Chapter-86<*just a ...*>

"What do you want to know, Tatenashi-nya~?" Honne asked with a sleepy smile as she started eating her sandwich.

"How many times have I told you not to speak so familiarly to Tatenashi-sama, Honne-chan?" Her older sister sighed as she shook her head.

"Don't worry, you know very well that I don't like formalities" - Tatenashi said with a smile - "And answering your question, it's something simple... how is he during class?"

"Normal?" The first year girl replied as she cocked her head in confusion "Kuku doesn't interact with many people and he always has that same almost neutral expression, unless he's talking to Liacchi, Honono or Orimu."

"Liacchi, Honono or Orimu?" - Asked the girls from the student council who honestly didn't know who they were talking about.

"Alcott-san, Shinonono-san and Orimura-kun" - Utsuho sighed. As an older sister, she understood that she was trying to say the sleepy-eyed girl.

"Oh~" - the other girls nodded when they heard this.

"Anything else?" Tatenashi asked.

"Let's see... there are rumors that she has something with Charchar" - answered Honne while the foxes of her hair clips, moved as if they were alive - "Although those are just fantasies of a group of girls... I think I heard something about 'Conquest: The Tyrant and his Hostage'"

Utsuho and the two girls from the student council blushed when they heard that because they had read something like that on the school forums.

"What do you think of him, Honne-chan?" Tatenashi asked as he looked at his Kouhai.

"Hmm... he's a mysterious boy... a bit interesting"- said Honne as she started to think- "he's the typical bad boy that any teenager wants ~"

"I see..." - murmured the president - "I guess I'll continue with my plan~"

"What plan, Tatenashi-nya~?" - asked the first year girl.

Tatenashi just told her to come closer as she whispered in his ear.

"No!" - Honne exclaimed in surprise - "That's unfair! Not all girls at the Academy can use IS!"

"That's why I'm going to make some small modifications" - the blue-haired girl smiled - "The battles will be double and the participants will be able to choose a member of the support area... the final prize will be for all three on equal terms"

"You're a genius, Tatenashi-nya!" Honne exclaimed excitedly as she sprinted out of the room.

"What did you say to him?" - asked Utsuho curiously.

"It's a secret, my friend"-Tatenashi smiled as she continued with his work-"This is more annoying than I thought..."

* * * * *

The days continued to advance and the Tournament between classes was getting closer.

Rin decided not to continue training with Ichika because if she did, she would have a great advantage because she would know about all her movements, and to the boy's suffering, the one responsible for helping him train was none other than the Tyrant. Although he was completely exhausted when he finished training, he had to admit that he had improved surprisingly. His movements were not only much faster, but also more precise and he no longer landed on his face.

"Okay... that's all for today"-Cloud said as he watched as Ichika fell to the ground from exhaustion. His IS had been automatically deactivated because he no longer had much energy left.

"The improvement is amazing"-said Charles as he gave her a bottle of water. She had gotten used to her new life at the Academy, although she still blushed when the blond flirted with her, which made her think that he really knew about her true sex because from his normal way of being, it was obvious that he didn't. he was gay.

"What do you plan to do tomorrow?" Ichika asked as she sat up awkwardly.

"I'm going to do my homework..." - Charles sighed.

"I have a date with Houki"-answered Cloud as he shrugged.

"Seriously?!" - Ichika said with surprise - "Are you together?"

"No, at least for now"-Cloud said as he shook his head-"How are you doing with your relationship with Rin?"

"!" -Ichika blushed when she heard this-"We're not in a relationship! We're just friends!"

"That's not what the rumors say"-said Charles with a small smile on his face. She had to admit that she found it amusing to tease her new friend.

"It doesn't help that Rin feeds you either"- added the blond boy while he saw how his friend blushed even more.

"U-RU-SA-I!" Ichika roared as she drew strength she didn't know and ran out of the arena, leaving the two blondes alone.

" it true that you're going on a date with Shinonono-san?" Charles asked as he looked at his roommate.

"Yes" -nodded the blond boy as he looked at the girl in disguise-"Is something wrong with it?"

"N-No" Charles denied as he looked away.

"It seems as if something bothered you, Charles" - Cloud said as the girl approached, who backed away unconsciously - "You know you can tell me about anything"

". . ." -Charles just continued to back away as he looked in panic at the boy who was getting closer and closer.

"Why do you back off, Char?" Cloud asked as he cocked his head in confusion.

"I-I..."-Charles just blushed as he felt his heart pounding. She had been through moments like this many times over the last few days but she still couldn't get used to the situation.

"What are they doing?" - Ichika asked with confusion as he returned to the Arena. He had left something in the dressing room so she had returned to retrieve it.

"Charles is acting strange so I'm checking if he has a fever"-Cloud said calmly as he shrugged.

"Now that you mention it...he has a red face"-Ichika said as he frowned.

Cloud could only sigh at the thought of him as he shook his head. Ichika was so dense that he wouldn't know what was going on even if they punched him in the face.

"I-I-I'm fine!" Charles exclaimed as he looked away. She honestly couldn't resist these random attacks from her roommate- "Etto...Cloud...can we talk?"

"Sure, we're roommates"-the blonde nodded as he gave her a smile.

"Right..." - nodded Charles - "Let's go to our room then"

"That sounded a little strange, Charles"-Cloud said as he gave the girl a look who blushed when she understood the double meaning of her words-"S-S-Just let's go!"

"Weird…" Ichika muttered as he shook his head not understanding what was going on.

* * * * *

The two blondes reached their room after a few minutes.

Charles quickly walked to the door and locked it.

"Ok? Why was that?" - Cloud asked upon seeing the girl's actions.

"What I'm going to talk about is something important and I don't want someone to interrupt us" - answered the girl from France seriously.

"Ok, I'm all ears" - Cloud said seriously.

"Tell me Cloud... have you noticed something strange about me?" Charles asked directly.

"Weird? Like what?" Cloud asked curiously.

"You know very well what I'm talking about" - said Charles seriously - "I've had this feeling since you started bothering me"

"I still don't understand what you're talking about, Charles"-said the blonde while he feigned ignorance.

Charles frowned because he felt that her partner was only bothering her even more-"I'm serious, Cloud"

". . ." - Cloud didn't answer her. He just walked over to the girl and grabbed her chin.

Charles only closed his eyes for a few seconds because this had been something normal during these last few days and honestly, he was beginning to like such daring actions. This was because she had during these last years, she had been treated like a man being that she was a woman and feeling this type of actions that only happened in the books that she read, made her heart beat a thousand times. per hour.

Cloud on the other hand had to admit that it was funny to see 'Charles' reactions, especially when she blushed because she looked extremely cute. She lived up to her title as one of the most popular girls in the original play.

Charles slowly approached the blond, who only responded to the girl's actions. He had been resisting her instincts for a long time and now a girl as cute as Charles was making an advance and he couldn't refuse.

Slowly the lips of the two teenagers made contact in a small kiss that little by little began to deepen.

Charles could feel her heart beating faster as he wrapped his arms around her roommate's neck.

Cloud got closer and closer to the girl as the two continued kissing passionately until after a few minutes, the two separated.

Charles could only look away in embarrassment as he recalled the feelings he had felt from the kiss he had just given.

"T-That... was my first kiss..." - the girl said with a slightly more feminine voice.

Cloud didn't reply, he just lifted her chin and stole the girl's lips again.

"Hmph~!" Charles could only look at him in surprise as she started to kiss him back. She felt so calm right now. She was not Charles Dunois, the heir to the Dunois Company of France, he was not Charles Dunois, the second boy capable of piloting an IS, he was not Charles Dunois, the IS Academy student. He... he was her true self right now, a girl who was fed up with her whole life, a girl who wanted a normal life, a girl like any other, she was Charlotte.

Both of them continued to kiss as time passed calmly, not caring about anything.

more approachable than "The Tyrant".


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