Chapter-40<*First ally*>

It was a new day for the search and rescue group, who were waking up from their sleep.

Yuriko slowly opened her eyes and blushed when she noticed how she was being held so protectively. She quickly remembered what she had done yesterday and her blush grew even stronger.

She wouldn't lie to him, she had enjoyed having sex with the boy next to her, in fact, it had been an experience she hadn't had in a long time.

"I'm sorry... darling..." the woman thought as she felt all the guilt invade her again. She had done this to survive, an instinct that every human has, although after doing it for the first time, she understood that she also wanted the boy. He had many similarities with her deceased husband, which made her decision to give herself to him in order to continue living even easier, although at the same time she understood that they were completely different people.

"..." - Cloud slowly opened his eyes and just like the woman, guilt began to invade him. He had promised Souichiro that he would take care of his wife but he never thought he would be this way, although he wouldn't lie saying that he was sorry either. He had seen the pleasure-filled face of the woman he held in his arms and it was fantastic. The sounds of her moans, the sweat running down every inch of her body, the lust that was present in her sexy gaze, everything he had seen, had been marked in the depths of his heart. her.

Yuriko was beautiful, that was a fact, and he had experienced the woman's seduction firsthand.


[Requirements Met, Character Yuriko Takagi, available for recruitment...]

[Requirement One: Save Saya Takagi]

[Requirement Two: Know each other for at least 5 years]

[Requirement Three: Save her from her death from her mansion]

[Requirement Four: ??? (Requirement Ignored for "Unknown" Reasons)]

[Requirement Five: ??? (Requirement Ignored for "Unknown" Reasons)]

************************************************** ************************

"System..." - thought the blond.

[I know what you want to ask... I knew this would end this way because it's not the first time this has happened to a User... just remember that I will allow it ONLY once... am I clear? The next time something like this happens, the character will be deleted from that world and you won't be able to do anything to prevent it... and one last thing... you can't use this to make it easier for you to stay in the world, for example, talk about this with a villain so that the villain disappears and everything is much calmer...]

"Thank you..." -thought the boy as he watched as Yuriko opened her eyes and looked at him in surprise.


[Character Yuriko Takagi, has accepted recruitment...]

[Activating Recruit Option...]

[Information: The recruited Character(s) are directly connected to the User... if the User dies, then the Recruits will be reset and sent back to their original worlds, with no knowledge of what happened]

[Information 2: Recruits have the possibility to level up, although unlike Users, they only acquire 5 Points per level and these are automatically accommodated, although they do not suffer additional Stats Point consumption when they reach certain steps ]

[Information 3: Recruits can only learn 10 Skills and this ability will not be increased by leveling up. Passive or Active skills of a Bloodline are not considered in this ability. The number of unique skills is 2 and they can only have an "EX" Rank Skill]


Both Cloud and Yuriko were surprised to receive this information, especially the blonde when he read the Stats part of the Recruits. While it sounded bad at first, in the long run it was Bufo that was undeniable. Getting a stat up 5 points at high levels was an impressive improvement, especially since he would have to spend 10 stats points to get 1 stat up, which meant he would have to use all the stat points when leveling up just to get up 1 stat. statistics in a measly point.

"I..."-Yuriko was surprised to see how the screen that marked her life time, completely disappeared as the tears began to run- "I'm safe..."

Cloud didn't say anything, he just walked out of the tent while he ignored the looks the other men were giving them. He decided it was a good time to take a shower so he would give Yuriko some time alone, who really needed it.


"I didn't really think you would"-Rika said as she looked at the boy. She had heard about how Yuriko had been moaning inside his tent so it was obvious those two had done it.

"..."-Cloud just kept silent as he ignored the woman. He was watching as all the men were packing up to start their journey again. Rika didn't get upset when she saw that he didn't answer her because she had noticed that something strange was going on between those two and she didn't mean that they had sex.

Yuriko's head was in the clouds and from what she had been able to detect, she had a mixture of happiness and guilt.

Cloud for his part, was reviewing the information he had about his new companion.


[Yuriko Takagi]

[Mother of Saya and Wife of Souichiro Takagi, a beautiful and at the same time lethal woman. Former Japanese special forces agent with a wide range of skills. She was saved from her fate but in the process lost her husband. She is firm, passionate and when she makes a decision, there is no one who can make her change her mind]

[STR: 15][DEX: 15][INT: 20][VIT: 12][LUK: 10][Charm: 50]

[Hand-to-Hand Combat Mastery: Lvl 9(*)][Firearms Mastery: Lvl 8][One-Handed Sword Mastery: LvL 7][Seduction]



[Admiring beauty is something we all do, just be careful not to get too close because you don't know when you'll end up dead]

[Passive: 10% chance of not receiving an attack as long as it is given by the opposite sex. Increases the chance of negotiating or getting information in a conversation]

[Active: You use all of your abilities to seduce the enemy. Enticed Enemy cannot attack the user and the user can be commanded for a few seconds. The success rate depends on the user's Charm x2% (A strong will reduces the success rate)]

[Enchanted state minimum time 2 seconds - Enchanted state maximum time 30 seconds]


"Hmm...I think I'd better go..."-Rika said when she noticed how Yuriko was approaching her location.

"?" -Cloud gave her a confused look but he understood what it was when he saw how Yuriko was walking towards where he was.

"Can I speak to you?" The beautiful yakuza woman asked as she watched Rika walk away, leaving the two lovers alone.

"Sure" agreed the blonde.

"I... want to thank you for giving me the chance to stay alive..." Yuriko said as she bowed her head. She knew that she was the only one to blame for this situation because if she hadn't wanted to know the truth, none of this would have happened.

"You don't have to"-the blonde denied as he looked at the woman.

"I have to do it" - Yuriko said seriously - "That's why from today, I promise under my name, to follow you on this path full of stones"

She understood very well that now that she was a Recruit of Cloud, things would only get worse.

"I still regret the death of my husband... even being ashamed for having betrayed his memory so soon... but now that it's all over, I was able to think about things better" - continued the woman - "I know he didn't like it." I would like to see myself like this... so while I can, I will continue with his words in my heart... that's why as long as we continue in this world, I will continue with his instructions ""..."-Cloud was silent as he watched the woman speak.

"Please allow me this, Cloud-sama"-Yuriko said as she knelt in front of the boy.

"Get up, Yuriko-san..." - Cloud said as he shook his head - "You are not a slave so you have to follow everything I tell you to the letter. The Recruits are helpers, not puppets or dolls without will..."

"..."-Yuriko smiled when she heard this-"Thank you..."

"..." - the two remained in an awkward silence after talking about this, although they couldn't blame him. Their relationship had progressed so abruptly that neither of them knew what to do.

Yuriko had decided that as long as she remained in this world, she would honor the memory of her husband in order to shake off the guilt she felt for having sex with her now Leader of hers.

"Ahem! I think it's better that we continue this another time"-Cloud said as he fake coughed to change the subject-"It's time for us to return to the central base"

"Ok"-the woman agreed as the two walked towards her vehicle, not realizing that now they were a little closer than when they first left the military base to help the survivors.

"Should I tell Shizuka about this?" Rika wondered as she watched the new couple walk away-"No...I don't have to meddle in other people's lives..."

Rika just frowned when she said this because she didn't understand why.

"In case I..."-murmured the woman while she shook her head-"Impossible...."


well guys that's all for Today

#hope you guys like this story until now>.<>.<

Tomorrow is my practical so no chapters tomorrow & I'll see if I manage to upload one chapter tomorrow

and then after completion of this world I'm going to take a break

because of exams until 22