Chapter-89<* Date *>BONUS+++CHAPTER

Two hours had passed since the incident with Cecilia's food and Cloud was finally opening his eyes.

"Cloud!" - exclaimed the girl from the United Kingdom when she noticed that the boy was finally reacting - "I'm sorry!"

". . ." -Cloud just shook his head because he still felt like he was confused- "Where am I? What happened?"

"W-Well…" the girl muttered sadly as she looked away. She couldn't tell him that thanks to his food, he had a serious case of food poisoning, but what made things worse for her was that without realizing it, she had managed to mix common foods into a poison so powerful that it could give competition to one of the ten deadliest poisons in the world. The nurse even found it surprising that the boy was still alive.

"I-Well, it's good to see that you're okay"-said the girl as she gave him a smile.

"You will never touch a kitchen knife again" - Cloud said seriously. He couldn't allow there to be more victims at Cecilia's hands.

"H-Hai..." - nodded the girl from UK weakly. Honestly, she had fun preparing the food.

"Ok. At least until you learn to cook" - the boy sighed as he shook his head.

"Hai!" - Cecilia exclaimed with a big smile - "I promise I'll get better!"

* * * * *

Time continued to advance and it was already Saturday.

The girls were coming back from their classes and planning how to spend the day, of course, all except Houki, who had a happy smile because finally today was the day where she would have her date with her beloved blonde.

She couldn't help but smile at her as she bounced up to her room, "Now the question is… what do I wear? Something sexy or something conservative?"

Houki could only blush as she imagined the endless possibilities that would happen during her date, each one more daring than the last.

"I don't think this is a good idea"-Charlotte said as she shook her head.

"Come on, Charles-san!" Cecilia exclaimed as she watched her happy friend walk towards her room, "Aren't you curious to know how things will end?"

". . ." - Charlotte wouldn't lie, she had a great curiosity, although it diminished when she remembered that she was already in a relationship with the boy. It all started abruptly but the more time she spent with the boy, the more time she thought it was to tell him the truth, it was the right decision.

"Will you accompany me to spy on them or will I go alone?" Cecilia asked seriously. She was determined to follow her two friends to her date, with or without Charlotte.

"Fine... but we have to ask the staff for permission, those are the rules"-the disguised girl sighed as she shook her head.

"I don't have a problem with that"- Cecilia agreed while she saw how her friend entered her room humming a song.

* * * * *

An hour had passed and Cloud was waiting near the pool of the City Park.

They had agreed that they would meet in an hour and a half, so he, like any gentleman, had decided to arrive earlier.

"You are here already?!" Houki exclaimed in surprise seeing how the boy was already there, but she blushed when she noticed the clothes he was wearing. Tight black blue jeans, a purple tank top that showed off his muscles, black military style boots, and a wolf collar adorning his pectorals.

"I just got here" - answered the blonde with a small smile, although inside, he had to admit that Houki looked beautiful. She was wearing a white one piece dress that reached her knees and she couldn't hide the power of her curves. From the expression she had on her, it was obvious that she was a bit uncomfortable from the looks the men were giving her, so she walked over to the blonde and took her arm to show that she was already with someone.

The contrast between the two was quite clear. One was cool and dark, while the other was white and warm, but that very contrast made the two look good together.

"C-Come on?" Houki asked as he tried to hide her blush.

"Let's go" - agreed the blonde, but not before looking in the direction of a statue that was in the park.

"Something happens?" Houki asked as he looked in the direction the blonde was looking at.

"No…it's nothing" Cloud denied as he walked the girl in the direction of his first date spot.

"That scared me…" Cecilia said as she poked her head out from behind the statue. She had to admit that her heart skipped a beat when she noticed the blond looking in her direction.

"At least he didn't find us"-Charlotte said as she heaved a sigh of relief-"For now..."

"We have to be much more careful from now on" - Cecilia said seriously - "Let's go"

"Now I feel like it's better that we go back to the Academy"-muttered Charlotte as she followed the girl from UK.

* * * * *

The date went as planned to the girl's happiness.

Houki was so happy that she was practically flying.

First, they went to an ice cream parlor to make up for lost time and talk about the past, although Cloud clearly left the dark topics aside. He just told her that he had been in a Government Facility training.

Afterwards, they walked through the shops of the city, where he bought her a small red heart-shaped necklace because he had noticed that the girl had been staring at him.

After that, the two went back to the park to rest for a bit, although this break didn't last long because people started to surround them thinking that they were some kind of famous couple thanks to their appearances.

And finally, now they were in a restaurant having dinner because it was already late.

"Thank you very much for everything" - said Houki with a smile - "I enjoyed this day like never before"

"I'm glad you had fun"-the blonde smiled as he looked at his friend-"I have to admit that time went by quickly"

Houki smiled again as she moved her chair to sit next to the boy-"I feel like I have to thank you in some way"

Cloud was surprised at how assertive she was being friends with her because she was leaning in a bit to show off her and Kami's large breasts, they were slightly larger than Saeko's, she even could tell she was much larger. round.

In the distance, Cecilia and Charlotte just frowned when they saw how her friend was acting.

"I never thought that Houki-san would be so daring"-said Cecilia while she sighed with regret. It seems that she was the one who was the furthest from her target.

"I guess she sensed danger…" Charlotte murmured as she narrowed her eyes. She had noticed how Houki was getting more and more bold with her advances, at least since she felt that something strange was going on when she smelled her scent in her blonde partner's bed.

"Did you say something, Charles-san?" - Cecilia asked with surprise.

"It's nothing... I was just thinking about how love makes a girl change"-the disguised girl smiled as she watched with a frown as Houki got closer and closer to her boyfriend. Honestly, she was starting to get annoyed but she couldn't just stand up, go to her table and yell at her to get away from her boyfriend, not when she was disguised as a man and had agreed to share.

She was about to calm down but her expression changed when she saw how Houki was kissing her boyfriend-"Ok, I've had enough..."

"Charles-san?!" Cecilia exclaimed with surprise when she saw how her blond companion walked towards the couple.

"Cloud! Houki-san! What a coincidence!" Charlotte exclaimed with a 'happy' smile.

"Charles-san?" Houki said with a frown. She had finally worked up the courage to kiss her childhood sweetheart and now she was being interrupted-"Yes...what a coincidence. I don't want to sound rude but...what are you doing here, Charles-san?" ?"

"I-I..."-Charlotte could only look at the girl with discomfort because she honestly didn't know how to answer her.

"Charles-san!" Cecilia exclaimed as she walked towards the group and took the 'boy's' arm. "Cloud-san! Houki-san! What a coincidence!"

Houki raised an eyebrow seeing the two together - "Do you have a date too?"

"!" - The two boy ( disguised as boy ) and girl backed away when they heard this but still nodded at high speed.

"M-More than a date, it was a coincidence that we met!" - exclaimed Charlotte while Cecilia nodded firmly - "N-We met in the city and I decided to invite her to dinner"

"It was very nice of him and since it would be rude if I didn't accept, I decided to go with him"- Cecilia replied with a forced smile.

"I see…" Houki nodded, though she couldn't hide the annoyance she felt.

Cloud on the other hand, only raised an eyebrow as he looked at Charlotte, who could only give the boy a guilty look.

"I guess you can sit with us…" Houki muttered with annoyance.

"Thank you" - said the two blonde girls as they told a waiter that they would accompany this couple.

"By the way... you look beautiful, Houki-san" - Charlotte said with a smile.

"Thank you for the compliment"-replied the girl from Japan politely, although it was obvious that she hadn't enjoyed the compliment because she was still upset.

Charlotte could only give her a forced smile because she couldn't blame the girl for being mad at them for intruding on her important moment..


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