Chapter-63<*New Student*>

"Name..." - Chifuyu said.

"Cloud Strife" - answered the blond.

"Age" - continued the woman.

"14, about to turn 15" -the boy answered again, although inside he was a little uncomfortable because of his current age, especially when he had already lived 18 years before, not counting how old he was in his original world .

"Blood Type" - said the woman.

". . ." - Cloud ignored the question.

"Tastes..." - asked Chifuyu with a frown.

"Many things" - replied the blond

"Dislikes" - continued the woman.

"Many things" - replied the blond again.

"Power level" - said the black-haired teacher.

"Unknown"-Cloud really wasn't so sure what level of power he would have in a level 1 world because it was his first time entering one.

"I think you should better answer Orimura sensei's questions, Cloud-san"-Maya said as she looked at the boy with concern.

". . ." -Cloud just took a look at the woman and had to admit that she was quite similar to Shizuka, especially in the proportions of her body.

". . ." -Maya blushed when she noticed the boy's gaze again focused on her breasts- "C-Could you stop looking at me like that?"

"I'm sorry..." - the blonde sighed. This was getting annoying, he never thought that a change in his bloodline would make him practically a pervert that he can't control his hormones.

"I suppose with your current situation, it is preferable that you keep a safe distance from female students" - Chifuyu said seriously - "Is there a problem with that?"

"None" - replied the blond.

"I guess that would be all for now..." - denied the black-haired woman - "Maya sensei will be responsible for taking you to your room"

"Me?!" -exclaimed the woman while she blushed again when remembering the incident that had happened-"O-Ok..."

"I'm sorry about that"-Cloud said as he shook his head.

"D-Don't worry," Maya said as she shook her head quickly, "W-Well... shall we go?"

"Ok" the blonde agreed as he followed the woman, although he cursed the fact that he couldn't take his eyes off his big hip.

* * * * *

"A-Here it is..." - Maya said with discomfort but at the same time, an apple-red face.

"Thanks…" the blonde murmured as he shook his head. The two were in an awkward silence because it was obvious that the woman had discovered him by looking at her rear.

"I-I better leave...your classes start tomorrow..." Maya said as she tried to change the subject-"The information will be sent to your communicator..."

"Thank you"-he thanked the blonde again while he saw how the woman said goodbye and ran away at full speed.

"Ok…I have to fix this fast…" the blonde muttered with a frown on his face. He had to admit how uncomfortable and dangerous his current situation was. He could feel his instincts raging within him as he cursed at his draconic blood- "Maybe I should Meditate to calm myself down?"

He was really finding her situation annoying and although it wasn't to the point where he wanted to fuck everything that moved, it was annoying because when he fought a woman, he would be more focused on looking at her body measurements than the fight itself and all that. could become lethal.

"It doesn't cost anything to try…" the blond muttered as he sighed with regret. Slowly he entered the room and sat on the bed in a lotus position. It sounded cliche but it was the only way he knew to meditate - "I just hope it works..."

* * * * *

Houki was walking through the corridors of the Academy with a neutral look while he observed how the vast majority of the girls already had friends to share with.

"That idiot Ichika ..."-murmured the girl from japan as she shook her head-"I understand that it's been years since we last saw each other but that he couldn't even recognize his childhood friend .. ."

The girl was upset and you could tell by the frown she had on her face.

The reason?

Her old friend hadn't even recognized her.

"I'm sure he would have recognized me right away…" Houki muttered as she quickly shook her head. Six years had passed and they still hadn't had any answers from him and that worried her more and more - "Where are you?"

"Have you heard? It seems that a new boy will enter class 1-A"-said a girl while the others were surprised by her words.

"How do you know?" one of her friends asked.

"Because I heard it from one of the teachers" -the first girl replied- "It seems that he had an incident with Maya sensei and that is why he couldn't attend the first day"

"What happened?" - asked another student.

"He went to the teacher's room for Maya sensei to take him to her classroom but when he knocked on the door, Maya sensei was in her underwear because she had forgotten that a boy was going to see her" - said the girl while the others They laughed at the hilarity of the situation.

"I guess he's a lucky boy because Maya sensei has the biggest breasts in the Academy"-said one of the girls as she let out a small laugh.

"Now we know why Maya sensei and Orimura sensei were not in class today" - agreed another girl.

"And how is the boy?" -asked another girl curiously-"Is he just as handsome as Ichika-kun?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure" - denied the girl who was telling the story - "I only know some details... he is blonde, blue eyes with a slight greenish tint"

"!" -Houki was surprised by the information she had gathered but quickly shook his head in denial, after all, there were hundreds of people with the same characteristics-"Although..."

Houki had a slight hope that he was her childhood friend, after all, dreaming doesn't cost anything.

* * * * *

"This is ridiculous…" Ichika mumbled as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. He had been running away from the girls all afternoon and what was worse was that his childhood friend, Shinonono Houki, hadn't helped him - "I'd give anything to have a male partner... at least he'd take half." of attention..."

It was the first day of school, and Ichika was already mentally tired.

"Did you hear that?" - asked a girl.

"Shit!" Ichika exclaimed as he hid himself again. He didn't want to be found out because it was obvious that he would be persecuted like the last 3 times.

"I'm sure it's your thing" - said another girl - "Now you'd better continue"

"Ok..." - nodded the first girl - "As I was telling you, there will be a second boy in the Academy"

"!" -Ichika was surprised when he heard this as a great happiness invaded his mind- "Finally! No more chases! At least not as many as now..."

"I'm sure I heard something this time"-said the first girl as she frowned.

"This time I heard it too" - said the second girl.

"Shit!" Ichika exclaimed into his thoughts as he backed away quickly.

"But it doesn't matter... better continue" .- said the second girl as she looked at her friend.

" she was saying, there will be a second boy in Class 1-A...I guess this is so that the only two boys are in the same classroom"-said the first girl.

". . ." -Ichika was surprised at this as a small smile appeared on his face- "Finally a male partner!"

"There's Orimura-kun!" a girl exclaimed as she pointed in her direction.

"Shit!" Ichika exclaimed as he started running again.

"Why are you running, Ichika-kun?!" a girl exclaimed as she chased after him.

"May tomorrow come quickly!" Ichika exclaimed as he continued running through the corridors of the Academy.

* * * * *

"It's funny to see how Orimura-kun runs for his life... but I feel like something is missing..." Tatenashi murmured as he shook his head "I guess it's because of his passive attitude.. ."

"And me thinking that being the only man capable of piloting an IS, he would have a more self-confident attitude..." - denied the blue-haired girl as she watched Ichika keep escaping - "Hmm... I guess I'll keep going." watching for now. I'm sure I'll find my answer in no time..."

* * * * *

"Shouldn't we be helping him?" Maya asked as she watched as Ichika continued running.

"No..." -Chifuyu denied- "He needs to change that attitude he has... maybe Cloud Strife's influence is good for him... I just hope he doesn't end up seducing his teacher"

"~"-Maya blushed when she heard this.

"That was fast..." - Chifuyu said with surprise seeing the attitude of the green-haired teacher.

"I-It's not that!" Maya exclaimed as she blushed even more. "I-It's just w-well…"

"The Academy has no problem with the romance between Students and Professors... in fact, I think there are two professors who are dating two of their students" Chifuyu said as he shook his head.

"!" -Maya only opened her mouth to try to defend herself but the more she tried to explain things, the more confused her thoughts became.

"I think I talked too much"-Chifuyu denied when she saw how her friend was starting to generate steam from her ears..


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