
Quickly, the nickname of Cloud, the Tyrant spread throughout the Academy.

"Tyrant?" Tatenashi muttered as her smile widened "It doesn't sound too least for me that nickname is appealing~"

As a representative of Russia, she had a great connection to that name.

"Not to mention that it looks good on him ~"-said the girl as she continued moving towards her office to continue with her work.

* * * * *

"Tyrant..." - Houki said as Cecilia nodded. She knew that her nickname fit the blonde like a glove, after all, they had seen her way of being when she fought.

"I wouldn't mind being subdued by that monarch"-said Cecilia as she blushed.

"I think we better change the subject"-Houki said as she shook her head-"Can you use your IS?"

"I can summon it but…" the girl from UK said as she sighed regretfully.

"It's an advance, especially knowing that you're just overcoming your fear" - agreed the girl from Japan - "Let's continue with the physical side... by the way you could learn some kind of hand-to-hand combat to prevent something like what happened to you just happened, happen again"

"I also thought the same" - agreed Cecilia seriously. She didn't want to feel this helpless again when an enemy meleeed her.

* * * * *

"Tyrant..." murmured an unknown girl who could only see her silhouette.

"Should we report this to Squall-sama?" another girl asked as she narrowed her eyes.

"I don't think it's a good idea" - a third girl said - "The Academy has increased the security level. If we try to contact Squall-sama, it is possible that we will be discovered"

"Then what do we do?" - asked the first girl.

"Simple...wait"-the third replied as she closed her eyes-"Squall-sama will send a fully mechanized IS to be able to investigate Ichika Orimura and Cloud Strife"

"I guess we just have to wait"-sighed the second girl while she shook her head.

"Have you found out anything else about Cloud Strife?" - Asked the third girl who was obviously the leader of the three.

"Nothing..." - the first one sighed - "He doesn't interact with anyone, making our job much more complicated"

"If we get close, he will be alert with us, especially knowing that we are in second year" - added the second girl.

"Can we use the people close to him?" - asked the leader.

"Negative" - ​​the two girls denied.

"People close to him are just as dangerous" - said the first girl - "First we have Houki Shinonono"

"That crazy bitch's sister" - the leader sighed - "Sorry... go on"

"Then we have Ichika Orimura..." - continued the girl - "Then there is Cecilia Alcott from UK and finally there is the new guy from France, Charles Dunois"

"Charles Dunois…" the leader muttered as she frowned "What do we have of the second guy capable of piloting IS?"

"Only that he is the heir to the Dunois Company..." - answered the second girl - "We don't have anything else"

The leader frowned even more when she heard this- "Never mind... we'll leave that to our superiors"

* * * * *

"This is the gym... this is where I spend most of my time" - Cloud said calmly - "So if you need anything, you can come to this place"

"Ok" - agreed the girl in disguise.

"Let's continue" - nodded the blonde.

* * * * *

"This is the girls' bathroom, I recommend you stay away unless you want to be raped" - Cloud said seriously.

"V-Rape?" - Charles said uncomfortably - "I-I thought they'd hit you if they found out"

"Normally it would be like this... but these girls are... wild..." - Cloud said as he sighed with regret - "I still remember how they chased me like dogs after meat during the first day I worked out"

"Let's just continue…" Charles said as his face lit up, although he had to admit that the boy was attractive.

* * * * *

"This is the infirmary... it's normally unoccupied" - Cloud said calmly.

"No nurse?" Charles asked in surprise.

"All the teachers are nurses, although this is because they were trained to be able to give all kinds of first aid" - Cloud said calmly - "Even I am an expert in this myself... I think with a little more training I could get a doctor's degree..."

"Why is that?" Charles asked curiously.

"Because I can tell which are all the points of the human body"-the blonde smiled as his gaze turned slightly cold-"Even the lethal points~"

"I-I see..."-said Charles with a slight fear, although this disappeared when he saw that the blonde returned to normal-"M-Let's continue"

* * * * *

"This is the music club room"-Cloud said while he shrugged-"Here you will find all kinds of instruments, including pianos, saxophone, drums among other things"

"This is a bit interesting" - Charles nodded curiously. She was a fan of the piano because her mother had taught her from a very young age.

"Shall we continue or do you want to see inside?" Cloud asked.

"I'd like to see what it's like inside" -the girl from France agreed as she opened the door, only to blush when she noticed how a girl was using a flute in an unorthodox way- "..."

"What do you think about it?" Cloud asked with an amused smile.

"You knew that they did something so perverted with such magnificent instruments" - said Charles with annoyance.

"No...but I had a feeling"- the blond boy replied as he shrugged- "Let's go"

* * * * *

"This is the empty room... here you can bring your special friend in case you want to have some quality time alone" - Cloud said as he opened the door, only to notice how two girls seemed to be enjoying the company too much on the other - "Oops...sorry about that..."

"Kya~!" - the two girls shouted as they blushed, only to notice who the newcomers were - "The Tyrant and the Prince?"

"Tyrant?" - Cloud asked as Charles signed up - "Prince?"

"Do you want to join us?" - Asked one of the girls with a seductive tone.

Charles blushed when he heard this because he never thought that Academy girls were so... liberal.

"I'm sorry... I'm showing the newcomer the facilities" - answered the blonde - "Maybe another time"

"I could show you my facilities ~"-said the other as she winked at him.

Cloud disappeared from her current location and reappeared in front of the girl, only to grab her chin and look into her eyes- "Don't play with fire, precious... because you can get burned"

"!" -The girl trembled when she heard the blonde's deep voice, but before she could say anything else, she noticed how the blonde was again next to the new boy.

"I'm sorry... we have some things to do"-Cloud said as he bowed slightly-"Keep enjoying each other's company"

Saying that, the two boys left, leaving the two girls looking at each other.

"Now I feel that it would not be a bad idea to stop being a lesbian and become bisexual" - said the girl who had grabbed her chin.

"Hmph!" -The other girl just gave her a snort as she began to go over her body again, although seeing how the blonde acted, she wouldn't mind sharing with the Tyrant.

* * * * *

"That's normal?" Charles asked now that they were a safe distance from the empty room.

"More normal than you think" -the blonde replied- "Let's just say that the girls are under a lot of stress and she well... I don't think she needs to say more"

"But why between girls?" Charles asked with a frown. He had nothing against lesbians but he found it strange to see it in the first person.

"Because this is an academy almost entirely inhabited by women" - Cloud replied calmly - "99.99% of the IS pilots are women and for that reason they relate much more to women. Does that mean that all IS pilot are lesbians? Not exactly, but let's just say that the lack of relationships with men is a big reason for them to become lesbians"

". . ." -Charles was silent when he heard this because he couldn't argue anything against his partner's words.

"Let's continue" - Cloud said while the girl from France nodded. ( currently as she disguising as a boy )

* * * * *

"This is the last place of interest" - said Cloud as he walked towards the Arena - "This is where we have our practices, duels among other events"

"Cloud?" - Ichika said with surprise seeing that the 'two' boys had arrived at the Arena - "What are you doing here?"

"I'm showing Charles the points of interest"-Cloud said as he shrugged-"But I see we're interrupting your date"

"I-It's not a date!" Ichika exclaimed with a red face.

"As much as I would like it to be a date, I'm just teaching him how to improve his handling with the IS" - Rin said as she flew to where the boys were - "I don't want my childhood friend (and future husband) to be a laughing stock"

"Thank you for your great words of encouragement..." - Ichika said sarcastically.

"If you want, I can help you too" - said Charles with a smile.


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