Chapter-87<*I will accept it*>

10 minutes had passed and now Cloud was alone in the room.

Charles had decided to go into the bathroom so he could change his clothes and talk face to face.

Cloud could only touch his lips as he remembered the delicate taste of the girl's lips as well as the smooth texture of those little pink candies. He had to admit that he had been mesmerized by the beauty that the girl had shown despite having been wearing men's clothing.

"I-I'm sorry for the wait..."-said Charles as he left the bathroom, showing that he was now wearing a little white skirt and a shirt that showed her fantastic figure that far exceeded that of a 14-year-old girl. normal.

". . ." - Cloud just looked at her in silence.

"H-How do I look?" Charles asked as dhe did a little spin, her face red.

Cloud just walked up to the girl and again stole her lips.

Charles slowly kissed him back as she began to get used to such an action.

"I-I guess that's an 'I look good'…" the girl muttered as she blushed even more.

"We better talk...or I swear I won't be able to hold it"-Cloud said as he looked the girl straight into her beautiful purple eyes.

Charles blushed when she heard this but still nodded. She slowly walked over to the bed to sit down and motioned for her to come over.

Cloud calmly followed the girl's directions and sat down next to her, only to carefully observe each of her tender features. Short silky blonde hair, styled in a thin ponytail that reached her waist, beautiful bright purple eyes, small pink lips, a small upturned nose, breasts large enough to say that in time she will be Just as sexy as Kyoko when she fully matures.

"P-Please don't look at me like that…" Charles said as he hid her delicate face.

"Ahem! We better continue"-Cloud said while he tried to divert the subject. He could feel his blood starting to boil and he needed something to distract himself.

"Ok...let's start from the beginning"-said the girl as she looked him straight in the eye-"My name is Charlotte Dunois, Cadet Representative of's a pleasure"

"It's a beautiful name, Char" - Cloud said with a smile.

"T-Thank you..." - answered the girl with a big blush - "It's obvious that I'm a girl... although I still don't understand how you found out"

"The truth is simple" - Cloud said calmly - "First, your feminine scent, second, your clothes... I'm not saying that I sniffed your privacy, but that you left some feminine clothes around the room, third, your reactions when we talked of certain topics with Ichika, fourth, your reactions when he flirted with you, fifth, the way you acted when we went to change clothes, sixth..."

"I get it!" Charlotte exclaimed with a red face. She never thought that he would discover her for such small details, although if she knew that he knew of her existence long before, she would not know how she would really react.

"Why did you dress up as a boy?" Cloud asked as he looked at the girl.

"W-Well..." - Char didn't know how to answer this question, no, she didn't want to answer the question because it would make the boy feel disappointed in her.

"Don't worry... things won't change no matter what you tell me"-Cloud said as he tried to calm the girl down.

"I... I came to get information about Orimura-san's IS Data and learn a little more about you and your Weaponry..." the girl replied as she lowered her gaze. She could see how the boy was going to react in a bad way when he understood the reason why she had approached them, but to her surprise, she did not receive the shouts that she expected, but something very different. He just grabbed her chin and started kissing her again.

Little by little, Charlotte began to lose her fear and kissed him back.

Each time the two were closer, to the point that she could feel the firm muscles of the boy's body on the softness of his delicate breasts.

Cloud could feel his body heat rising but still she didn't let her instincts take over her body.

"Why?" - the girl muttered in confusion. She did not expect this answer.

"Tell me Char... were you the one who decided to come of your own free will to do this mission?" - Asked the blond. Even though she knew the answer, it was better for Char herself to answer so that she could completely calm down.

"NO!" the girl exclaimed immediately, only to blush when she noticed her outburst, "I…I didn't want to do something like this…"

"I know... you're too nice to do something so low"-Cloud said with a smile as he looked into her eyes.

"How can you say something like that?" asked the girl from France as she looked at him with tears running from her big eyes "How can you be so sure that I'm not lying to you?"

"I trust my instincts, Char"-Cloud said as he shook his head-"I know when someone is lying to me and I can't feel a hint of lying from you, in fact, I only feel sadness and fear"

". . ." Char tried to say something but her words got caught in her throat. Her tears could only run down her cheeks as she hugged the boy tightly. He understood her, he understood the fear and pain she felt.

"I-I… I'm sorry…" the girl said as she hugged the blonde boy tightly, "I'm sorry I lied to you…"

"Easy..."-Cloud said as he hugged her back-"Everything is fine now..."

The girl could only continue crying while the boy gently hugged her.

* * * * *

"I'm sorry..." Charlotte mumbled as she blushed when she realized that she had shown such a horrible facet to the boy-"I soiled your shirt..."

"Don't worry, I have hundreds of these"-Cloud said as he looked the girl in her eyes-"Are you better?"

"Yes…thank you…" the girl mumbled as she sighed regretfully, "I…really thank you…but…I guess it's all over…"

"What are you talking about?" Cloud asked as he looked at the girl.

"It's obvious that my mission failed... so my father will send for me..." - the girl sighed sadly. She didn't want to leave, not when she now understood that there was someone who made her feel safe and understood her in such a way as to know that she was scared and hurt.

"I don't think you have to go" - answered the blond - "I can just keep quiet about your true sex... and even if you are found out, your father has no power within this Academy"

"Seriously?" -Charlotte could only give the boy a loving look when she heard these words- "Would you do that for me?"

Cloud didn't answer her with words, but with actions. Again the two blondes began to kiss, only this time Cloud was a little more daring.

"!" Charlotte blushed when she realized that he had made her sit in front of him and on top of her thighs, especially when she noticed how perverted her hands had become because they were now on her delicate buttocks. .

"I'm sorry…" the blonde muttered as he shook his head, "I let my instincts get the better of me for a few seconds…"

". . ." Charlotte didn't reply, she just gave him an annoyed look as she puffed out her cheeks, though this only made her look cuter.

"I'm sorry" - the boy apologized again.

"Don't apologize..." - the girl sighed - "But... what's next..."

"What are you talking about?" Cloud asked in real confusion.

"Cloud... we kissed... I don't think we're just friends now" - Charlotte said seriously - "I'm a high class girl, Cloud... I can't do this kind of thing with just anyone"

She was right about this because not only was she a noble, but she was also the heir to an international company.

"Do you want me to be responsible?" The blonde asked as he gave a smile to the girl who blushed but still nodded.

"If I take responsibility... that means..." Cloud thought but quickly shook his head because he felt his blood start to boil again.

"Is something wrong, Cloud?" Charlotte asked with concern when she noticed the change in the boy's expression.

"I'm sorry Char... it's nothing to worry about" - the blonde smiled - "Regarding our situation... I have no problem taking responsibility... but..."

"I know what you're going to try to say" - the girl sighed - "I don't promise anything"

"?" - Cloud didn't understand what she was trying to say. He was simply going to tell her that her relationship had to be hidden so they wouldn't create misunderstandings.

"I know how you men are, you are never satisfied with what you have" - ​​snorted the girl from France - "But I wouldn't mind sharing if that alleviates your problems"

"Hey?" - Cloud could only give the girl a surprised look.

"Polygamous relationships are something common in our current society, especially when it's between pilots" - said Charlotte calmly. One of her IS management teachers had 4 legal partners, so it was not strange for her to share a partner.

Cloud could only blink in surprise not knowing what to say at the girl's words - "Thanks... I guess..."

"You should," Charlotte huffed as she looked away, although she could tell how happy she was with the idea of ​​having a normal relationship... at least for the society they lived in.

On the other hand, Cloud still couldn't believe what had happened.


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