
After leaving the bathroom, after more than an hour of showering, Cloud changed his clothes and walked towards the staff room to talk to Chifuyu.

"Do you need anything, Strife?" - Asked the black-haired woman as she looked at the boy in front of her.

"Yes... I would like to have access to the training room and if possible to the heaviest implements you have" - ​​Cloud said seriously - "I'm sure you detected why"

"Hmm... yes" - agreed Chifuyu - "From what Yamada sensei told me, your Testosterone levels increased during the fight"

"Yes... and according to [Raiden], the best plan of action I have is to train until I drop" - replied the blond.

"Granted, I'll send you the information while you change your clothes..." - nodded the teacher - "Remember to give me the report on the confrontation"

"Ok, I'll turn it in at the end of the day" - Cloud agreed - "By the way... I don't have a problem with skipping some classes?"

"No" - denied Chifuyu - "First, you are not a pilot, so not many of the classes are useful to you, second, according to the report I managed to get, you were taught and your general knowledge is that of a graduated teacher, so that the basic knowledge of high school is useless for you, that leaves us only the Combat Area, although seeing your level, I don't think it will be useful to you"

"I'm here so you can keep an eye on me... isn't that right?" the blond asked as he looked at the black haired woman.

"That's one of the reasons" - agreed Chifuyu.

"And the others?" Cloud asked curiously.

"They are classified" - denied the teacher - "Well, you got what you wanted, now you can leave"

"Ok"-nodded the boy as he left the staff room.

"Are you seriously going to let him use those weights?" Maya asked in surprise.

"Seeing his physical abilities, I don't find him strange" - agreed the black-haired teacher - "Not to mention that with this we can find his limit"

"You're getting too interested, Orimura sensei" Maya denied as she looked at the woman.

"What's wrong, Yamada sensei? Afraid I'm going to steal your boyfriend?" Chifuyu asked with a slight smile on her face.

"HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND! How many times do I have to tell you that I'm only worried about my student?!" the green-haired woman exclaimed as she walked out of the staff room with a red face.

Chifuyu just shook her head when she saw this, though her expression turned serious when she returned her gaze to the screen in front of her- "Let's see how far the perfect soldier can go..."

* * * * *

Cloud was walking silently as the girls looked at him excitedly. The news of his battle against Cecilia had spread throughout the Academy and the girls were excited to learn more about this mysterious boy, although after seeing him in the first person, they decided not to approach him. Not because he wasn't handsome, but because he was giving off a somewhat strange aura that made them nervous.

"You have to teach me how to do that" - Ichika said as he walked to where the blonde was.

". . ." Cloud just rolled his eyes at him in response as he continued his walk to the gym.

"Where are you going?" - asked the black-haired boy.

"I'm going to the Gym" - Cloud replied calmly - "I need to burn off some energy or I'll make a mistake that I'll later regret"

"?" -Ichika looked at his childhood friend in confusion but quickly decided to ignore him-"Do you want me to come with you? I need a little exercise too"

"I have no problem" - agreed the blonde - "But I warn you that this will not be as easy as you think"

"How bad could it be?" Ichika asked, unaware of the hell he would be going through in a few minutes.

* * * * *

"Ok, I'm sorry for what I said before…" Ichika muttered as he got up weakly. He had been training for 10 minutes and he couldn't move anymore, but what was hurting him emotionally was that he was using weights that only consisted of 10% of what the blonde was using, not to mention that Cloud was still training like nothing happened.

"I told you not to overexert yourself"-Cloud said as he continued lifting his weights that were 200 kilos in total.

"Did they tell you that you're a monster?" Ichika asked with a frown. He never thought that he would see someone work out with that level of weight since those weights were actually used by the IS to measure his strength level.

"I've lost count how many times I've been told that way"-Cloud said as he shook his head. He couldn't explain to Ichika that his physical strength was a little over 11 times that of a normal human, at least not without explaining about Origin - "If you have enough energy to talk, then you can keep lifting weights. we have to go for a run"

" I regret following you"-Ichika sighed as he continued doing weights-"I'm sure I won't feel my arms tomorrow"

Cloud didn't answer him, he just continued exercising to calm his body.

"To all this... are you interested in someone?" Ichika asked as he looked at his friend.

"Couldn't you ask a less gay question?" Cloud asked with a frown.

"That's not what I mean, idiot!" - Ichika exclaimed furiously - "I just wanted to ask you for some advice about my situation with Rin"

"I see..." - nodded the blonde as he continued lifting weights - "I'm going to be honest with you, I can't help you because one, I haven't been in your situation and two, I don't understand how the girl really is. What I can tell you, is that you trust your heart and it will show you the way"

". . ." -Ichika was silent for a few seconds as he nodded slowly.

"To all this... what do you feel for that girl?" Cloud asked normally.

"I don't know..." - denied Ichika - "Before, I only thought of her as one more childhood friend, like Houki and you... now..."

"Do you feel confused?" - The blond asked again.

"Yes... I also feel a little strange..." - the black-haired boy sighed - "For a few moments I start to think about how she is after all these years that have passed"

"Congratulations Ichika, you are interested in a girl" - Cloud said with a smile - "You finally entered puberty"

". . ." -Ichika just raised the middle finger to his friend, only to sigh with regret.

"As a fact, interest is not the same as love" - ​​added the blond - "Being interested in a girl, it's only the first step... I'm telling you this so that you don't do anything stupid that ends up damaging that girl. rin girl"

"I understand" - Ichika agreed - "Any advice?"

"I recommend that you continue to be friends and that things move slowly" - Cloud replied as he left the weights in their original place and gave his male partner a look - "Let everything take its course... and who You know? Maybe this way you will be able to find the answer you are looking for"

"Thank you, Cloud" - Ichika smiled - "I needed to talk about this with someone"

"Okay.... now it's time for us to go running"- said Cloud as he left the room.

"I knew it…" Ichika sighed as he trailed after him wearily.

* * * * *

". . ." -Chifuyu just silently observed the physical ability that the blond boy was showing and to her surprise, it was much greater than she had thought.

"He is carrying 10 times the recommended amount for a normal person"-Maya said with a slight blush on her cheeks. She had to admit that he had quite a prominent body for a boy who was only 14 years old.

"Does anyone like what I sees?" Chifuyu asked with a small smile on her face.

"At least I'm not the one with my eyes glued to the monitor" - Maya snorted with annoyance - "If I didn't know you, I'd say you were amazed at Cloud-kun's muscles"

"Now you answer me?" - Chifuyu said with surprise - "I guess you're getting used to my jokes"

"Anyone would if you do it so often" - Maya snorted again - "Anyway, according to the biometric sensor, Testosterone levels remained stable during training"

"Heart rate?" - Chifuyu asked calmly but Maya's answer surprised her even more - "Stable, they only increased between 10 to 20%"

"Impossible!" -Exclaimed Chifuyu- "His heartbeat must have increased by at least 70% due to physical exertion!"

"I'm sorry to tell you that's wrong"-Maya denied-"It's as if the exercise he just did was just a simple warm-up"

". . ." -Chifuyu could only sit on her chair while she watched the blond walk next to her younger brother. She had to admit that he was destroying everything that her common sense knew.

"What do you think to do?" Maya asked as she looked at her friend.

"Keep watching..." - Chifuyu answered - "I'm sure this won't be the last surprise that Cloud Strife will give us during this day


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