
Class passed quickly and it was time for a break.

The girls got up excitedly because they wanted to meet the new boy but before they could do anything, he, along with Ichika and Houki, had already disappeared from the place.

"They're fast…" a girl said as she looked around.

"Hmm..." - the others just nodded.

"I guess we'll have to wait another time" - another girl said - "Remember they haven't seen each other in 6 years, so we better leave them alone for today"

"That's very mature of you" - another girl said.

"What can I say... there are times when one has to take a step back"-said the girl while the others nodded at her words.

* * * * *

"I think this is a good place to talk"-Cloud said as he looked at the two friends of his that he hadn't seen in years.

"How did you do that?" Houki asked in surprise. They had become invisible after touching the blond.

"A little accessory that Raiden has" - answered the blonde calmly.

"Raiden?" - both asked.

[Did they call?]

"!" - Both of them backed away when they heard a fourth voice nearby.

"LOL!" - Cloud, on the other hand, was letting out a laugh when he saw the reactions of both - "Oh... they had to have seen their expressions..."

Houki frowned when she saw the blonde laugh at her but quickly calmed down because she had seen that trying to hit him was not possible, at least not in her current situation.

[I'm sorry I scared you]

"Where does that voice come from?" Ichika asked with a frown.

"Raiden, 5D command"-Cloud said as his wrist glowed slightly.

[Command accepted... enabling display mode...]

"A bracelet?" - Ichika asked with surprise - "Is it the energy saving mode of an IS?"

[Negative, young Orimura... I'm not an IS, I'm something very different]

"Then what are you?" - Houki asked with surprise and curiosity. She had never heard of an AI that had this very human communication ability.

[Permission to release information, sir]

"You can do it… but first…" Cloud said as he looked at one of the walls, "It's rude to listen to private conversations, Chifuyu-san~"

* * * * *

"We've lost the signal" - denied Maya when she saw how the camera had been deactivated after the young blonde said those words.

"I have to admit that he found the camera faster than I thought"-Chifuyu said as a small smile appeared on her face. She was completely sure that he would discover the camera, after all, he had been training in a High Security Facility for 6 years. If he didn't learn such things, he would feel that those responsible were useless, not to mention that according to what Tabane informed her was true, then [Raiden]. he was a really smart AI and his detection abilities were amazing-"I guess we'll just have to wait for him to tell us about his life himself...although I have to admit I'm curious..."

"That's the first step, Orimura sensei"-Maya said as she shook her head-"Interest is a dangerous thing for a woman"

"I think you're exaggerating"-Chifuyu said as she shook her head.

"If you say so" - Maya just shrugged - "What do we do now?"

"Go get a coffee…" Chifuyu answered as she walked out of the camera room "Are you coming?"

"There's nothing better to do"-Maya replied as she ran after her friend-"By the way, it's your turn to pay"

"I know" - Chifuyu huffed as the two walked in silence.

* * * * *

"Ready, now we can continue" - the blond smiled - "Permission granted, Raiden"

[Command accepted... creating hologram for further compression...]

"?" - The two young people were surprised to see how from the blonde's bracelet, a 3D image began to form, showing a man in his 20s with white hair, covered by a kind of robotic armor.

[Greetings... my name is Raiden, AI created specifically to assist subject S]

"Subject S?" - asked the two young men.

[Affirmative, Subject S]

"What is subject S?" Houki asked with a frown.

[Classified information...]

". . ." -The girl just looked annoyed at the blonde but he didn't even flinch at the look she was giving him-"I'm sorry, I can't explain that, at least not for the moment"

"Houki... leave it for now" - Ichika said as he put a hand on his friend's shoulder - "For now let's focus on what we have in front of us"

"Ok" -the girl agreed when she understood that her friend was right-"Let's continue with the information about what you are"

[Affirmative. As I said before, I am an AI designed specifically as a support for Subject S and I live most of the time in the MK 9 Mechanized Tactical Combat Suit]

"Mechanized Tactical Combat Suit?" - Ichika asked as the image changed to a suit similar to the one brought by the AI ​​image.

[MK 9 Mechanized Tactical Combat Suit or simply MK 9 for short, is a project created with the purpose of creating a Weapon wielded by men, which has similar capabilities to the IS piloted by women]

"How did you get that thing?" Houki asked with a frown. The very creation of that armor was a clear declaration of war against his sister.

"Classified Information"-replied the blonde as he shrugged.

". . ." Houki just narrowed her eyes but quickly took a deep breath because she was sensing that she was losing her cool.

"I'm sorry, Houki" - denied the blonde - "But I still can't explain it"

He was being truthful about this because he really didn't want to explain where he had been. In that place, not only had he trained tirelessly, but he had also been put through different trials, such as explosive creation, sabotage, infiltration, and assassination. And although the latter does not matter to him because honestly it was not the first time he killed, but for the two friends in front of him, it would be something hard to digest.

"Can the suit fight IS?" Ichika asked seriously. Honestly, that was what worried him the most right now, after all, his friend was about to fight a custom IS from the UK.

[I cannot go into specific data because that information is classified, but the answer is yes]

"That relaxes me a bit"-Ichika said as he heaved a sigh of relief-"At least now I don't have to worry about your ass being kicked to America"

"Don't worry, I could take on the Princess even without Raiden" - Cloud said while giving him a carefree look.

"Don't be so carefree!" Houki exclaimed as she grabbed her shinai and threw a punch at the blonde.

"You should relax a bit, Houki"-Cloud said as he took the wooden sword with one hand-"If you get too angry, that beautiful face of yours will wrinkle easily"

"!" Houki blushed when he heard the blonde's words. She could feel her heart pounding.

"Are you alright Houki?" Ichika asked as he put his hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Kya!" -Houki could only scream as her face turned even redder, only to run at full speed out of the place.

"What was that?" Ichika asked with a frown.

". . ." - Cloud could only give the boy in front of him a neutral look as he shook his head - "This will be much more difficult than I thought..."

"What are you talking about?" Ichika asked in confusion.

"It's nothing... just thinking that it's harder, your skull or a diamond" – the blonde snorted as he looked at his bracelet- "Raiden, you can go into energy saving mode"

[Command accepted, sir]

"Whatever"-Ichika decided to put all this aside because honestly none of it mattered now that his friend was back-"Nothing weird happened to you while you were missing...right?"

"Many things happened, Ichika... things that it's better that you don't know"-the blonde sighed while he shook his head-"I can only tell you that in the place where I was, it wasn't the place full of flowers and rainbows"

Ichika closed her eyes when she heard this but still she nodded, "It doesn't matter…remember that you can always count on me…I'm sure Houki thinks the same"

"I think that's enough of me…tell me…did something happen while I was gone?" Cloud asked as he looked at his friend.

"A lot happened…" Ichika sighed "After you disappeared, Houki was almost kidnapped because she was Tabane's younger sister… so they were moved to another classified location…"

"I received a report about that in the place where she was... I also know that you were kidnapped during the second Mondo Grosso"-Cloud said seriously.

"I still blame myself for that…" Ichika sighed as he shook his head, "If it wasn't for me going somewhere I shouldn't have, Chifuyu Nee would have won the second Mondo Grosso…"

"If you don't want that to happen again, you should start training, Ichika" - Cloud said as he looked at his friend - "If you're weak, you'll be captured again. If you're weak, you might lose what you love so much. If you're weak, you'll always be under Chifuyu-san's shadow..."

". . ." -Ichika just kept silent as he listened to the blonde's words.

"That's why you have to make yourself strong... after all, many people will be after you for being the only man capable of piloting one of those things"-Cloud said as he put his hand on the shoulder of the friend ...


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