Chapter-82<*Chaos Continues*>

Cloud was going back to his room, only to notice how a beautiful girl with blue hair and ruby ​​red eyes was waiting for him with a smile on her face.

"It's been a while since we last met, Cloud Strife-kun"-said Tatenashi as she looked at the newcomer.

"Tatenashi Sarashiki... it's a surprise to see you here" - Cloud said calmly - "To what do I owe your visit?"

"Can't I just come see my favorite Kouhai?" Tatenashi asked with an innocent smile.

"Favorite Kouhai?" the blond asked as he raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Well, the most interesting"-said Tatenashi as she hid her smile with her fan-"Let's change the subject... how was your stay at the Academy?"

"Normal" - answered the blond with neutrality.

"Couldn't you be a little nicer to a lady?" Tatenashi asked with a frown.

"Ok" - Cloud sighed because he felt that if he didn't like it, this wouldn't end and he sincerely wanted to go into his room to take a cold shower and meditate a little because he felt he was about to lose control - "I've been well, although there are some small personal details that bother me"

"Does it have to do with you being just a boy surrounded by a rose garden?" Tatenashi asked as the blonde dangerously approached. She without much concern, leaned in and in the process, showing her pronounced forehead- "Can't you resist being with so many girls?"

The blonde's eyebrow twitched slightly as he felt his blood boil.

"Something happens?" - Asked the blue-haired girl with surprise when noticing the slight change in the boy.

"I'm sorry... but I need to get into my room..." Cloud said as he felt his body shake slightly.

Cloud quickly moved to the side and rushed into his room.

"Wait a second!" the girl exclaimed with annoyance as she entered the room before the door closed.

"What do you need?" The blond asked with annoyance. It was getting harder and harder to control himself and it didn't help that Tatenashi had such a casual, teasing and seductive attitude.

"I'm trying to be friendly with you" - said the girl with a clear irritation.

"Believe me... if you don't leave me alone. We'll be very friendly..." Cloud said as he clenched his teeth.

"?" Tatenashi cocked her head in confusion, but blushed when she got the context, "I wouldn't mind being a bit friendlier with you~"

"Don't push your luck, girl"-Cloud said seriously as his gaze turned reptilian-"You don't know who you're messing with"

"Trust me, I can handle anything" - Tatenashi said with a seductive tone.

". . ." - Cloud gave him a look but quickly snorted. With a quick movement, he grabbed clean clothes and walked to the bathroom so he could calm down.

The blue-haired girl could only raise an eyebrow in surprise. She never thought that he would react that way.

*Knock Knock*

"?" -Tatenashi was surprised to hear someone knock on the boy's door but since he had nothing to do with her, he decided to ignore it but her decision changed when he heard who it was.

"Cloud? Are you in?" Houki asked from outside the room.

"I think I have an idea…" Tatenashi muttered as a small smile appeared on her face "This will be fun~"

* * * * *

"Cloud?" Houki asked again as she narrowed her eyes.

"Maybe he's not back yet?" Cecilia asked as she looked at her new friend.

Houki was about to reply when she heard the door open, "Finally...he was about to..."

But her voice died when she saw that it wasn't the blonde who answered the door, but a beautiful woman with blue hair and red eyes- "Is something wrong?"

". . ." -Cecilia wanted to say something, but like her friend, she couldn't say anything either, after all, the girl who was in front of them was practically naked, wearing only a shirt that was obviously the blonde's.

"?" -The girl tilted her head in confusion when she noticed how the two girls outside the room, they were so shocked that they couldn't say anything- "Are you coming to see Cloud-kun~?"

"!" - The girls could only react when they heard this.

"Who are you?!" - Houki exclaimed furiously upon seeing an unknown woman leave the room of the blonde she liked.

"Me?" - the girl tilted her head again - "My name is Tatenashi Sarashiki, president of the student council of the Academy"

"What are you doing inside Cloud-san's room and in those faces?" Cecilia asked with a great deal of jealousy.

"I don't think I have to explain it~"-Tatenashi said as she put her hands on her cheeks and blushed slightly-"Kyaaaaa~"

". . ." - The eyebrows of the two girls trembled when they heard this but they sincerely felt that something strange was happening.

"Where's Cloud?" - asked the girl with brown hair.

"He's in the bathroom" Tatenashi replied "He said something he needed to relax a bit"

The girls frowned but far from continuing to try to get information from the girl, they decided to talk directly to the blonde, so without thinking twice, they entered the room and headed towards the bathroom.

"I don't think it's a good idea to go into the bathroom when someone is inside" - Tatenashi said seriously. She understood that her prank had gotten out of hand so it was best to draw a clear line, but to her unsurprise, the two girls ignored her gracefully.

The two looked at each other and nodded seriously as Houki opened the door, only to blush when they saw how the blonde was sitting almost completely naked with his eyes closed as the water ran down his body.

"Hmm...not bad..." Tatenashi said as she licked her lips. She had to admit that the blonde's body was well worked out. All her muscles were well defined, especially her six-pack-"A pity that the towel covers the best part"

"!" - The girls blushed even more when hearing the words of the blue-haired girl.

"May I know what you're doing?" Cloud asked as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Etto..." - the girls didn't know exactly what to say in this situation.

"I warned you"-said Tatenashi as she shook her head.

"If you already had fun, you better close the door" - Cloud said seriously - "Unless you want to enter"

"I'll take your word for it"-said Tatenashi as she began to take off the blonde's shirt.

"You will not do it!" - The two girls exclaimed as they grabbed the blue-haired girl and took her out of the door.

". . ." - Cloud only sighed with regret.

* * * * *

"Now then..." - Cloud said after leaving the bathroom - "May I know why they opened my bathroom door while... forgive the redundancy... I was taking a bath?"

"W-Well…" Cecilia said awkwardly as she looked away to hide her embarrassment.

"I think we better make something clear beforehand"-Houki said seriously as he pointed at the blue-haired girl who was now fully dressed-"What was she doing dressed like that?"

"You ask me and who do I ask"-Cloud said as he shrugged-"What did you do?"

"What I did was look under your bed for some kind of adult magazine" - answered Tatenashi innocently.

"You're wasting your time, I don't need those things" - Cloud said calmly - "And if I really had them, I wouldn't keep them in a clichéd place like that"

Tatenashi only responded with a snort as he rolled his eyes at her.

"So they're not dating?" Cecilia asked curiously.

"Yes/No" - answered the two involved, although it was obvious who was who.

"Ok... I trust you..." - Houki said upon hearing that the blonde had denied being in a relationship - "Remember that this weekend, we have a date"

"I know, you don't have to remind me" - the blonde snorted.

"Date?!" Cecilia exclaimed in surprise as she looked between Houki and Cloud, "Is that true?!"

"I promised" - agreed Cloud.

". . ." Cecilia just bit her lower lip as she looked at her new friend as if she had betrayed her.

"That information is interesting" - Tatenashi said with surprise - "Can you take me on a date too?"

"Because I should?" Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow. With the few interactions he'd had with the girl, he understood that she was just trouble, though at the same time he had to admit that having her around helped keep him from getting bored with her.

"Why am I sexy?" Tatenashi said as she tilted her head.

"It's reason enough for me"-replied the blonde as he shrugged.

"Not fair! I want to go on a date too!" Cecilia exclaimed as she puffed out her cheeks but she quickly became embarrassed when she heard this.

"This is worse than I thought…" Houki muttered as he sighed regretfully. She knew that with time, she would have more rivals... but she never thought that everything would be so fast, especially Tatenashi. Houki understood that if she took a little breath to rest, the Student Council President would overtake her without even thinking twice.

"I guess I'll back off for now..." - Tatenashi said with a small smile - "I have to plan some things and get some projects done to have my date in peace~"

". . ." -Cecilia and Houki only looked at each other in silence when they saw that her rival had withdrawn, at least for now.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I'm thinking that since the Anime IS is divided into two seasons, I'm going to cut this volume when the first season ends, that is, with the appearance of Silver Gospel, although I will take a little information about the Infinite Stratos Light Novel as well as the one of the games to be able to put more characters.

Benefits of doing this:

1) They won't get bored with a repetitive plot or over-expanding a world.

2) Since Cloud will go to this world more than once, then it means that he will be able to take out more girls or help, this also means that I will not take all the girls on the list, but I will take the most suitable ones for future worlds such as Tabene, who could create weapons or other items without spending a large amount of SP, as well as enhance the abilities of the other girls.

3) This will serve as a guideline for long Animes with a large number of arcs, such as Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, Dragon Ball (DB, DBZ, DBS)


1) The thread of the plot of the world will be lost and many may even forget the events that happened.

2) It can be annoying if this repeats more than once. (Although in my opinion, it's better than swallowing a 250+ chapter plot from a world you may or may not find interesting)

Extra fact:

Remember that when Cloud leaves the worlds, they enter Stasis, that is, total freezing of world time, so the plot would continue right there, it's just that the missions would change.

I had that in mind... not decided yet but that's my idea... leave your comments with your thoughts and please be courteous and give your arguments to support your comments... as this is just an idea, no a concept that I am going to put yes or yes ..


guys support me on p@treon and read ahead 10 chapters of Source and read 5 Chapters ahead of Marvel X DC Fanfic


it's my p@treon link and You can also find it on my synopsis or discription

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... Xue_fang_1

it's my name ...