Chapter-39<*Yuriko ( R-18 ) ( Rewritten ) >.<*>

The two, now naked lovers, were covering every inch of their partner and to the woman's surprise, the boy was bigger than she thought.

Cloud slowly took her by the waist and with a quick movement, put her on the table to be able to observe her better. He no longer cared what happened, he no longer cared about the guilt she had felt, he no longer cared that Saya knew about what she was about to go through and Yuriko was the same. She just wanted to continue what was about to happen.

The woman was completely tense and she just wanted to release all the stress that she had accumulated, she wanted to forget all the suffering, she wanted to find a way out for all her problems.

"Please… let's do it…" Yuriko whispered as she felt her arousal level increase with each beat of her heart. She was expectant, she was eager, she was excited, she just wanted to feel him inside her so that the pleasure would erase everything she had felt before.

"Here I go..." Cloud said as he slowly invaded Yuriko's insides.




He kept his slow thrusts as his mouth and Yuriko kept connected through the whole ordeal, the pleasure slowly became more prominent and he lifted her ass more and more until he was piledriving her.


The woman just arched her back in ecstasy as she felt her lover's penis going deeper and deeper. She was biting her lip to hold back the moan that she was trying her best to get out of her as she apologized one last time to her deceased husband.

Yuriko had to admit that she was in heaven, not only because she was finally releasing all that pent up tension, but because she hadn't had sex in weeks, as her husband had been busy. There were times when she envied normal married women, women who had simple lives (Simple, not Easy) and had their husbands by their side every day.



"Ah-!" - She couldn't resist it anymore, the blonde's slow movements were starting to have an effect. Yuriko was beginning to enjoy her sinful act- "Hyaaaaaaaan~!"

"I have to be thankful that this tent is far away"-Cloud said as he began to move faster and faster. He had taken the woman from her waist and was penetrating her as precisely as possible.



"Ah-!" -Yuriko was feeling heavenly as she saw how the blonde was getting more and more 'animated'- "Faster-!"

Cloud quickly picked her up from the table and lowered her with

watch out.

"What was that for?" Yuriko asked with a frown.

"Because I want to see that nice ass of yours" Cloud said as he withdrew his masculinity from the yakuza woman and turned her around, only to enter her once more.

"Hmm~!" - Yuriko bit her lips to keep from moaning when the blonde penetrated her in one go. She could feel how she had come much farther now than before- "Ah~!"




"Moan, Yuriko-san… .. let everyone hear how you moan"-Cloud whispered as he took her by the waist again and penetrated her forcefully.

Yuriko had one hand on the table and the other on her mouth to resist her moans but the blond was making it difficult for her. He was doing what he wanted with her body, he was grabbing her big breasts, pinching her big buttocks, licking her neck and biting her earlobe, kissing her breasts lips, running his hands down her back but what made it worse was that she was enjoying it to the point that she really wondered if this guy didn't have years of experience.

"Hyan~!" -Yuriko could only moan despite how much she tried not to while Cloud continued to enjoy her inside her like there was no tomorrow.

"I can't take it anymore-!" - moaned the beautiful yakuza - "Please, faster-!"

"As you order, my lady"-Cloud said as he grabbed her by the waist and began to move her hips at great speed.




"Yes-so-!" Yuriko moaned as she arched her back and in the process, giving the boy a perfect opportunity to cup her huge tits and pinch her nipples- "Hyaaaaaaaaaan-!"

"I think that was very loud and someone may have heard you"-Cloud said as he quickly kissed her.

"Hmm-!" -Yuriko's moans were now being drowned out by the continuous attacks that the blonde was making to her tongue but far from bothering her, he excited her even more. She was experiencing some of the wildest sex she had ever had.

When she met Souichiro, she wasn't a virgin, in fact, neither of them were. Yuriko was an experienced woman trained as an agent even in the act of seduction while Souichiro was the leader of a growing yakuza family.

"Hmm~!" Yuriko continued to moan as she squeezed the walls of her vagina even tighter. She wanted to continue experiencing the pleasure of being penetrated over and over again by her new mind as she let lust fill her thoughts- "Hmm-!"

"Anything to say, Yuriko-san?" - Cloud asked as they separated their

mouths of her "Keep moving-!" - moaned the woman - "That's an order~!"

"As you order"-smiled the blonde as he kissed the woman again.

Yuriko just let the two tongues continue to dance as she focused her gaze on the eyes of her lover. She was feeling how she was slowly getting closer to her climax and from what she felt with the boy's penis, he was about to cum too.

"How long do you think you can take-?" The woman purred as she gazed at him with passion and in the process, she tightened her vaginal walls even more. She could feel with greater precision all the blond's movements as he seemed to clench his teeth in order to continue resisting - "15 minutes? 20 maybe? 30 maybe?"

"Enough to fill you completely"-Cloud said seriously as he stepped back slightly and penetrated her hard.

"AAAAAAAH~!" -Yuriko could only moan as she felt how that last thrust seemed to have reached the depths of her womb-"Shit, that almost made me cum~!"

"But the question here is... how long can you last?" -

Cloud asked as he looked at her lustfully.

"Enough to leave you with nothing inside your balls"-Yuriko replied as a gleam full of fighting spirit appeared in her eyes.

"We'll see about that"-Cloud said seriously as he changed her position. He masterfully raised one of her legs and began to penetrate her from the side.

"Hmm~!" Yuriko bit her lip again as she gave him an annoyed look. She was enjoying the feel of how her smooth and huge ass was bumping against the hip of her new lover, so a change of pose not only made her lose focus for a few moments, but now she would have to get used to it again. .

"It's time for the second part"-Cloud said as he penetrated her again at high speed.

"Ah-!" - Yuriko only answered him with a groan.


30 minutes had passed and the two lovers were still doing their act of sinful passion.

"C-Cloud, please b-be gent- AHNNN!!-"

"You're so tight, Yuriko~" Cloud' released a hot sigh and saw how her cum coated their crotches.





The two of them were at their limits and Yuriko could barely contain her release- "Come~!"

"Ok" - nodded the blond while biting his inner cheek to be able to resist a little more. He, too, is barely resisting the urge to fill the woman's interior with her essence, but in a last moment of lucidity, he decided to withdraw from her interior.

"Ah-!" - Yuriko seemed to understand what was happening and was honestly upset by the situation. She wanted to feel the inside of her being filled but after remembering the situation, she didn't say anything because in truth everything would be disastrous if things ended this way. If she allowed him to come inside her, she might end up pregnant since today was not a safe day.

"Here I come, Yuriko-san!" The blond exclaimed.

"Do it! Paint me your color~!" Yuriko moaned as she felt the boy leave inside her. that he

"I cum!" The blond yelled as he released his essence into the whole body of the woman.





With a sharp thrust that resounded like a slap, their crotches joined in primal union, he settled himself inside her womb and released whatever his balls had within them at the moment.

"Ah-!" - Yuriko responded with a groan when she felt how it was covered by a thin layer of still warm liquid. Cloud continued to release her ejaculation, even as he watched as the woman fell wearily onto the table.

"T-This is new…" Yuriko mumbled as she bit her lip. She had never been covered in cum so this was a new experience.

"Same here" - Cloud said seriously.

"..." - the two passionate lovers looked at each other again while a deep silence invaded the place.

Slowly the two approached and when they were few centimeters, they kissed again.

Cloud had not ejaculated on his face, so there were no problems with this action, nor did he mind the smell or feeling sticky, after all, it was the very essence of him, not to mention that after this, the two would clean .

"What do we do now?" Cloud asked as he looked at the woman seriously.

"I see you're not tired yet so a second round wouldn't be bad"-Yuriko replied as she let the lust continue to dominate her actions-"What do you say?"

"Sounds like a plan" - Cloud replied as he passionately kissed the woman again - "A plan that I will gladly follow, my lady..."

Yuriko gave him a seductive smile as she once again led him to the table that was now a complete mess.

The empty beer cans were now on the ground while a deep smell of sex spread through the tent, only for a few seconds later the melody of pleasure was heard again in the place.




"C-Cloud, please b-be gent- AHNNN!!-"





The soldiers who passed by outside were surprised to hear her boss moan inside the blonde-haired boy's tent but after a few seconds they decided to ignore it all. They could understand that her boss needed to release some tension, not to mention that they had no right to interfere in the lives of others.

Souichiro was gone, the situation was shit, so they couldn't blame the woman for trying to enjoy a bit of it despite many insulting her as a bitch.