
My New Project have been uploaded on my p@treon if you guys wanna read

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"I guess you came to ask me if I could help you train" - Cloud said seeing that Ichika was standing in front of him.

The day was over and the two boys were now in the gym.

"Yes" - nodded the black-haired boy seriously.

"Give me a reason to do it" - Cloud said seriously - "That is not that I am your friend and friends help each other"

". . ." -Ichika fell silent when he heard this.

"I'm going to help you but I want to know what inspires you to improve" - ​​Cloud said seriously.

"I… I want to be stronger… I want to be strong enough not to repeat what happened during the second Mondo Grosso… I want to be strong enough to hold my head high when I am together with Chifuyu Nee ... I want..." - Ichika said - "I want to have the strength to protect my loved ones..."

"Typical protagonist motif..." - thought Cloud, although he couldn't talk about it, not when he had a similar inspiration.

"Well... welcome to hell, Ichika" - Cloud said giving him a creepy smile - "When I'm done with you, there will be one of two results. The first one is the one you want, you'll be much stronger than now, and the second , you will be in the hospital for at least 2 months"

Ichika swallowed a large amount of saliva when he heard this but still nodded firmly.

"Okay, first, I want you to take the 25 kilo weights and do 30 minutes of lifting" - Cloud said seriously - "If I see you resting, then I'm going to increase the time by 5 minutes..."

"Ok…" Ichika just sighed regretfully as he headed to change his clothes.

"I hope you don't get mad if something bad happens, Chifuyu-san"-Cloud said as he looked towards the door, where the beautiful black-haired woman was-"I'm not responsible if I break it"

"It can only be repaired if it breaks" - Chifuyu replied - "I know you won't intentionally hurt it"

"How are you sure about that?" Cloud asked as he approached the woman and looked directly into her eyes-"Tell me the reason"

"Because if there's one thing I know about you, it's that you have a soft spot for Ichika and Houki" - Chifuyu replied with a small almost imperceptible smile - "Am I wrong?"

"Tch" - the blonde just clicked his tongue in annoyance but still nodded - "Yes, I admit it, those two became important during the time when I had almost no memories"

"What do you mean with that?" Chifuyu asked curiously. That information was new to her and she was sure that there were no other people who knew about it.

"That, miss, is a question that has no answer"-smiled the blonde as he took the woman by the chin.

Chifuyu's eyebrow twitched slightly as she removed the blonde's hand, "I hope you show your teacher a little more respect."

"You're wrong if you think I'm going to respect someone just for having a higher position than me, Chifuyu-san" - the blonde smiled as his gaze sharpened - "After all, the last ones who were 'superior' to me, not They had a good ending..."

"Tabane told me about your situation, impressive that a boy like you would do that" - Chifuyu said seriously. She really didn't like the idea that one of her students had blood on their hands, though after thinking about it for a bit, she remembered that the IS Pilot profession is full of dangers.

Cloud just shrugged when she heard this. He didn't really care that Chifuyu knew about his 'sins', especially since she wasn't innocent.

"As I said, there is only one thing I really respect"-Cloud said seriously as he looked at the woman.

"And that is?" - asked the teacher with black hair.

"Strength..." - the blonde replied simply - "If you are strong, I respect you. If you are weak, then you are just a prey, a worm that has no choice but to wait for the strong to decide its fate.. ."

When he said these words, Cloud was surprised. He never thought that one day he would say something like this - "I'm sorry about that... I don't know why those words came to my mouth..."

"It's an interesting way of life…" Chifuyu said as she gave the boy a look. Although she didn't completely agree with the blonde's words, she could understand them very well - "If you don't have enough strength, the whole world can be against you"

"Weakness is a sin" - added the blonde as he looked at the woman - "Although compassion is not"

"I'll keep your words in mind, Cloud"- Chifuyu nodded as she left- "Although I have to admit that I got something I didn't think I would get"

"Ho~? And what would that be?" - Asked the blond.

"An information that I found interesting"-the woman answered as she left the room-"Tell Ichika that I wish him luck"

"Be careful, Chifuyu-san..." - thought the blonde as he watched the woman disappear from the place - "Don't get too interested in me because things will go crazy..."

"Did something happen, Cloud?" Ichika asked when he came back.

"Only your sister who came to wish you good luck"-Cloud said as he shook his head.

"She came?" Ichika asked in surprise.

"I just said it, idiot," the blonde sighed as he rolled his eyes at his friend, "Start right away…"

"Ok..." - the black-haired boy sighed regretfully.

"I wonder if your skull is as heavy as one of my weights"-Cloud said as he shook his head.

* * * * *

The days continued to advance and the date of the fight had finally arrived.

The students were already sitting down waiting for the battle to begin.

"If I didn't know the context, I would think that Cecilia-san is a troublemaker"-Cloud said as a small smile appeared on his face-"But seriously, it's a surprise that you two have trained together"

"What can I say? Despite not having practical knowledge in handling IS, my theoretical knowledge is excellent, it's not for nothing that I'm Shinonono Tabane's younger sister" - Houki answered as she raised her big head, but she blushed when she noticed the look of the boy she liked - "I-Is something wrong?"

"Nothing... I'm just impressed by the capacity of human development" - the blonde replied as he shook his head - "Although I guess she's family because Tabane is not far behind"

". . ." -Houki could only throw a punch at him when she heard this but the blonde quickly dodged it- "Why don't you let me hit you?"

"First, because I'm not stupid enough to do it. Second, because I can't find a reason to leave you, after all, I'm just being honest with my words" - answered the blond - "By the way, you shouldn't extend your arm so much when you throw a punch, you're just making it that much easier to dodge."

"Hmph!" - Houki only responded with a snort but quickly calmed down - "How do you think Ichika will do?"

"If I'm honest, he has a 50% chance of winning" -Cloud said calmly-"Although to his bad luck, that percentage decreases the longer the fight goes on because he doesn't know how to regulate the consumption of the Shield of the"

"Any way to increase the winning percentage?" Houki asked with concern.

"Activating his Second Shift" -the blonde replied as he looked at the girl next to him-"That's the only way Ichika has to increase his chances of victory"

"Do you have something to do this weekend?" Houki asked curiously.

"Nothing for?" The blond asked as he looked at the girl.

"I was planning to go out and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me"-Houki said as he blushed slightly.

"Go out? Like a date?" The blond asked in surprise. Come to think of it, he hadn't gone out on a date with any of the girls from Highschool of the Dead.

"Ok, I'm a bad boyfriend/lover..." Cloud thought when he discovered this 'little' detail-"I guess I'll have to make it up to them when I get back"

"W-Well... I wouldn't call it that... b-but if you want..." - Houki said with an even redder face.

"I have no problem going out with you, in fact, it would help me clear my mind a bit from all that exercise"-the blonde sighed as he nodded-"Ok, then you tell me the time"

Houki nodded quickly as she congratulated herself on having managed to ask her childhood sweetheart out on a date.

"Shinonono-san beat us to it!" - exclaimed a girl seeing how everything had developed so fast- "If only I had known that it would be that easy to ask Cloud-kun on a date!"

"I'm sure it was easy for her because they've known each other since they were kids..." another girl said as she shook her head. She could only curse the good luck of the IS inventor's younger sister.

Houki blushed even more when she noticed how all the girls in the class were giving them an annoyed look, although inside she was full of pride, after all, she had a big advantage compared to the others.

[The battle between Cecilia Alcott and Ichika Orimura... is about to start... please stand back because we are about to turn on the shield of the Arena]


My New Project have been uploaded on my p@treon if you guys wanna read

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