Chapter-88<*killer food*>

A new day had arrived for the IS Academy and the girls were preparing to start a new day of school.

Cloud was slowly opening his eyes, only to notice how a cute face was next to him, not believing how things had moved so fast.

"Char…" Cloud said as he moved slightly to wake up his partner.

"Five more minutes…" the girl murmured as she snuggled closer to her partner.

No, they hadn't, it's just that now that the blond had decided to take responsibility for his actions, she had decided to sleep next to her now boyfriend, although this was an ordeal for the boy because he could barely contain himself.

"Char…we have classes…" Cloud sighed as he shook his head. Resisting Charlotte was much more difficult than it seemed.

"Ok…" the girl muttered as she widened her eyes, only to blush at how close they were, "G-Good morning…"

"Good morning, Char"-Cloud said as he nodded-"If you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a cold shower because I need it"

Saying that, the blond went to the bathroom in silence.

". . ." -Charlotte could only blush because she noticed the growth of the anatomy of her now boyfriend. It was obvious that he had a 'slight' problem which brought a small smile to the girl-"He got like this...for me.."

"Cloud! You're awake!" - Houki was heard shouting from outside the room.

"Shit!" Charlotte exclaimed in surprise as she quickly dressed. The clothes that she had created by her company were wonderful because her not at all modest breasts had become as flat as the breasts of a girl who had not yet gone through her growth stage.

"Cloud!" Houki exclaimed again.

Charlotte quickly walked to the door after getting fully dressed and opened it - "Hello, Shinonono-san... how can I help you?"

"Charles-san?" -Houki was surprised that the partner of the boy she liked opened the door since he always left the room before-"Wait you were already having breakfast"

"H-Today I fell asleep... Hahaha" - Charlotte could only let out a forced laugh when she noticed how the brown-haired girl frowned - "Is something wrong?"

"Why do I smell Cloud's scent on you?" Houki asked seriously.

"!" -Charlotte blushed when she heard this because it was obvious that she would smell like the blond boy when the two of them slept together last night-"I-I guess it's because I used her towel by accident when I took a bath"

"I see..." - Houki nodded - "Where's Cloud?"

"He's taking a bath," Charlotte replied as she heaved a sigh of relief when she noticed that she had managed to convince the girl.

"I see…I guess I'll wait for him"-Houki nodded as she sat on the blonde's bed, only to notice that it had two different scents-"Was anyone else here yesterday?"

"!" -Charlotte blushed again when she heard the girl's question-"N-No... it's just that yesterday I ended up tired from training and fell asleep in Cloud's bed... that's why it has my scent"

Houki frowned even more when she heard the blonde girl's excuse.

"Charles... I may sound rude asking this question but... are you gay?" - asked the younger sister of the inventor of the IS.

"NO!" - exclaimed Charlotte almost immediately - "Ahem! I'm sorry for that outburst"

"No...I'm sorry"-said Houki as she apologized. She was going to say something else but she fell silent when she heard the bathroom door open.

"I heard you were talking to someone, Char"-Cloud said as he came out of the bathroom with only a towel covering his lower part.

"!" - The two girls blushed when they saw the blonde but they quickly shook their heads to get rid of the obscene ideas.

"Why did you go out dressed like that?!" Houki exclaimed with embarrassment.

"Because two boys live in this room...isn't that right, Char?" Cloud asked with a half smile.

"H-Hai!" Charlotte exclaimed as she nodded rapidly, only to give occasional glances at the boy's muscles and bite her lip to resist the urge to go for a kiss. She had to admit that she had become a pervert now that she could finally act like a woman.

"Anyway... what are you doing here, Houki?" Cloud asked in confusion. He usually meets her in the dining room so they can have breakfast together.

"I-I... I wanted to ask you some things about our date tomorrow" - Houki said with embarrassment.

"I see" - nodded the blonde - "But that would ruin the surprise... don't you think so?"

Houki bit her lip in annoyance but still nodded. She didn't want to admit that she was excited about the date she was going to have with her childhood sweetheart.

On the other hand, Charlotte had a jealous look on her face, which surprised her because she never thought she would be so possessive, although they couldn't blame her either because despite being in a relationship (for less than a day), they hadn't had a relationship. no dating.

"But I've kissed him more than once... he even touched my butt..." Charlotte thought as her face lit up like Christmas lights-"No! Bad Charlotte! Bad Charlotte!"

"Is something wrong, Charles-san?" Houki asked in surprise.

"I-It's nothing!" exclaimed the girl from France as she moved her hands erratically.

"Ok" - agreed the girl from Japan.

"If you want you can go to the dining room to have breakfast while I get dressed" - Cloud said calmly - "Or if you want you can stay and see how I get dressed"

"I think I'd better wait for you in the dining room!" Houki exclaimed with a red face.

"I'm going to keep Shinonono-san some company…" Charlotte said as she faked a cough.

"Ok"-nodded the blonde as he watched as the two girls left the room.

* * * * *

"Remember that Monday is the tournament between classes, so I hope you have your homework ready"-Chifuyu said while she saw how the girls nodded in annoyance-"Orimura... I hope a good performance"

"Hai!" Ichika exclaimed seriously.

"Alcott..." - the teacher said again.

"Hai!" - exclaimed the aforementioned.

"How have you been?" Chifuyu asked seriously.

"I'm still a bit terrified but at least I can activate my IS without any problems..." - the girl from UK replied sincerely.

"Pathetic"- Laura snorted upon hearing about the blonde's situation, only to feel like a knife touched her neck.

"I hope you keep your comments to yourself, Bodewig" - Cloud said coldly.

"Do you have to go out and defend your pet, Strife?" Laura asked normally, as if she didn't have a knife to her neck. "She can't do it herself?"

"Strife, Bodewig, enough is enough"-Chifuyu sighed as she looked at the two involved-"Sunday, 14:00 pm... I'll be waiting for you at the Arena"

"I hope you have life insurance... because I promise that when I'm done with you, you won't be able to lift a finger ever again in your life" - Laura said coldly.

"I just hope that Chifuyu-san has taught you well... because otherwise this battle... if you can call it that, it will end so quickly that my battle against Cecilia will seem like a marathon"-snorted Cloud as he returned to his seat. her.

". . ." -Laura didn't answer her, she just kept silent, although from her expression, you could tell that she was furious.

"Thank you for helping me, Cloud-san"-Cecilia said with a smile as she looked at the blonde-"I would like to know if there is any way I can repay you for helping me so much"

"Don't worry, it's the least I can do" - answered the blond boy.

"How about I make you something from my home country?" Cecilia asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, you don't need to thank me"-Cloud said as he smiled calmly, although inside he was sweating. It was common knowledge that Cecilia was a woman who should not touch a kitchen knife because the result would be catastrophic.

"I insist" - Cecilia smiled - "If I don't thank you in some way, my honor will be tarnished"

". . ." -Cloud had a distressed look but after thinking about it for a few seconds, he decided to nod-"Fine... I accept"

"Well!" -exclaimed the girl from the United Kingdom as she showed a big smile full of happiness- "Come to my room at lunchtime, I promise you will have a meal that you will never forget"

"I hope it's not in a negative way…" the blonde muttered as he shook his head, "Maybe… it's not that bad…"

Inside the facility, he was forced to eat hundreds of foods with high degrees of toxicity in order to increase resistance to poisons, so he had an advantage over Cecilia's famous killer food.

How bad could the food that the girl from the UK prepared be?

* * * * *

"Cloud-san?!" -Cecilia exclaimed when she saw how the blonde was on the floor convulsing while he was foaming at the mouth- "Answer me, Cloud-san!"

"What's wrong, Cecilia?!" Houki exclaimed as she entered her friend's room when she heard her scream. This was not something strange because they had been assigned to rooms close to each other - "What happened to Cloud?!"

"I don't know! I just served him my food!" Cecilia yelled as she began to cry.

"Let's better leave that for another time, now we have to take him to the infirmary!" Houki yelled as she called the Academy staff for help.

On that day, Cloud understood how lethal the killer food of the anime world was and that the reactions of the characters... were not an exaggeration.


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