Chapter-83<* New Companions *>

"That was fun..." - Tatenashi said as she looked in the direction of Cloud's room - "But I feel like something was missing... hmm~"

Slowly, she looked around for inspiration and was surprised how quickly she found it.

"This is perfect~"-said Tatenashi as she took a small pamphlet that was posted on one of the walls-"With this, my fun is guaranteed~"

In other room, Cloud shivered a little, although it disappeared almost as quickly as she arrived.

* * * * *

The next morning, the boys were once again gathered in the classroom, and to the girls' surprise, Cecilia was back, although she was still a bit uncomfortable around Ichika.

"It's good to see you're back Alcott" Chifuyu said as she walked into the classroom.

"I'm sorry for everything that happened, Orimura sensei"-said Cecilia as she apologized.

"Don't worry, it's something that everyone goes through at some point in their life... at least when we're in this profession" - Chifuyu said as she tried to calm her student - "Anyway, I came to let you know that today we will have two new students in the class"

"Two?!" The girls exclaimed in surprise as she looked at her teacher. It was strange that so many new transfer students appeared one after another.

"Come in"-said Chifuyu while he ignored the words of her students.

The door slowly opened, revealing a beautiful silver-haired girl and a...

"Another boy?!" The girls exclaimed in surprise.

"You can introduce yourself" - Chifuyu said calmly.

"My name is Laura Bodewig from Germany..." - the silver-haired girl said as she looked around but stopped her gaze on two people, the first was Ichika because he was the younger brother of her instructor and the second was Cloud, the boy who had humiliated her.

"My name is Charles Dunois, it's a pleasure to be in this place"-said Charles with a smile as he looked around.

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!" - The girls shouted with emotion when they saw the boy's princely attitude, something well received by the group because the other two boys were very different.

Ichika was friendly, like he was the guy who lives nearby.

Cloud was cold and almost neutral, a Kuudere full of mysteries

And finally Charles, he was a prince charming.

". . ." -Cloud raised an eyebrow in surprise because he had to admit that despite knowing the true gender of the 'boy' in front of him, he had to admit that his appearance and attitude made him seem like he really was male.

"Strife…" Chifuyu said as she looked at the boy.

"?" Cloud looked up at the black-haired woman.

"Dunois will stay in your room from now on" - ordered Chifuyu.

Cloud just shrugged and nodded.

"With Strife-san?" Charles asked in surprise. She thought that she would stay with Ichika. ( you know that she's disguising as a guy >.< don't confuse between she and he >.< )

"Orimura is staying in the teacher's area" – Chifuyu replied calmly - "We can't let a boy stay with a girl... can we?"

Charles nodded quickly when he heard this as he gave the blond boy a look. She had to admit that his eyes were beautiful.

"Is something wrong, Dunois-san?" - Cloud asked when he noticed how the girl from France looked at him curiously.

"Just call me Charles"-said the girl in disguise as she gave him a smile-"I'm in your care, Cloud-san"

Cloud nodded when he heard this.

"Bodewig... you will stay with Huang for a while" - Chifuyu continued - "After a while we will better organize the rooms"

"Ok"-said the aforementioned as she walked towards one of the unoccupied desks, only to stop in front of Ichika.

"Something happens?" -asked the boy with surprise but his expression changed when he felt how the newly arrived girl slapped him.

"!" - The girls were surprised when they saw this because they honestly didn't understand what was happening.

"You don't deserve to be her little brother…" Laura said coldly, "Not when you're so weak…"

". . ." -Ichika could only look at her with annoyance but he didn't say anything to answer her because he knew he was weak.

"You're not even able to stop my slap... you're not even angry about attacking you..." - Laura said coldly - "You're pathetic..."

"Enough!" - Houki exclaimed angrily - "I will not allow you to continue insulting my friend!"

"Stay away Shinonono" - Laura said coldly - "This is between me and that trash"

"Looks like I'm going to have to teach you a little more humility, Bodewig" - Cloud said coldly - "Last time wasn't enough for you"

Laura just gave the blond boy a cold glare full of murderous intent as she continued towards her desk but she stopped midway when she passed her location- "This isn't over yet, Strife."

"Believe me, Bodewig" - answered the blond boy - "If I started, in just seconds you would be on the ground crying because I destroyed your little German pride"

Laura decided to ignore him as she sat quietly at her desk.

"I think I'll go sit down too" - Charles said with a bit of discomfort seeing how things had become so tense.

"Do it, Dunois" - Chifuyu agreed - "As for you two, Bodewig, Strife... I think it's a good idea that you fight to release that tension you have inside"

"It's not a fight if the two have unequal strength" - answered Laura coldly.

"I agree with her, it will be a massacre when I finish with the little German doll" -assented the blonde while he looked disdainfully at the mentioned girl.

"I think I'm going to accept her proposal, instructor" -Laura said coldly- "And this time... I'm not going to hold back"

Cloud only responded with a smile as his eyes changed again.

"By the way Strife... I want you to show Dunois around the place"-Chifuyu said as he looked at the boy.

"Ok~" - Cloud just answered the woman calmly.

"Now that we've made that clear... it's time for me to announce some things about the tournament between classes" - Chifuyu said - "Orimura, I hope you do your best"

"I will, Chifuyu Nee"-Ichika agreed, only to feel how a piece of chalk collided with her forehead.

"It's Orimura sensei," Chifuyu sighed as he held the bridge of his nose, "Now I'm thinking you really are an idiot..."

"Instructor!" Laura said as she raised her hand.

"What do you want Bodewig?" Chifuyu asked.

"Permission to replace that weak man" - said the Representative of Germany - "With me as a representative, victory is guaranteed"

"It won't be possible" - Chifuyu replied - "The participants are already registered and their matches are already assigned"

". . ." -Laura frowned when she heard this but still she nodded to her instructor's words- "At least I'll be able to see what level you have, worm"

". . ." -Ichika could only give the girl an annoyed look as she ignored him. He felt that if she answered him, things would be even more annoying.

"Hmph!" -Laura took this as a weakness so she decided to look in the direction of an even more worthy opponent.

"Maybe it's not so bad having arrived earlier" -thought Charles as he analyzed his situation a bit- "If I had arrived in a week, I would have lost the opportunity to observe Orimura Ichika's Is"

"Well... it's time for us to start classes" - Chifuyu said - "Dunois... sit down"

"I'm sorry"-said the 'boy' as he gave her an awkward smile. She had been so focused on the situation in the room that she had forgotten to sit down.

* * * * *

Time passed and classes were over.

Cecilia and Houki had decided to go training together.

Ichika was again dragged by Rin.

Chifuyu and Maya had already retired to the staff room.

Laura had disappeared to an unknown destination and Cloud and Charles were walking through the Academy.

"This, as you can see, is the Academy cafeteria" - Cloud said calmly - "You can order dishes from the different countries of the world without worry, after all, it is financed by the United Nations"

"It's good to hear that..." - said Charles with a smile - "I don't think I can last long without eating something from my country"

"I understand what you're trying to say" - nodded the blonde - "When you get used to a food, it's hard to change"

The 'two' boys continued to chat with each other on random topics while being watched by the girls.

"Don't you think the two of them look good together?" - Asked a girl while the others who were with them blushed.

"Now that you mention it... Charles-sama with his feminine appearance would look good with someone like Cloud-sama"-said another girl with a dreamy voice.

"Who receives and who gives?" another girl asked as she blushed when she heard what she said.

"Isn't it obvious? Cloud-sama would be the one to give!" - exclaimed another girl - "Look at how Charles-sama is, all passive"

The girls started arguing about it, greatly making the 'two' boys uncomfortable.

"I think we better go check another place..." - Charles said with a red face.

"Kya~!" - The girls shouted with emotion upon seeing the delicate expression of the prince of the Academy.

Cloud just nodded as he motioned for her to follow him to his next target, the gym.

"Do you think the Prince can escape the hands of the Tyrant?" - asked a girl with a dreamy look. She had even thought of a fantasy that fit in well with the current situation.

"Tyrant?" - asked the other girls.

"I think that nickname suits Cloud-sama" - said the girl as she nodded - "Think about it, cold, strong, firm, ruthless and from what I heard from the girls in his class, he seems not to care about the warnings of Orimura sensei... I even heard that he's a bit of a sadist."

"Tyrant..." a girl muttered as she blushed-"I wouldn't mind if he invaded and conquered me~"


I'm sorry for the mistake... I guess they will win... today I upload this Chapter but tomorrow I won't upload anything...

oh... I'm just joking.....

there will be daily updates.... >.<


guys support me on p@treon and read ahead 10 chapters of Source and read 4-5 Chapters ahead of Marvel X DC Fanfic


it's my p@treon link and You can also find it on my synopsis or discription

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... Xue_fang_1

it's my name ...