Chapter-72<* Battle-I *>

[Participants, please enter the battlefield... and this time without music...]

"Ok, that wasn't necessary"-Cloud said as he rolled his eyes when he noticed how all the girls were looking at him.

"With the last thing that happened, I wouldn't be surprised if we see entrance songs more often"-said Houki as she gave the blond boy a firm look.

The two entrances quickly opened up, showing two fighters with their respective ISs.

"This battle won't be like the previous one" -said Cecilia as she looked seriously at the black-haired boy-"I'm not going to allow myself to fall twice for the same mistake. I hope you don't disappoint me"

"I can only tell you that I will do my best" - Ichika replied firmly.

"A better answer than I thought" -nodded the blonde girl from UK-"I'm ready, Orimura sensei"

"I'm ready, Chifuyu Nee" - Ichika nodded.

[It's Orimura... anyway, the match is about to start... in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Start!]

The two pilots quickly took flight and looked at each other seriously.

"I offer you the first move"-Cecilia said as she firmly took her Assault Rifle and released the drone from her-"Let's see how much you've improved with Cloud-san's training"

"Cloud?" - asked the boy.

"W-What happens when I call him by his name?" Cecilia asked awkwardly.

"It's that you usually refer to us by our last name"-Ichika replied-"It's the first time I've heard that you refer to someone by his name"

"S-Shut up!" -exclaimed the blonde-haired girl- "I-I only call him by his name because by defeating me, he earned my respect!"

"I see…" the boy nodded as he drew his sword and took it firmly.

* * * * *

"Let's see how you fare against a representative…" Tatenashi said as she watched the battle from a large screen in the Student Council office.

"What do you think will be the outcome of the battles?" the secretary asked as she sat to one side watching curiously.

"I don't think it will end very well for the boy" - said the vice president - "The difference between training sessions is too great"

"I agree with her" - agreed the treasurer - "Cecilia Alcott has trained for years while Ichika Orimura for just over a week"

"I have a feeling that things will be very different from what you think" -said Tatenashi while watching with curiosity how Ichika launched himself against Cecilia and how she dodged it with ease while she controlled her drones so that they were at a good distance. distance.

"Aren't you being very impartial, Kaichou"-said the secretary as she frowned. She knew that Tatenashi was interested in the boy but that didn't mean she should be that impartial with her words.

"It's not that" - denied the blue-haired girl - "My interest in Orimura-kun is not as great as before, at least not now that I've seen what Cloud-kun is capable of..."

"Then?" the treasurer asked curiously as she watched her leader.

"Consider it an instinct of mine"-Tatenashi replied as she gave her companions a smile-"Something tells me that Orimura-kun will give us a surprise during this battle"

"If you say so..." - the girls only shook their heads when they heard the blue-haired girl's words, although they couldn't deny now that they were curious to see what would come.

* * * * *

"Ichika is making too many unnecessary moves"-Chifuyu said as she watched as the battle continued-"Not to mention that she is letting Alcott's shots hit her too easily"

"A common mistake for a rookie"-Maya added as she shook her head-"Although you have to admit that he is doing better than we think"

"I guess the training with Cloud worked... at least his movements are much more fluid"-Chifuyu said as his expression changed-"His speed also increased"

"A lot of effort and a good teacher?" Maya said as she cocked her head.

"And a lot of threats"-added Chifuyu as a small smile appeared on her face. She had seen how Cloud 'motivated' his younger brother.

"Threats?" Maya asked in surprise.

"Let's say he told him that if he didn't keep training, he would tie him up naked and put him in the girls' bathroom"-Chifuyu's mouth trembled slightly when he said this because he found the situation hilarious-"And you know how Ichika is "

"Pff ~"-Maya could barely contain her laughter when she heard this because she could visualize the situation, especially the boy's cries for mercy-"We better continue watching the battle"

"Hmm"-Chifuyu nodded as her expression returned to neutral. She had to admit that her little brother had improved considerably.

* * * * *

"Not bad, Orimura-san" - said Cecilia seeing how the boy got closer to her when he attacked - "But your lack of experience in handling IS is too obvious"

". . ." - Ichika didn't say anything. He had been taking a one-sided beating and his shield was at less than 60%, it was obvious that if things continued like this, he would lose without being able to show what he was capable of.

Slowly, he took his sword more firmly as his expression became completely calm, as if he didn't care about what he was about to go through.

". . ." Cecilia frowned because she noticed this change. Something was telling him that things would be a little more exciting from now on during the match.

* * * * *

Cloud closed his eyes noticing how Ichika was going through the situation that every protagonist goes through more than once during his lives, the moment of the Power Up.

"What's wrong Cloud?" Houki asked in surprise.

"Let's say that Ichika's situation will be a little more favorable..." - answered the blonde - "If you ask me how favorable it will be, I can't answer you"

"?" -Houki could only look at the boy in confusion but her expression changed from him when she noticed how Ichika lunged at Cecilia again- "What is that idiot doing?!"

"He's letting his instincts do the work"-answered Cloud when he opened his eyes and noticed how Ichika was moving very differently than he did just a few seconds ago.

"Do you think that will work?" - asked the girl with dark brown hair.

"Houki... you should know very well that the instincts for a warrior, are one of the most important things"- the blond answered again while he gave the girl a look- "These can save your life more than once"

". . ." -Houki nodded when she heard this, only to look back at the battlefield-"I hope everything goes well..."

* * * * *

Cecilia's gaze narrowed as she noticed how the boy was getting harder and harder to hit with her shots. His movements were now erratic, to the point that his shots missed by inches.

"It doesn't matter..." - the UK girl murmured seriously - "All I have to do is not let you get close to me"

Although that was easier said than done, because Ichika was getting closer to her.

"I'm ready for Round 2, Cecilia-san!" Ichika exclaimed as his sword shone slightly, "But first, I'm going to get rid of some of these drones!"

Ichika decided that before going against Cecilia, it was better to clear the battlefield of those pesky robots that made it difficult to advance and retreat from him.

"Don't think I'll let you go that easy!" Cecilia said as she pointed at her prey. She quickly changed the formation of the drones and I created a perfect triangle. With a light command, the drones created a small invisible barrier that to the girl's surprise, couldn't cover the Japan boy's attack - "Huh? H-How did you do that?!"

"What are you talking about?" - Ichika asked with a frown not noticing anything different. His attack had gone exactly as planned, he had even managed to destroy one of those annoying drones.

"How did you manage to break my shield?!" - Cecilia exclaimed with surprise.

"Shield?" -Ichika could only look at her in surprise when he heard this. He hadn't felt anything strange but after looking at his shield, he noticed that he had dropped 1% without taking any damage- "What's going on?"

* * * * *

". . ." -Chifuyu couldn't hide her surprise when she saw what was happening.

"What's wrong, Orimura sensei?" Maya asked upon seeing her friend's expression. She felt that she had seen before that technique that she was using Ichika but she didn't remember where, but seeing the expression of the black-haired teacher, it was obvious that she knew what it was.

"How is he doing that when he hasn't entered the Second Shift yet?" Chifuyu asked as she watched the gleam on her younger brother's sword. Although it was almost imperceptible, she understood what he was doing- "It shouldn't be possible for him to be able to use a [Unique Skill] when he's still in First Shift..."

"[Unique Ability]?!" - Maya exclaimed in surprise - "I remember! It's your [Unique Ability]! The same one that your Yukihira sword had!"

Chifuyu's expression quickly returned to normal, though surprise was still present in her gaze. She never thought that her brother would achieve something like activating Byakushiki's [Unique Ability] so quickly, much less when he hadn't activated his Second Change. This was something she had never seen before.


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