Chapter-70<*Fight for the Presidency*>

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A new day had arrived at the Academy and the girls were still flushed from the spectacle they had seen yesterday.

Cloud had not only gone for a run, but he did it with a dress that did not hide much of her physique. A white tank top and slightly tight sweatpants showed off his well-worked body, especially his six-pack.

"Good morning..."-Cloud said as he entered the classroom. He had to admit that after taking a shower and falling asleep in bed, he woke up with much more energy than yesterday - "Is something wrong?"

"N-N-It's nothing!" - The girls exclaimed to a very confused blonde.

"Good morning, Cloud-san"-said Cecilia as she walked towards the blond.

"Good morning, princess" - nodded the blonde.

"I'm trying to be kind enough to put our problems aside and start from scratch... I hope you at least do the same..." - Cecilia said with annoyance - "Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for making me see my mistake when we fought yesterday"

"You're welcome" - nodded the blonde - "I'm sorry I was so one-sided"

". . ." -the blonde girl's eyebrow twitched slightly but she still smiled-"N-No problem, although there are some things I would like to ask you, such as how do you train like that"

"I'm going to be honest with you, since I was little I've had a superhuman physical condition, you can ask Ichika, Houki or even Chifuyu-san" - Cloud replied - "But if it's any information, what I do is first I weigh weights to be able to maintain the strength of my arms in perfect condition, then I run without resting with weights to be able to increase my speed and finish with different types of exercises"

"Can you be a little clearer?" - Cecilia asked with surprise.

"Let's see... I start with half an hour of warm-up with lifting 200 Kg weights, then I run for 2 hours without rest with 100 Kg weight on my legs, then I have 3 hours of training with exercises like push-ups, squats, sit-ups with weights of 25 Kg in each of my limbs" - said the blonde as he began to think - "I don't have a very different diet from others, so I couldn't give you any kind of nutritional advice"

". . ." - Cecilia's expression got worse and worse with each word that the blonde was saying to her, until she couldn't help but open her mouth in surprise, although to her relief, she wasn't the only one because the other girls were the same. the UK girl. The only one who was like nothing was Ichika and only because he had seen first hand what the blonde had done while he was training.

"It's a joke...right?" Cecilia asked as she shook her head. It was impossible that a human could do all that with a weight like the one the blonde said.

"I'm sorry to tell you that all of that is true" - Ichika answered as he shook his head - "I was training with him and I can assure you that he doesn't lie"

"I'm sure Chifuyu-san was seeing it too, so I don't get anything out of lying like that" - added Cloud.

". . ." -The girl tried to say something else but no words could come out of her mouth.

"I think you already left enough psychological damage, Strife, you better sit down"-Chifuyu said as she entered the room with Maya-"And as a matter of fact, his words are true"

". . ." -The girls were silent when they heard this, although at least this explained how the blond had beaten Cecilia and how he had moved so fast.

"Anyway, it's time for us to start with a new day of classes"-Chifuyu said as she looked around-"Everyone open your books to page 10, Orimura, start reading"

"Hai, Chifuyu Nee…" Ichika sighed, only to moan in pain as he felt chalk collide with his forehead-"What was that for?!"

"It's Orimura sensei, stone head" - Chifuyu sighed while the other girls let out a small laugh.

* * * * *

Time continued to move forward and things became normal, if they consider it normal to see the girls from the Academy glued to the window when the blond started exercising in the afternoons.

A week had passed since Cloud had arrived at the Academy and things had now stabilized. First of all, Houki had joined her training session and she had to admit that the years had passed her well because her body was at the level of one from Highschool of the Dead. Cecilia also wanted to join the group because she felt that she would be left far behind if she didn't take it seriously, although when she saw what the blond did during training, she had the thought of giving up. The other thing that had happened was that Ichika finally got his IS Byakushiki, though as expected, he slammed it into the ground more than once during the first day.

Today was Wednesday again and the students were already gathered in the classroom.

"Well, today we will do something important" - Chifuyu said seeing that all her students were completely silent - "Today you will choose who will represent the Class in the internal tournament of the Academy, so I hope you take this seriously"

"Internal tournament?" - Asked a girl in confusion.

"As its name says, it's a small tournament that we hold at the beginning of the school year in order to qualify the cadets" - Chifuyu said as she looked around - "The winner of the tournament will allow the whole class to take a small training trip to a private island, although this is just an excuse because the purpose is that the Class can relax for a week"

The girls got excited when they heard this. A week on a private island was something they would kill for.

"Well, you can choose the representative"-Chifuyu said as she backed away.

"I nominate Cloud-kun!" - exclaimed a girl while the others nodded. Even Cecilia had to admit that it was the safest option, after all, she had seen firsthand what he was capable of.

"I'm sorry to tell you that that's impossible"-Maya denied as she looked at her students-"Cloud is not an IS pilot, so it is impossible for him to participate. The rules clearly say that this is an IS Tournament"

The girls frowned when they heard this but they had to admit that it made sense. If someone who didn't pilot IS participated in an Internal Academy Tournament, it would look a bit strange, even more so if he won the competition.

"I nominate myself" - Cecilia said with a smile - "I'm sure I'm the right one for this situation, after all, I'm a representative"

"Didn't you only last 6 minutes against Cloud-kun?" - asked a girl.

"Try to fight this monster for more than 6 minutes!" The girl exclaimed as she blushed at the outburst she had had. She quickly looked at her blonde classmate and apologized, "I'm sorry about that."

"Don't worry, it's not the first time they've called me that way" - agreed the blonde. Honestly, he felt that it wouldn't be the last time either.

"So we have Alcott..." - Chifuyu nodded - "Anyone else?"

"I think we should choose Orimura-kun" - another girl said while the others nodded in acceptance.

"What?" Cecilia couldn't believe what she was hearing. She never thought that her teammates would pick a rookie over a national representative- "Just kidding...right?"

". . ." -Chifuyu just shook her head when she saw this. while she was happy to see how her brother was improving, he was still not at the level where he could fight other experienced pilots, much less possible representatives of other nations. Chifuyu wanted to stop all this but she couldn't do anything about it, after all, this was a vote and if her students wanted to have Ichika as their representative, then they would have him.

"I don't think it's a good idea"-Ichika said while he shook his head-"During this time training, I realized how much I need to become a competent pilot"

"I'm sorry, Orimura-kun but you will be our representative, we already decided"-said another girl while she shook her head.

"I refuse this!" - Cecilia exclaimed with annoyance. She understood that her classmates chose Cloud because he was much stronger than her, but she couldn't afford the fact that they chose Ichika just because he was a boy-"I demand a battle to decide who will be the representative! "

"Hmm... not a bad idea" - agreed Chifuyu. She really didn't find the situation bad. If her brother lost, then he would learn firsthand what it's like to fight a representative and if by any chance he won, then he would not only gain a great deal of combat experience, but would continue to improve against opponents from other classes - "Granted, you two they will fight within three days"

Cecilia nodded at the teacher's words but Ichika had a frown on his face. He really didn't want to be a representative but it seems he had no choice-"I guess if I'm going to do it, I'm going to have to work hard..."


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