Chapter-96<* Maya - I ( slight R-18 >.< ) *>

Cloud was walking in silence as he felt his breathing become irregular. He could feel how his hormones were about to explode from the battle, which although it was not very exciting, had activated his instincts.

[Sir…you needs to release the tension from the body or it might cause internal damage…]

"Give me a report..." the blonde muttered as he clenched his teeth.

[Irritation level... 300% that of a normal person]

[Testosterone levels.... 500% of a normal person]

[Internal organ damage... 5% from unnecessary containment and increasing]

[200% increase in body temperature]

"I get it..."-Cloud said as he staggered with difficulty-"How long am I going to be able to keep going before my instincts explode?"

[I would say 30 minutes, sir]

". . ." Cloud just sighed ruefully as he quickly changed his clothes and walked towards the Academy exit.

"Cloud-kun?" Maya asked as she entered the dressing room.

". . ." - Cloud looked at the woman who had arrived with a frown. It was too much of a coincidence that she appeared so quickly-"What are you doing, Maya-san?"

"I saw how your biometers were at the limit and I came to see your status personally..."-Maya said seriously as she looked at the boy-"And from what I'm seeing, it's good that you're here"

"I already told you that I'm fine and that you don't need to help me" - Cloud said irritably. He could feel his body beginning to react, and it didn't help that Maya was one of the sexiest women in the Academy, much less that her cleavage was so pronounced.

"I already told you it's not a problem"-Maya said as she blushed slightly.

Cloud was in front of the woman in a blink and looked her directly in the eyes. She could only tremble when she felt the blonde's warm breath brush her neck - "I've told many girls lately but don't push your luck, Maya-san... I'm barely holding back and I need to get out of here as soon as I can." soon as possible"

"I'm not enough?" Maya asked as she lowered her face.

"It's not that" - denied the blonde as he walked beside the woman - "It's just that I don't want to take advantage of your kindness... I may not be a gentleman, I may be someone wild who shows no mercy to his enemies. .. but that doesn't mean I'll take advantage of a woman... I can be many things but not a bastard"

Cloud took one last look at the woman and walked towards the exit, only to feel a soft sensation hit her back-"..."

"I'm not doing this because they're orders, nor because it's my duty as a teacher to help my students..." Maya murmured as she pressed her body even more-"I'm doing this because I want to..."

She wouldn't lower herself so much as to sacrifice her body for a mission, because she had a great sense of morality. She was doing this because she was interested in the boy. He had not only been the first man to observe her almost naked body, but he was the first to speak to her so seductively, although this was because, like the vast majority of girls, she had spent almost her entire life training. in groups of only women, having very little contact with men.

Cloud tried to say something but his heart started pounding as his eyes changed to reptilian ones. He could feel his mouth go dry at the woman's expression.

"Cloud?" - Maya asked with surprise noticing the boy's sudden change.

"Please…" the blonde murmured as he began to tremble, "I'm about to lose control…this is your last chance before I do something you might later regret…"

"I'm an adult, Cloud-kun... I can make my own decisions" - Maya said seriously, only to feel the blonde's body stop shaking.

"I warned you"-Cloud said as his pupils ripped.

"Hey?" -The woman was surprised to notice how his eyes now he now had red snake eyes as a wild smile appeared on her face-"Kya ~!"

"Why…" the blonde muttered as he gave the woman a small bite on the neck, who could only let out a small moan, "Why didn't you just leave me alone?"

"I-I…" Maya murmured as she felt her body begin to heat up. It seems that the blonde's hormones were starting to release pheromones because she was starting to get excited even though it was her first time.

Maya had had a completely boring life. Graduated from an all-girls school, later to be chosen as an IS compliant pilot, training all her life to be one of the best pilots in Japan, only to become a teacher at the Academy and end up having a repetitive life where she barely you went out, being the vast majority of the time, going out with Chifuyu and other teachers.

"Did you want me to do this with you?" Cloud asked as he looked directly into her eyes.

Maya was silent because she felt how her eyes seemed to be hypnotizing her. She could feel how she was losing herself in those strange but alluring red snake eyes.

"You're a bad girl, Maya-san…" he whispered in her ear, making the woman blush heavily in the process. He could feel her intimacy slightly soaked by just a few words—"But I don't dislike it…in fact, I find it fascinating…"

"R-Really?" -Maya could only look at the boy in surprise as she felt her arousal increase.

"Not to mention that you smell delicious..."-he whispered back to her as he took a second bite of her neck.

"Hyaaaaan~!" -Maya could only arch her back in ecstasy as she felt a new electric current run through her prominent body.

"I see you're starting to enjoy this… and luckily for you… I'm just starting…" Cloud said as his hands moved towards the green-haired woman's large forehead.

"!" -Maya could only bite her lip to prevent a moan from coming out because she had to admit that it was pleasant to feel the blonde's hands so warm. She could feel the temperature rise even when she had clothes on.

"No underwear? I see someone was waiting for this..." - Cloud said, noticing that the woman's breasts were completely free.

"I-It's not that!" - Maya exclaimed with embarrassment - "I-It's just that my breasts grew again!"

"Hmm... interesting..." the blonde murmured as he looked at the woman with a smile "Tell me... do you want something special?"

"W-Well..." Maya could only look away as she mumbled a few words.

"What did you say?" Cloud asked with a half smile.

"I wanted you to..."-muttered the woman again but the more she tried to say it, the lower her words were.

"I can't hear you~" - the blonde smiled.

"I-I want a kiss!" - Maya exclaimed with a red face - "I want to have my first kiss!"

". . ." -Cloud could only look at the woman in surprise because he honestly never expected her to be this 'innocent'.

Maya was about 24 years old, so she had thought that she had at least had a boyfriend but it seems that he was wrong, although knowing that she was in a world of Japanese Anime and that they were prone to writing their female characters as inexperienced in certain topics, it made a lot of sense.

"No?" Maya asked as she gave him an abandoned puppy look.

"I didn't say no"-replied the blonde while he took her by the waist and gave her a firm kiss.

"!" Maya widened her eyes in surprise as she felt her body melt in the blonde's arms, only to start kissing him back inexperiencedly.

Cloud just continued to watch the woman as he savored her delicate little lips as she felt her gaze cloud over.

It took a few minutes for the two to separate.

Maya was looking at the blond with an unfocused gaze as he gave her a smile.

"As was?" The blond asked as he looked carefully at the woman. She was giving him a look that seemed like she didn't know where she was.

"I-I…" Maya mumbled as she regained her sanity and blushed heavily, "It was…wonderful…I never thought kissing would be like this…"

Cloud just took her by the waist and kissed her again, only this time she was a little more prepared.

Maya slowly moved her arms around the blonde's neck as she pressed her generous body further against the boy, who she could feel as her blood was boiling uncontrollably.

One of her hands slowly moved to the woman's soft buttocks as she gave a small jump in surprise.

"Easy, Maya-san"-the boy whispered as her hands began to knead the woman's big buttocks-"This is only the beginning..."

"Hmm~!" Maya only let out a small moan as she glared at him, though the growing pleasure in her gaze couldn't be contained.

"Ready?" Cloud asked as one of her hands cupped one of the woman's large breasts, who could only arch her back in ecstasy.

"H-Hai~!" Maya exclaimed as she shivered slightly as her blouse was removed from her body, leaving her large front completely exposed.

"Honestly, I didn't expect things to end like this…" Cloud said as he looked at her beautiful pink nipples, "But I'm not going to regret what I'm going to do to you"

Maya blushed again as she felt her skirt disappear, leaving only her lower panties to protect her naked body.

* * * * * * * * * * * This seems a bit fast but if you watch the Infinite Stratos anime again, Maya, like 99% of anime girls, are really easy to conquer... eye , I'm not saying that they are whores or something like that, but seriously.... Ichika did almost nothing and had already fallen in love with the protagonists in a single chapter (the one that came out) being the only ones who had more than enough reasons , Houki and Rin (since they knew each other from years ago)


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