could see Yuriko's beautiful eyes looking directly at him.

"Come on, Cloud…" the woman whispered again as she gently bit his ear.

"!" -An electric current ran through the blonde's back as he felt how his masculinity was awakening.

"See? Little Cloud is waking up~" - said the woman while

she was looking at him passionately-"Why don't you let him out to play?"

With those words, Cloud couldn't resist it any longer, he quickly took the woman from her waist and kissed her passionately.

He still felt guilty about being about to have sex with the woman he was once his boss but the lust she had goaded him into was so much greater.

"!" Yuriko was surprised but she quickly got carried away as the two entered into an all-out tongue fight.

Cloud's hands slowly began to run over the naked body of the beautiful yakuza woman, who seemed to be enjoying it despite the fact that she still felt a little guilt.

The two slowly pulled apart, only to rejoin their lips in an even more savage combat than before.

Yuriko had to admit that the boy was good at kissing, so she masterfully began to take off her clothes while he continued to cover every inch of her body.

The two of them had decided to leave the problems for later, guilt, pain, grief, all of that had been left aside as they began to feel more and more excited.

"How are you feeling, Cloud~?" - Yuriko purred, who seemed to be enjoying this forbidden and sinful encounter.

"..."-Cloud didn't reply, he again kissed her passionately as she circled her neck to get even closer. He could feel the woman's nipples getting harder as they crashed against her pectorals.

"I think we should start this"-murmured Yuriko, whose gaze was full of lust. She had decided to use this night to be able to release all the tension that she had accumulated all these days..