Chapter-64<* First Day of Class*>

Cloud was opening his eyes after meditating for two hours before falling asleep from boredom - "That was harder than I thought it would be..."

He quickly took the bracelet that he had left on his small dresser and put it on his wrist-"Raiden..."

[Activating Armor, Sir...]

". . ." -Cloud just closed his eyes as the armor covered his entire body almost automatically, showing the same appearance he had when he had left the Facility where he was trapped.

[Operating system running...Enabling power saving mode...waiting for command...]

The blonde widened his eyes, only to notice that he was wearing some tight black leggings- "I'm still not used to these things"

He quickly put on his uniform and got ready to go to his first day of school.

Maya had sent all the information she needed to know, location of the room, class days and where to get the necessary supplies for her activities within the Academy.

* * * * *

"How do you think he is?" asked a girl who couldn't contain the excitement of having another male partner, although she wasn't the only one. All the other girls, with the exception of Houki who only had a neutral look, were waiting for the new boy to walk through that door.

"Good morning students"-Chifuyu said as she entered the room-"Everyone take a seat"

"Good morning, Orimura sensei!" - the girls exclaimed as Ichika let out a typical 'Good morning, Chifuyu Nee'

"It's Orimura sensei, Orimura" - Chifuyu said with a frown - "Remember that I'm your teacher..."

"I'm sorry, Chifuyu Nee... Ouch!" Ichika exclaimed as he was hit by the black-haired woman's book.

"Maybe with a blow like that, my words will get through that rock-hard head of yours" - Chifuyu said with a frown.

"Good morning, girls, Orimura-kun" - Maya said with a smile.

"Good morning, Maya sensei-chan!" - The girls exclaimed when they saw the kind teacher.

"I guess there is only one student left to arrive" - ​​Chifuyu said as she looked around, only to hear a knock on the door - "And I think he arrived just in time for him to introduce himself. Yamada sensei... can you open the door? "

"H-Hai"-nodded the green-haired woman as she walked with a red face towards the door of the room.

"From Maya sensei-chan's expression, it's obvious that the rumor that the new student saw her in her underwear is true…" a girl said.

"Or maybe she was blushing because he's handsome" - said another.

"I still don't understand how they let a man who can't pilot an IS enter the Academy" - a beautiful girl with golden hair snorted. Her beautiful blue eyes, her upper class attitude and her refined actions, made it clear that she had been educated from a very young age.

"You can come in"-Maya said as she waited by the door.

"Thank you, Maya-san"-said the boy as he entered the classroom.

"!" - The girls were surprised to see the boy's appearance. He had pale blond hair, blue eyes with a slight green tint, slightly slanted pupils, and a clearly trained physique. The boy was 1.80 meters tall.

"!" -Ichika and Houki were surprised to see the boy because they felt like they had seen him before, especially Houki, who couldn't resist his rapid heartbeat.

"You can introduce yourself"-Chifuyu said as she looked at the boy.

"My name is Cloud Strife..."-said the blonde as he looked at those present, only to stop his gaze on Ichika and Houki-"It's a pleasure..."

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaan~!" - The girls screamed when they heard the boy's almost cold voice. He was acting like the typical Kuudere character, a cold and aloof guy.

"C-Cloud?! Is that really you?!" Ichika exclaimed as he jumped up.

"It's been 6 years, Ichika"-Cloud said as he nodded. His cold demeanor disappeared as if it never existed as a small smile appeared on his face.

Ichika was about to say something else but he fell silent as he watched as Houki approached the blond.

"Hello, Houki"-Cloud said with a smile but his instincts sharpened when he felt how the girl was about to slap him. With a quick movement, he stopped Houki's hand and gave him a calm look.

"Where have you been all this time, Baka?!" The girl exclaimed as she began to cry. How long had she waited to see the boy in front of her again, how many days had she not been worried about him?

". . ." Cloud was silent as he looked at Chifuyu.

"You can tell whoever you want, it's your life after all"-Chifuyu said as he shrugged.

"I'll tell you later"-Cloud said as he let go of the girl's hand and gave her a small hug. He wouldn't admit it but he had a soft spot for the these two in front of them.

"Etto... I know it's a stupid question... but do you guys know each other?" the blonde girl asked with a frown on her forehead.

"That's right"-Ichika agreed-"Cloud was our childhood friend but one day he disappeared without a trace"

"Well... that explains their relationship... although it still doesn't explain the reason why he is in the Academy"-said the girl seriously.

Houki gave him a sharp look but quickly calmed down when she felt the blonde's hand on her head.

"The reason for my presence in this Academy is that I am good enough to be on equal terms with an IS pilot" - Cloud said seriously - "If you want I can show you, princess"

The blonde girl frowned when she heard the nickname he had given her because it was obvious that she hadn't meant it well. He wasn't calling her a princess because she was high class, but because she was self-centered.

"I hope you know who you're messing with, commoner" - said the girl - "Because I won't show mercy if we fight"

"I recommend you don't underestimate me, princess..." the blonde said as his gaze sharpened-"Because things won't end well for you"

"Shouldn't you stop them, Chifuyu Nee?" -Ichika asked but he groaned because of the pain when he felt how her sister's notebook collided with his head again- "Ack!"

"It's Orimura sensei..." - Chifuyu said with annoyance - "As for you, Alcott, Strife... I'll let you fight, but it will be later... now we have much more important things"

"What's more important than teaching this blond diplodocus manners?" - Asked the blonde girl with annoyance.

"Perhaps to teach a certain capricious princess a lesson in humility" - Cloud replied as the two blondes gave each other an annoyed look.

"I think it would be a good idea for the two of them to fight to release some tension"-Chifuyu said while she shook her head-"We will also be able to identify the level of power that Strife has in the process"

"Are you really going to let them fight?" Maya asked with concern.

"Worried about your boyfriend?" Chifuyu asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"I-I'm just worried about my student?!" Maya exclaimed with annoyance. It was becoming common for Chifuyu to tease her with the blond.

"Hmm... Ok..." - Chifuyu just shook her head - "The fight will be tomorrow during the Combat Classes"

"Hai!" The two blondes exclaimed.

"Strife, you can sit next to Orimura"-Chifuyu said as she indicated the seat that was next to the only male in the room before his arrival.

"It's good to have a male partner"-Ichika muttered as he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why! are you gay?" Cloud asked quietly as he raised an eyebrow.

"NO!" -Ichika exclaimed but he blushed when he noticed how everyone was looking at him-"I'm sorry..."

"It's not that, idiot... it's just that you don't know how stressful it is to be constantly chased for being the only boy in the Academy"-Ichika muttered as he shook his head.

"I see..." - Cloud nodded - "Luckily you're not Gay... we'd still be friends but I'd stay away for my own safety..."

". . ." -Ichika just rolled her eyes at him as he discreetly raised his middle finger at her- "Are you really going to fight Cecilia-san?"

"Cecilia?" The blond asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Cecilia Alcott-san, the representative of the United Kingdom" -Ichika said seriously- "She is a proud girl who says what she thinks, although there are times when she doesn't measure her words and ends up talking too much"

"Yes... yes I'm going to fight her" - Cloud said seriously.

"My class is boring?" Chifuyu asked as he looked at the two boys.

"No!/Yes" - answered the two boys at the same time.

". . ." -Ichika just gave the blonde a surprised look as he sweated profusely seeing how his sister got dangerously close.

"Is it boring?" Chifuyu asked again.

"Absolutely," the blonde agreed as he dodged Chifuyu's book attacks by shaking his head, "That almost hit me…"

"!" - The girls were surprised to see how easy the blond was making Chifuyu's fast attacks look like a game.

"Can we stop? You're starting to hurt my neck from moving my head so much…" Cloud said as he continued to dodge the blows from the black-haired teacher's book.

Chifuyu narrowed her eyes seeing that her attacks were ineffective, so she returned to her position.

"That wasn't my top speed but it was fast enough to hit a mid-range soldier…" the black-haired teacher thought, "Cloud is stronger than she thought…"

"Let's better continue with the class" -said Chifuyu as she continued with her lesson-"Open the book to page 4 ...."


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