
Cloud opened his eyes when he noticed how the girl remained completely static for a few seconds, only to notice how she began to be completely surrounded by a kind of black slime - "Isn't that it?"

The boy could only watch in silence as the IS's appearance began to change to a much taller but thinner armor.

* * * * *

"Things are about to get interesting…" Daryl muttered as she watched the battle, if she could call it that, since the blond boy was laying waste to the Cadet from Germany.

"Do you know what's going on, Daryl-sama?" - The girl said curiously.

"Yes... that is the real experiment of Germany, not the Odin project" - Daryl said seriously - "They were trying to put all the experiences of Orimura Chifuyu into a pilot completely loyal to her homeland, a pity that nobody could resist all that amount of information... at least until one managed to survive, albeit in such bad shape that they had to 'seal' a large part of that information until she could 'consume' those memories"

"How do you know about that?" - asked the girl with surprise.

"That's the advantage of having spies in different nations, Shika-chan~" - Daryl said giving her a sexy smile - "Phantom Task has much more power than you think"

". . ." -the girl nodded the girl named Shika while she observed the battlefield again.

* * * * *

"ROAR!" - Laura's roar resounded in the arena as the black IS began to move towards where the blonde was.

"That look…" Ichika mumbled as he noticed the change in the silver-haired girl.

"It's similar to Chifuyu-san's... "- Houki said with surprise.

The others paid attention to these words and noted how true they were. Laura's new look was like a much less detailed version of Chifuyu during her second Mondo Grosso.

"Is she…" Tatenashi muttered as she frowned, thinking that Germany's experiment was much more serious than he thought.

* * * * *

". . ." -Chifuyu frowned when he noticed the same detail.

"Orimura sensei..." - Maya murmured seriously.

". . ." - Chifuyu just kept silent as she carefully watched the monitor, thinking about how much information the Germans had managed to get - "Don't worry... the battle is not as simple as you think... Cloud is capable of fighting me"

"!" -Maya was surprised to hear this but still she nodded firmly as she watched the battle.

* * * * *

"Hmm..." - Cloud just frowned when he noticed how the 'girl' was looking at him, or rather analyzing.

With a quick movement, the IS lunged at the blond as his daggers changed into a large energy sword.

"Speed ​​increased by at least 50%"-Cloud muttered as he used his Masamune to block the girl's attack-"Strength increased by 25%..."

Cloud took a few steps back and launched himself at the girl, who with a little effort blocked his attack-"Reaction capacity increased by 35%..."

"60%"-muttered the blonde as he increased his speed.

Laura quickly blocked the attack but to her bad luck. she was unable to stop the attack completely.

A large amount of black substance spread out as the IS looked at her left arm, noticing the viscous liquid starting to spread-"..."

"You have 65% of Chifuyu-san's abilities..."-Cloud said as he looked at the IS-"I think I'll have some fun with you"

A wild smile appeared on his face as he felt his blood begin to boil again.


"I know, Raiden," Cloud said as he glared at his opponent, "But it's an exciting fight..."

[I only warn you that she does not consume much time, sir... her situation will worse if she spends more minutes in that state]

"I'll keep that in mind"-Cloud said as he lowered himself to the ground-"Raiden... deactivate the 1W command"

[As you order. Sir]

The blond's wing slowly began to digitize as he gripped his sword firmly, "Let's go…"

The black IS quickly charged at the blond as he went on guard.

"This is getting fun!" The blond exclaimed as he ran towards the IS.

The two swords collided, though due to the difference in power, Laura could only step back.

"Don't give up so soon!" Cloud said as he put more force into his attack, "Come on, this can't be all you got!"

Cloud's movements had become wilder and more unrefined as his smile grew with each second-"Oryaaahhhhhhhhh!"

"Ack!" -Laura could only groan as she was sent flying by the impact of the full force of the blond, who she could only watch with a frown as everything had happened-"This is not as fun as she thought..."

Although the tension that Laura was giving him, she was exciting him, she soon realized that it was all a bad joke. The IS's automatic movements were too mechanical and easy to predict and counter, it was as if he was fighting a training robot and not an opponent.

"This is frustrating... it's like you're excited to find that thing you've been looking for so long, only to realize it wasn't what you thought..." - the blonde murmured as his pupils sharpened - "This isn't fun anymore.. .it's just annoying..."

With a quick movement, he appeared in front of the dark IS and looked at it silently - "I was hoping you would give me an exciting fight like the one I had with Chifuyu-san...but I guess there are times when you don't get what you want. .."

"I guess it's time for it to end... maybe I can ask Chifuyu-san for a new battle..." - Cloud said while giving the IS a diagonal cut.


"Calm down, Chifuyu-san... I'm not hurting your little cadet" - Cloud said as he made his weapon disappear and in the process, show how the black layer that covered Laura's IS, little by little began to spread, showing again the silhouette of the girl who was now unconscious - "It would have been more fun if she was controlling her actions... maybe with the knowledge of Chifuyu-san's tactics with Bodewig's skills, the fight would have been much more interesting ..."

[The battle is over, Winner, Cloud Strife]

* * * * *

"I didn't expect this kind of combat…" Tina muttered as she watched the blonde walk out of the Arena.

"Combat? This was a massacre!" -Utsuho exclaimed as she saw the result- "Tatenashi-sama... how likely is his victory against that monster?"

"I would say 10%" - the girl began to think.

"What if it starts with a surprise attack?" - asked the vice president.

"10% with all the advantages in my favor" - Tatenashi said seriously - "Cloud-kun not only has physical abilities far superior to mine, but also has an Armor that enhances them, not to mention that now he no longer has the flaw of not being able to fight in the Air. If I use a surprise attack, I might end up receiving a counterattack, since according to the information I have, Cloud-kun is not only skilled in sword art, but also in sword art. hand-to-hand combat"

"My weapon is short-medium range, that makes me easily susceptible to attacks from our cute Kouhai" - continued the girl - "Not to mention that we don't know if [Raiden] has other abilities"

* * * * *

"Daryl-sama…" the girl said as she looked seriously towards the Arena.

"I know...he's a lot more dangerous than my trio thought," Daryl said seriously, "His level is equal to or higher than Allie's...I guess I'll just have to tell Squall that he better not follow with the mission..."

"I'll let you know immediately when he comes back to my room"-said the girl as she nodded firmly.

"Thank if you'll excuse me, I have to go see Forte-chan~" Daryl smiled as she licked her lips "I'm sure she's excited too and she's going to need to release some stress." "

* * * * *

"Hmm... that armor is much more advanced than I thought..." - Hikaruno, the director of the robotics department of the Kuromochi Company murmured as she watched the boy leave the place - "An RX-7500 module, four thrusters, two in the feet and two in the back to create aerodynamics... probably capable of going Mach-5, a mini jet... but I can't identify the type of energy it uses..."

The woman was intrigued by the Armament the boy possessed, though more than anything else she was interested in the boy himself - "Being able to withstand that level of speed without losing sight of your surroundings shows that you not only have a strong body, but that your capabilities neural are impressive..."

"A body much superior to a normal human, an impressive neuronal processing capacity... hmm... he would have to do some other tests to be able to check his other characteristics, such as his resistance"-murmured the woman while a perverted smile appeared on her face.

"You can't harass a student, Hikaruno-sama"-a woman said as she shook her head but she jumped a little when she felt someone grab her butt-"Kya!"

"Easy Rina-chan ~, I'm just scientifically curious ~" Hikaruno said as she gave the woman an innocent look.

"We all know how you are, Hikaruno-sama..." - the woman said with annoyance - "It's not for nothing that we've had hundreds of complaints about sexual harassment of employees because you're touching everyone's ass"

"Teehee~!" -Hikaruno just made a cute pose while she watched as her subordinate shook her head.


guys support me on p@treon and read upto 107 chapters of Source and read 4 Chapters ahead of Marvel X DC Fanfic

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